AEW Collision Results 3/22 - TNT Title On The Line For Slam Dunk Saturday

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of "AEW Collision: Slam Dunk Saturday" on March 22 from Liberty First Credit Union Arena in Omaha, Nebraska.

"Collision" is being split into two nights due to college basketball. After having their fantastic match for the TNT Championship declared a no contest after interference by Shane Taylor Promotions, Daniel Garcia and Adam Cole will have a rematch for the title. To ensure a clean finish, everyone is banned from ringside.

Julia Hart and Queen Aminata will go head-to-head for a third time in their rubber match. Hart won the first round and Aminata picked up the win two weeks ago.

Last Saturday, the Murder Machines decimated their opponents so quickly that their names weren't even announced. Tonight they'll be joined by fellow Don Callis Family member, Konosuke Takeshita as they take on Powerhouse Hobbs, Mark Briscoe, and Rocky Romero.

Max Caster is winless since beginning his Open Challenge. He looks to change that tonight.

Daniel Garcia vs. Adam Cole

Daddy Magic is on commentary. Garcia and Cole take turns focusing on each other's arm. Garcia danced at Cole and Cole grinned and they locked hands. Cole with a hammerlock and Garcia puts him in a headlock, taking him to a knee. Garcia followed with a shoulder tackle and Cole did an armdrag. Cole blew a kiss and said "Adam Cole Baybay!"

They each do a stand and switch. Garcia worked the arm and Cole took him down with a shoulder tackle and he took him down again. Cole with a headlock, but Garcia did a head scissor. They do stand and switches and Garcia holds Cole into the ropes. They do a collar and elbow tie up and Cole holds Garcia into the ropes. Garcia popped Cole in the face and followed with a John Woo dropkick. Garcia rains down punches in the corner and Cole sent him to the outside.

Cole throws him knee first into the steel steps and sends him over the top of the steps. Cole sent him back into the ring and kicked the knee that went into the step. He stepped on it on the rope and then wrenched it over his shoulder until Garcia got the rope. Cole kicked his knee out from under him to do The Boom and covered him for two. Cole wrenched the leg and sent him to the corner to stomp his knee. Garcia fought out of the corner with punches, but he dropped to a knee. Cole sent him to the corner and worked his knee over the rope. He did a running boot into Garcia's knee. Cole tried to wrap the leg, but Garcia rolled him up. Cole followed with a backstabber, but only got a two count.

After the break, Cole sent Garcia into the ring post. Cole climbed in the ring and hit Garcia with a couple right hands. Garcia hit him once, but Cole continued to pummel him. Garcia made it to his feet and they exchanged blows. Garcia with a chokehold and pump kick. Garcia with two swinging neckbreakers. Garcia sent Cole to the apron for a heatseeker. Garcia went for a piledriver, but the knee gave out. Cole with a neckbreaker across the knee. Garcia sent Cole to the outside, but Garcia spilled over too. The fans helped Garcia to his feet and he did a running boot to a seated Cole.

Back in the ring, Cole hit another neckbreaker. Cole went up top, but Garcia hit him in the face. Garcia twisted Cole's ankle when it was announced five minutes left. Cole connected with the Panama Sunrise, but Garcia got his hand on the rope. Cole went up top for another Panama Sunrise, but Garcia went to the outside. He ducked a jumping Cole. He suplexed Cole on the floor and then put him in the ring. Garcia goes for a piledriver and barely connected. Cole kicked out at two.

Garcia ran to the corner and Cole hit another Panama Sunrise, but Garcia kicked out at 2.99. Cole locked in a figure four, but Garcia scooted to the ropes to break it. Garcia rolled through and locked in the dragon tamer until Cole climbed to the bottom rope. Cole was on the apron when Garcia joined him. They exchanged forearms with one minute to go. Cole supekicked him and did a Panama Sunrise on the apron. He rolled Garcia into the ring. Garcia grabbed him by the knee brace. The bell rang just as Cole was going for The Boom. Due to a time limit draw, Garcia retained.

Winner: Time limit draw; Daniel Garcia retains

Max Caster open challenge

Caster claimed he ran Anthony Bowens out of AEW. HOOK answered the challenge. After the bell rang, Caster said he knew HOOK had a lot to say, but he kicked HOOK before finishing the sentence. Caster started an Irish Whip, but HOOK reversed it and sent him to the corner. Caster does a cartwheel and then HOOK tripped him before locking him in REDRUM for the win.

Winner: HOOK

Lexy Nair interviewed Queen Aminata when Serena Deeb interrupted her. She took credit for Aminata's win and offered her a binder of 1,000 moves. Aminata turned her down and said she can win on her own. 

Julia Hart vs. Queen Aminata

Hart comes to the ring first, followed by Aminata. Hart is jumping up and down before the bell rings and Aminata rolled her up as soon as the bell rang. Hart returned the favor. Aminata with another rollup. Hart with two backslides for two. Aminata with a pump kick in the gut and a flip to Hart. They moved to the apron and Aminata with a flatliner.

After the break, Hart did a standing moonsault for two. Hart with a forearm to the corner and did a hip attack. Aminata picked her up and did an Air Raid Crash, but Hart kicked out at two. Aminata stepped on her gut and then went up top. Hart followed and they exchanged blows. Hart dropped Aminata down and landed in the Tree of Woe. Hart went for a moonsault, but Aminata rolled through and hit her with a headbutt.

Aminata with knee lifts. Hart kicked her in the head and Aminata with a forearm. She went for Off With Her, but Hart moved out of the way. Hart rolled her up for the win.

Winner: Julia Hart

Murder Machines and Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mark Briscoe, Rocky Romero, & Powerhouse Hobbs

Backstage, Lexy interviewed Harley Cameron and asked about Beast Mortos and Harleygram. Harley will be on commentary for their match tomorrow. Lexy started to ask if they were the same person when Harley yelled "Feel the Wrath!" into the camera.

Briscoe, Romero, and Hobbs come out first. Murder Machines and Takeshita follow with Don Callis on commentary.

Briscoe and Takeshita start us off by standing forehead to forehead. Briscoe put him in a headlock, but Takeshita took him down with a shoulder tackle. Takeshita sent Briscoe over the top turnbuckle, but Briscoe hit him with a karate chop to the jaw. Briscoe jumped from the top rope, but Takeshita forearmed him in the gut. Takeshita sent him to the corner and Briscoe took out Archer. Takeshita mistakenly took out Cage when Briscoe moved. Briscoe gets sent to the rope and Hobbs tagged in.

Briscoe did a tope suicida through the ropes to take down Cage. Archer with a big boot and Romero jumped off the ring onto Archer. Hobbs bodychecked Takeshita before taking him down with a lariat. Hobbs picked up Takeshita and walked over to his corner to tag in Romero. He tossed Takeshita down so Romero could do a double stomp.

Takeshita rolled out of the ring, so Romero went for a dive, but was caught midair by Cage. He passed Romero to Takeshita, who slammed his back into the apron. Cage took Briscoe down with a lariat.

After the break, Takeshita slapped Romero in the face. Romero does forearms, but Takeshita doesn't move. Takeshita popped him really hard and Romero responded with rapid forearms. Takeshita went for a discus lariat, but Romero hit him with a fist. Romero with a tornado DDT.

Briscoe tagged in, but Cage joined Takeshita in the ring and Briscoe did Redneck Kung Fu on them. Cage picked up Briscoe, who kicked Takeshita in the chest and followed with an enzuiguri on Cage. Takeshita with a back body drop. Briscoe with a fisherman suplex for two, but Cage broke it up. Archer ran across the ring to take out Hobbs and Romero. Cage and Archer double team Briscoe. Takeshita forearmed Briscoe and covered him for two.

Archer tagged in and took down Hobbs. Briscoe with more Redneck KungFu on Murder Machines. Cage mistakenly took out Archer. Hobbs tagged in and bodyslammed Cage and lariated Archer. Hobbs ran between the ropes, splashing Murder Machines. Takeshita went for a lariat, but Hobbs hit a spinebuster on him. Cage and Hobbs forearm each other repeatedly and Cage suplexed Hobbs into the corner. Romero tagged in and tried to do a crossbody, but Cage caught him. Romero with an enzuiguri and Hobbs followed with a spinebuster. Hobbs blocked a kick from Takeshita and Takeshita hit him with a forearm. Takeshita did a Blue Thunder Bomb on Hobbs. Briscoe and Takeshita exchanged forearms. Takeshita kicked Briscoe in the face.

Briscoe with an exploder. Archer took him down with a shoulder tackle. Archer had Romero up for a Blackout, but Romero reversed into a chokehold, but Archer slammed him down. Romero dropkicked Archer to his knees. Archer caught one of Romero's legs, but Romero kicked him with the other and rolled him for two.

Romero bounced off the ropes and Archer punched him out of the air. Murder Machine double teamed Romero. Cage took out Briscoe with a discus lariat. Takeshita with Raging Fire on Romero for the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita and Murder Machines

See you tomorrow night for Night Two for Slam Dunk Sunday!

