AEW Collision Live Coverage 10/19/24: BCC Defends Titles Ahead Of BOTB XII

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of AEW "Collision" on October 19, followed by "Battle of the Belts XII" from the Adventist Health Arena in Stockton, CA.

On "Dynamite", BCC took out a chunk of the AEW roster, including Top Flight and Action Andretti. Jon Moxley wants wrestlers in the company to stand up, so Andretti accepted that challenge. He and Top Flight will face BCC for the Trios titles.


In more Trios action, Private Party and Daniel Garcia are teaming up to take on Premier Athletes. Last week on "Collision", The Outrunners came out to celebrate with FTR as Beast Mortos and RUSH looked on backstage. Tonight, they'll face The Outrunners in the ring. House of Black will also be in action.

During a CMLL show a few months ago, Atlantis, Jr. scored an upset when he defeated Kyle Fletcher for the ROH TV Title. He lost the title to Brian Cage one week ago at "WrestleDream". That same night, Fletcher turned on Will Ospreay and cost him the International Championship. Tonight, Fletcher gets his rematch against Atlantis.

Kris Statlander recently had a change of heart and renounced her heel ways. She will take on Harley Cameron. Jamie Hayter will be in singles action. In more singles action, Ricochet will face an old foe in AR Fox. They wrestled each other in promotions such as EVOLVE, PWG, and CZW. Also in singles action, Orange Cassidy will take on Bulk Bronson.


On "Battle of the Belts XII", Anna Jay has a title eliminator match against Mariah May. If Jay wins, she will get a future shot at the champion for the Women's Championship.

Kazuchika Okada was the only member of The Elite without a match at "WrestleDream". Following The Conglomeration's match at "Zero Hour", Kyle O'Reilly challenged Okada for the Continental Championship. After initially dismissing him, Okada will put his title on the line tonight.

ROH TV Champion Brian Cage and his new Don Callis Family member, Lance Archer will be in tag team action.

Ricochet vs. AR Fox

Ricochet took Fox's leg out from under him in the opening minutes and followed with a Sunset Flip. Fox took Ricochet to the mat quickly. They stared at each other momentarily. Ricochet with a tejares and dropkick sending Fox into the ropes. Fox rolled out and Ricochet did a tope suicida.


Back in the ring, Ricochet chopped Fox in the corner. He did an Irish whip and jumped to the turnbuckle, but Fox rolled out. Fox with a standing vertical suplex and a swan dive on the outside. He went for a second, but Ricochet moved. He kicked Ricochet in the face and then did a Shooting Star Press off the apron. Fox maintained control of the match once back in the ring.

Following the break, Fox placed his opponent on the turnbuckle and Ricochet responded with a spinning neckbreaker. Ricochet and Fox exchanged blows across the ropes. Fox with a package piledriver for two. Fox missed a dive when Ricochet moved. Ricochet with an enzuiguri and a spinning heel kick. Ricochet did a backflip over Fox into a German suplex.


Ricochet went for a Shooting Star Press, but Fox moved. Fox did Low Lane Pain and followed with a 450 Splash. Fox slapped Ricochet, who responded with an uppercut. Ricochet with a kneelift and a Blue Thunder Bomb for the win.

Winner: Ricochet

After the match, Ricochet put Konosuke Takeshita on notice.

Kris Statlander vs. Harley Cameron

Cameron wanted a test of strength and raked Statlander's eyes. She did Sole Food and rolled her up for two. Cameron reversed out of a powerbomb. Stat responded with a backbreaker and a scoop slam. She followed with a vertical suplex. Stat sent her into the corner for a running lariat. She did an Irish Whip and Cameron began to fight back. Cameron reversed into a DDT and hit her with forearms. Statlander with a German release suplex.


She did a running knee in the corner on Cameron with a Staturdy Night Fever and a discus lariat. She did another Staturday Night Fever for the win.

Winner: Kris Statlander

After the match, Statlander called out Kamille.

Private Party & Daniel Garcia vs. Premier Athletes (w/ Smart Mark Sterling)

Kassidy and Nese start us off, but Daivari got in the ring and they attacked Kassidy. Nese tagged in and threw punches at Kassidy while Daivairi held him. Zay took out Woods and took both Nese and Daivari down. Quen tagged in and they double teamed Woods. Zay tagged back in and they double teamed Nese in the corner.


Isaiah with a scoop slam on Nese before going up top. Stokely Hathaway made his way down and distracted him. Nese took him down before knocking him out of the ring. Woods and Daivairi attacked Zay on the outside while Nese distracted the ref.

After the break, Zay and Woods are down in the ring. Garcia took out each member or Premier Athletes. In the corner, Garcia kicked Nese and Woods in the gut. Daivari with a gut wrench. Garcia did three suplexes in a row. Woods kicked Garcia in the face. Garcia with a swinging neckbreaker. Garcia went for a sharp shooter, but Daivari broke it up. Quen dropkicked Daivari out of the ring. Nese fought Private Party until they did Silly String. Private Party dove on the outside to take out Nese and Daivari.


Garcia tried to hoist Woods, but was distracted by Sterling. Woods rolled up Garcia. Garcia with a John Woo dropkick. Quen tagged in and they did Gin and Juice for the win.

Winner: Private Party and Daniel Garcia

Orange Cassidy vs. Bulk Bronson (w/Boulder Bronson & Jacked Jameson)

Jacked Johnson talked trash on the mic even after the bell rang and ate an Orange Punch off the apron. It took out Boulder too. Cassidy with an Orange Punch and Beach Break for the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy


Jamie Hayter vs. Brooke Havoc

Hayter with a slam to start off. Havoc tried for a shoulder tackle. Hayter sent her face first into the turnbuckle. She hit Havoc with body shots and did a pumpkick. Havoc kicked her knee out from under her. Hayter with a powerslam and a Hatorade for the win.


Winner: Jamie Hayer

After the match, Penelope Ford appeared on the screen. Ford attacked Hayter because she was her last partner for her last match. Ford says Hayter didn't check on her for two years and is coming for Hayter.

Atlantis Jr. vs. Kyle Fletcher

Fletcher threw his jacket at Atlantis and kicked him in the gut. He rained down punches while Atlantis was still down. Atlantis got in forearm shots before Fletcher sent him to the outside. He then sent him into the barricades. Fletcher rolled into the ring to end the count and then ate a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker on the floor. Atlantis with a crossbody in the ring. Atlantis with a tejares and a spike. Fletcher rolled out of the ring, but Atlantis did a tope suicida. Atlantis put Fletcher in the ring. As he was on the apron, Fletcher knocked him down and then kicked him in the face.


After the break, Fletcher tried to take off Atlantis' mask. Atlantis tossed him in the air and hit Fletcher in the gut and then did a thrust kick. Atlantis knocked him out of the ring and did a tope suicida on the outside.

Atlantis sent him back in the ring and went up top for a missile dropkick. He flipped Fletcher over and pinned him for two. Atlantis tried to flip Fletcher over, but Fletcher did a Half and Half. Fletcher followed with knee lifts. Atlantis with a forearm drag twist and a hammerlock. Atlantis sent Fletcher to the apron and did a banderas. Fletcher with a DDT through the ropes. On the apron, Fletcher did a brainbuster. Fletcher with a chairdrop brainbuster, but Atlantis kicked out at two.


Fletcher went for a piledriver, but Atlantis reversed. Fletcher reversed again and Atlantis did too. They exchanged forearms. Atlantis used the ropes for a Destroyer. He did a frog splash on Fletcher's back. He went to the well again, but Fletcher got the knees up. He put Atlantis on the turnbuckle and spiked him into it before pinning him.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher

After the match, Don Callis said that Fletcher had something to say. Fletcher said he was ready to talk on "Dynamite". 

House of Black vs. Alpha Zo, Chris Nastyyy, & Olumide

King and Nastyy start off the match. King sent him down twice and Olumide was tagged in. He tagged in Zo. Black tagged in. Black took out two men and they went to the outside. Murphy tagged in. He did a baseball slide, but his opponents moved and went to the ring for safety. Black and King came up behind them and took out Nastyy and Zo. Olumide was surrounded by HOB and tried to attack them all. King and Murphy double teamed him in the corner. King with an avalanche superplex. Black did a double stomp on Zo from the top rope. He did a moonsault on the outside on Nastyy. Zo got in the ring. Murphy used Olumide's back to do a Meteora on Zo. King did a standing cannonball on Olumide. Murphy held Zo in the corner and they all triple teamed him. Murphy covered him for the win.


Winner: House of Black

The Outrunners vs. RUSH and The Beast Mortos (w/Dralistico)

Truth and Mortos start us off. Motors backed Truth into the corner and slapped him in the face. Mortos did a running shoulder tackle. Truth took him down with a dropkick. He followed with two flying headscissors. Mortos with a headbutt. RUSH tagged in and they exchanged blows. RUSH chopped him into the ropes. Truth sent him to the mat. Turbo tagged in and double teamed RUSH.


Dralistico distracted Truth and Mortos knocked him down. Mortos and RUSH had Truth in the corner. Truth chopped Mortos and tried to get to his corner, but Mortos stopped him. Mortos took him down and then took him to his corner and tagged in RUSH.

After the break, RUSH kicked Truth in the corner and then posed. He followed with a powerslam and a double stomp. Mortos tagged in and jumped off the rope. Truth was sent to the outside. Dralistico went to chop Truth, who moved and made him hit the ringpost. RUSH grabbed Truth's legs, but Truth kicked him into the barricade. Mortos kept him from tagging in Turbo. Truth rolled over his back to tag in Turbo.

RUSH tagged in and Truth took them both down. He slammed them both repeatedly. Truth dumped Turbo onto Mortos and then on RUSH. They did Total Recall on RUSH. Dralistcio tripped up Truth. Mortos with a drop on Truth. Turbo slammed RUSH down. Dralistico got in the ring, but Truth punched him. Turbo had RUSH in vertical suplex, but Dralistico pulled his legs, causing RUSH to fall on him. Dralistico covered Turbo's legs so the ref couldn't see them under the ropes and RUSH pinned him for the win.


Winner: LFI

After the match, LFI beat them up. FTR made the save. They all brawled in the ring. The Outrunners and FTR celebrated in the ring.

BCC vs. Top Flight and Action Andretti

PAC and Action start us off. PAC sent Action to the mat and put him in a submission hold. PAC backed him into the ropes and held him there for five. They did reversals. Action went up top while holding PAC's wrist and jumped down from the apron and sent PAC rolling with him. PAC sent him into BCC's corner. Claudio held Action by the hair while Yuta hit him in the gut. Yuta held his face with his knee. Remsburg yelled for Yuta get out of the corner.


Andretti rolled over his back to tag in Darius. Darius with a gutwrench takeover for two. Darius with a dropkick sending Yuta into the corner and allowing Claudio to tag in. Claudio with a scoop slam and an uppercut. Claudio took Darius down again. Dante tagged in and did a rising knee strike. Claudio with a standing lariat. Darius came in to help Dante. All three exchange blows.

Dante sent Claudio off the apron. Dante used to Darius for a rising knee strike on Claudio. Dante went to the ropes, but PAC grabbed his leg. Darius came through the ropes and knocked PAC down and Yuta hit Darius with a running lariat. Action kicked Yuta and then did a moonsault off the top rope. Dante went through the ropes and Claudio caught him and sent him into the turnbuckle.


After the break, Claudio and Dante are in the ring. Claudio missed Dante and went into the ringpst. Darius and Yuta are legal and exchange blows. Darius did a Manhattan Drop and slid through the ropes and kicked Yuta. Yuta with a jawbreaker and tagged in PAC. PAC ran into the corner and Dante hit him with an enzuiguri. Action dropkicked PAC while Darius hit a snapdragon. Darius slammed PAC and Action did a 450. Claudio broke up the pin. Claudio slammed Action down. Darius hit Claudio with body shots. Claudio sent him outside where Yuta was waiting with a Busaiku knee. Dante kicked Claudio out of the ring. Dante went up top, but PAC shoved him to the outside. Claudio sent him into the steps. All teed of Action in the corner. PAC with a tombstone piledriver for the win.

Winner: BCC

It's Battle of the Belts now. After the match, BCC attacked their opponents. Mox and Marina made their way to the ring. Lio Rush and Leila came to the ring and got attacked. Claudio took Dante to the top and John Silver hit him with a chair. Dark Order fought BCC on the outside. Marina took a briefcase to Reynolds ribs over and over. 

Mox said that they were putting the Trios titles on the line right now against Dark Order. Claudio and Mox decimated Silver. PAC gets in on the action. He tagged in Claudio and Silver fought back. Claudio slammed Silver three times. He tagged Yuta in and directed him to finish him. Claudio launched Yuta onto Silver and he pinned him. Evil Uno broke up the pin. Claudio and PAC took out Uno. Claudio tossed Uno over the barricade and left him. PAC tagged in and Yuta held Silver in place. PAC kicked him and Yuta dropped him. PAC continued the assault. Silver with a lariat to PAC. Reynolds finally made it up and tagged in. He fought BCC by himself. Reynolds kicked Claudio's leg out from under him. Claudio did a gut buster and put him in a Boston crab. Yuta got in the ring with a chair. Bryce yelled at Yuta and threw the chair out. PAC dove from the top turnbuckle onto Reynolds' back and then got out of the ring before the ref saw him. Reynolds tapped to Claudio. 


Winner: BCC

Claudio kept Reynolds in the Boston Crab while Yuta put him in the Cattle Mutilation. PAC and Claudio attacked Silver to keep him from helping Reynolds. Mox attacked Evil Uno and Uno slapped him in the face. Claudio and PAC held Silver's arm in place over the steps while Marina beat him in the arm with the briefcase. Cassidy, Private Party, Garcia, Andretti, and Top Flight ran down and BCC left. Cassidy stood there before leaving. 

Kazuchika Okada vs. Kyle O'Reilly

O'Reilly and Okada exchanged holds. KOR with a drop toehold. Okada got out and put O'Reilly in a hold. KOR got to his feet, but Okada took him to the knee. KOR took him down. Okada sent KOR to the rope and pretended he was going to punch him. KOR took Okada down and hit him with palm shots. KOR with an ankle lock, but Okada got to the ropes. KOR kneed Okada in the arm before dropkicking it.


After the break, Okada sent KOR face first into the turnbuckle. Okada with a pickup slam. Okada came over the rope, but KOR moved. O'Reilly with a knee to the midsection. He hit him with knee strikes and kicks. KOR hit Okada in the corner before working his arm. He did a hammerlock driver to Okada. Okada rolled to the apron. O'Reilly went for a dragonscrew, but Okada hit him in the face a few times before KOR did the dragonscrew. KOR drove his knee down into Okada from the turnbuckle.

KOR went up top again for a knee drop into the back of Okada's leg before putting him in a kneebar. KOR rolled over and put his knee in another lock. Okada kicked KOR in the face and KOR grabbed the other leg, locking them both. Okada gouged his eyes.


Okada made it to his feet and tried to pick up KOR, but couldn't because his legs were weak. KOR with kneebars. Okada with a neckbreaker across his knee.

Following the break, Okada tried to put KOR in a piledriver, but he reversed it. KOR put Okada in a guillotine choke and hit him with a knee strike. He put him in an ankle lock. Okada made it to the ropes.

Okada rolled to the outside. KOR went for a running knee, but Okada moved. Okada with a DDT on the floor. Okada put him in the ring and slammed him down. Okada went up top for an elbow drop. KOR reversed a rainmaker and armdrag twist. Okada did a lariat. Okada with a missile dropkick. KOR with strikes and a guillotine and body scissors. Okada reversed into a scoop slam. Okada followed with a rainmaker for the win.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

Brian Cage & Lance Archer (w/ Don Callis) vs. Jon Cruz & Jack Cartwheel

Cage and Cartwheel start us off. Cage took him down with a shoulder tackle and sent him to the corner. Cartwheel did a cartwheel and Cage tossed him in the air and let him land. Cage tossed him into the corner. Cruz refused to get in, so Cage grabbed his hand and made him slap Cartwheel.


He tossed Cruz into the ring. Cruz chopped him and Cage sent him to the corner. Cage propped him on the turnbuckle and Archer forearmed him off. Archer with a suplex and punches. Archer told Cartwheel to hit him, so he did. Archer swatted him off the apron and sent him crashing to the ground.

Cage tagged in and Cartwheel did a cartwheel. Cage took him down with a lariat. They double teamed Cartwheel and Cruz with a Blackout. Cage got the pin.

Winner: Brian Cage and Lance Archer

Mariah May vs. Anna Jay

They started with a collar and elbow. May with a full armdrag twist. Jay with a side headlock takeover. May with a headlock. Jay worked her arm. May returned the favor. Jay sent May to the mat. May hit Jay in the face and Jay worked her arm. May with a jawbreaker and a John Woo dropkick. Jay followed with a shoulder tackle takedown. Jay with a spinning heel kick to the face. May rained down with right hands twice. Jay escaped to the corner, but May threw her by her hair twice. May chopped Jay in the corner twice. May with a spin and a slam.


After the break, May was working Jay's arms. Jay made it to her feet and hit her gut. May chopped her in the corner and hit her in the other corner. Jay and May exchanged blows. Jay backed her into a corner and then a hammerthrow and forearm shot. May threw her in the ropes, but Jay pushed her into the ropes. Jay with a heel kick while May was on the turnbuckle and a toss. Jay with a dropkick.

Jay with a suplex and a cover for two. Jay grabbed her by the hair and put her in the Queenslayer. May bit her forearm and suplexed her twice. May with a DDT through the ropes. May followed with a forearm in the corner. May put her on the apron and chopped her. May with a top rope tejares and running knee lift. Jay went for a pin. May rolled her up for one. May headbutted Jay. Jay rolled her up for the win. She will get a title shot on "Collision" in two weeks.


Winner: Anna Jay

