AEW Collision Live Coverage 3/23 - World Trios Titles On The Line For Slam Dunk Sunday

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of "AEW Collision: Slam Dunk Sunday" on March 23 from Liberty First Credit Union Arena in Omaha, Nebraska.

We had one night of "Collision" action last night. On "Dynamite", the Death Riders returned to help Jon Moxley dismantle Cope. Claudio Castagnoli, PAC, and Wheeler Yuta will put their Trios Championships on the line against Top Flight and AR Fox.

After issues with each other for weeks, ROH TV Champion Komander and Hologram will team up to take on LFI's Beast Mortos and Dralistico.

On "Dynamite", Bandido challenged Chris Jericho after The Learning Tree attacked his brother, Gravity, in front of his mother and sisters. Johnny TV said that this is the biggest "Collision" in history and a match between them would mean big ratings.

Harley will also be in action.

Death Riders vs. Top Flight & AR Fox

Top Flight and Fox are already in the ring when Death Riders make it to the ring.

Yuta and Darius start us off and they exchange holds. Yuta puts him on the mat first. Daris puts him in a side headlock. Darius took him down with a dropkick while Claudio shook his head. Dante tags in and leg sweeps Yuta and then Top Flight double team him. Dante puts him in an armbar, but Yuta grabbed him by the hair and backed him into the opposite corner and Claudio tagged in.

Dante put Claudio in a sleeper and then tried to take down Claudio.Claudio picked him up by the ears and missed with a lariat. Dante responds with forearms. Claudio bounces off the ropes to take him down with a forearm. Claudio sent him into a neutral corner, but Dante kicked him away. Dante does a scissor kick, sending Claudio over the ropes. Claudio quickly returns to the ring and tags in PAC. PAC shoulder tackled him through the ropes, but Dante took him down and tagged in Fox.

Fox takes down PAC with a lariat and a leg sweep. Yuta comes at Fox, but Fox sends him crashing over the top rope and does the same to PAC, but he lands on the apron. Fox takes him down with a leg sweep. Fox flipped himself over the ropes to stomp PAC before taking out Yuta with a flying lariat. Claudio takes him down with a running pumpkick. He picked Fox up and put him in the ring for PAC. PAC stomped his head repeatedly and threw him into the turnbuckle. Claudio tagged in and pumme;s Fox. Fox pushed him to the center of the ring. Yuta tagged in and punched Fox while Claudio held him in place. Yuta with a suplex. Fox with a jawbreaker. Yuta dodged Fox and tagged in Darius.

Darius took out Yuta and pushed PAC off the apron. He took Yuta to the ropes and held on to him as he dropkicked PAC through the ropes. He did an enzuiguri and flatliner on Yuta to cover him for two. Claudio breaks it up and Dante takes out Claudio. PAC send Dante outside. Yuta raked Darius's eyes while PAC distracted Bryce Remsburg. Yuta does a back body drop for two.

After the break, PAC did a leg drop on Darius. PAC forearmed Darius and held his neck under the rope with his foot. PAC distracted the ref and Claudio held his foot on Darius's neck. Claudio tagged in and kicked Darius. Darius chopped Claudio repeatedly as Claudio asked for it. He uppercut Darius and Darius attempted to put him in a backslide. Claudio sent him into the ropes and Darius dropkicked him. Claudio dragged him so he couldn't get to his corner and then tagged in Yuta. Darius tagged in Dante.

Dante runs through Yuta twice and hits him with an enzuiguri and a crossbody. Dante jumps over Yuta to dodge him and Yuta lands outside. PAC ran at Dante, but he sent him into Yuta, knocking them both off the apron. Dante jumped on the second rope, tagged in Fox before diving on Yuta, PAC, and Darius. Claudio ran around the ring, but Dante ducked him and Fox kicked him in the face and followed with a backflip. He grabbed Yuta and sent him into the ring to connect with a senton. Yuta got his shoulder up at 2.5. Fox went up top again, but Claudio grabbed his leg. Top Fight pulled Claudio down. Yuta pushed Fox down on the turnbuckle. Claudio holds Top Flight in place so that PAC can low blow them simultaneously. Claudio follows with a double clothesline.

Death Riders surround Fox in the ring. Fox fights all of them briefly and they all stomp on him after taking him down. Then they tee off on him in the corner. PAC with a tombstone piledriver on Fox. Claudio launched Yuta over his shoulders onto Fox, who pinned him for the win.

Winner (and still): Death Riders

After the match, The Cru attacked Top Flight. Action and Lio take off their necklaces to choke out Top Flight until the refs break it up. 

Bandido vs. Johnny TV

Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Undisputed Kingdom. Cole said the next time he faces Garcia, there will be no outside interference and no time limit draw. Kyle O'Reilly says they were disrespected by FTR. He wonders if FTR are really the best tag team in the space time continuum (in a mocking voice). Roderick Strong said "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, that's not going to happen." Cole ends the segment with "and that's undisputed."

She also interviewed Okada who said by beating Buddy Matthews and Brody King, he "put those dogs down." Nair asked what they meant and he said "I mean, I put those b—- down."

Johnny TV is in the ring when Bandido comes down. 

Johnny threw his jacket at Bandido while his back was turned and laughed; Bandido charged at him. Johnny worked his arm and then took him down and tried various submission holds. Johnny kicked him in the spine and followed with a swinging neckbreaker. Johnny kicked him and followed with body shots. Bandido takes him down with three lariats. Bandido with a monkey flip. He lifts Johnny over his head and then holds him up with one hand before dumping him on the mat.

After the break, Bandido kicked him in the face and then dropkicked him out of the corner. Bandido stretched Johnny across his shoulders before cracking him over his knee. Bandido with the 21 Plex for the win.

Winner: Bandido

Bandido calls out Chris Jericho and demands him to bring Gravity's mask right now. The Learning Tree comes to the ring with Gravity's mask. Jericho puts himself over and he has to remind everyone they can "only take me for granted for so long." He tells Bandido to ask his family how scary he can be. He apologizes for making his mom cry, but he had to teach him a lesson. Jericho can't have the mask back because he wants Bandido to remember how humiliated he felt when he took the mask. He then put Gravity's mask on his own face. Bandido punched Jericho, pumpkicked Bryan Keith and fought off Big Bill. Jericho was leaning over the ropes, allowing Bandido to snatch the mask from his hand. 

Harley Cameron vs. Aminah Belmont

Aminah is already in the ring when Cameron makes her way to the ring. Harley puts her in a side headlock and sends her into the ropes. Harley with a lariat and two knee lifts and a Russian legsweep. Belmont punched her in the throat and took her down. Cameron with a back elbow and an enzuiguri. Harley with a pump handle and back body drop. Cameron puts her in Her Finishing Move for the win.

Winner: Harley Cameron

Nair interviewed Callis about Kyle Fletcher. Callis brings in the Protostar to prove that he isn't laid up in the hospital. He is destined to be the greatest of all time. He'll be at "Dynamite" to say what's next for the Family. 

Beast Mortos & Dralistico vs. Los Titanes del Aire

Harley is on commentary.

Los Titanes del Aire are accompanied by Alex Aberhantes. Dralistico and The Beast Mortos follow. 

Hologram and Dralistico appear to start us off, but when the bell rings, Mortos takes out Komander. Mortos mistakenly headbutts Dralistico when Hologram moves. Hologram forearms Mortos repeatedly until Mortos puts him in a headlock. Mortos and Hologram dodge each other until Mortos grabs Hologram and spins him around. Mortos started to do a piledriver, but Hologram rolled through. Mortos reversed it. They exchanged roll ups until Mortos headbutted Hologram. Mortos followed with a Destroyer and Komander tagged in.

He did a crossbody while Mortos was seated and followed with a hurricanrana. Dralistico gets in and takes down Komander with a shoulder tackle. Komander kicked Dralistico before bouncing on the ropes into an armdrag.

Komander and Dralistico do cool lucha things before Komander takes him down with another armdrag. Cameron leaves commentary to "call a friend." Komander sends Dralistico to the apron. Dralistico kicks Hologram in the gut. Komander kicked Mortos in the head. Dralistico does a hurricanrana on Komander off the apron. Mortos does a tornillo on Hologram. Harley runs past Mortos to the back.

After the break, Komander with a Sky Twister on Dralistico. Mortos breaks up the pin. A wild Harleygram appears ringside. Hologram and Mortos tagged in. Hologram hits him with a series of spin kicks. He bounced off the ropes and Mortos caught him. Hologram reversed into a poisonrana, sending Mortos to the outside. Hologram with a tope suicida that sends them both backwards. Komander walked the ropes and flipped onto Mortos. Hologram rolled up Mortos, but Dralistico broke it up.

Komander and Dralistico tag in. They exchanged blows on the top rope. Dralistico with repeated headbutts. He picked up Komander, who got down and kicked him in the back. Komander jumps onto the top rope for a poisonrana. He ran at Mortos who caught him and put him in a backbreaker. Mortos bounced off the ropes and did a tornillo into Komander. Hologram jumped on his shoulders for a poisonrana. Dralistico took down Komander and they exchanged blows until they fell down. Komander fell on top of Dralistico, who got his shoulder up at two.

They exchanged forearms and chops. Dralistico used the ropes to do a Destroyer. Hologram broke up the pin. Dralistico takes him down with a kick. Dralistico slides through the ropes and grabs Aberhantes as Hologram begins to dive. Dralistico lets go as Hologram lands on him. Mortos tossed Aberhantes down and stared at Harleygram. She touched his beard until Dralistico pushed him away. Komander walked the ropes and took down LFI. He put Dralistico back in the ring to do an airplane spin into the Blue Thunder Bomb and Komander did 450 splash for the win.

Winner: Los Titanes del Aire

