AEW Collision 9/21/24: ROH Tag Titles Defended In Bunkhouse Brawl Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s coverage of AEW "Collision" on 9/21/24 live from the MassMutal Center in Springfield, MA!

Fresh off defeating Dark Order in a Proving Ground match on Honor Club, Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara will put their ROH tag titles on the line against Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) in a Bunkhouse Brawl in an ongoing feud against the former champions. 


After teaming with Serena Deeb against Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata on "Dynamite", Mariah May will face Lady Frost. Before putting her title on the line against Sakazaki at "Grand Slam", she'll put it on the line tonight.

Before his match against Jon Moxley at "Grand Slam" for Number One Contendership for the World Championship , Darby Allin will face Evil Uno.

In the main event, there will be an All-Star 10-man tag match between HOOK, The Outrunners, and FTR versus Beast Mortos, Roderick Strong, RUSH and Grizzled Young Veterans.

Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara vs. Undisputed Kingdom

The champions came out first. Undisputed Kingdom got jumped on the ramp and the bell rang. Rhodes took his belt off and beat Bennett with it while Guevara and Taven fought on the outside. Rhodes set up a chair in the turnbuckle, but Bennett sent him face first into it. Taven put Guevara in the ring and they were going to double team, but Guevara got a kendo stick and hit them. Guevara went for a tope suicida, but Taven threw a chair in the face. Bennett had Guevara on his shoulder and Taven did a tope.


Undisputed Kingdom took Rhodes up the ramp. He did a back body drop on Bennett and then did a front face bulldog on Taven into a barbed wire table. Guevara did a cutter from the apron on Bennett through the table.

After the break, a ladder was in the ring and Guevara was climbing it. Taven pushed it over and sent Guevara through the table on the outside. Bennett has Rhodes's belt. Rhodes grabbed both by the yambags and hit them both in the face. Bennett with a spinebuster and sent Rhodes to the outside. He got a cowbell, but Rhodes took it and hit both Kingdom members with it. Rhodes opened a chair and started to do a Cross Rhodes when Taven kicked him. Rhodes did a powerslam on Taven onto the chair and did a second one. Bennett set up two chairs and Rhodes uppercut him in the jaw. Bennett did a Death Valley Driver on one of the chairs. Taven with a Just the Tip with a chair on Rhodes.


Guevara hit Taven with the GTH. He set Bennett on the turnbuckle while Rhodes put barbed wire around his boot. Rhodes flipped him off and kicked him in the yambag. Rhodes slammed Bennett while Guevara climbed the ladder. Guevara with a 450 Splash for the win.

Winner: Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara

Mark Briscoe, Kyle O'Reilly, & Hologram vs. Premier Athletes (w/ Smart Mark Sterling)

Briscoe had Rocky Romero join them as an equalizer against Sterling. Woods and O'Reilly start us off by exchanging submission holds. They isolate O'Reilly in their corner and take turns tagging in and out. Nese tags in and takes down KOR. Hologram tagged in and they double teamed Nese. Hologram hit Nese and ducked Nese in the opposite corner. Hologram with an enzuiguri before walking the ropes and hitting a dropkick.


KOR tagged in and Nese hit him with a haymaker. KOR started to go to the ropes, but Sterling got on the apron. Sterling and Daivari attacked KOR on the outside until Romero ran them off.

Following the break, Nese and O'Reilly are going at it. KOR kicked Nese's leg out from under him and Hologram tags in. He takes Nese down with a tejares and modified bulldog. Hologram started to bounce off the ropes when Daivari kneed him in the back. Briscoe got tagged in as Woods tried to grab Hologram. Briscoe did Redneck Kung Fu on Woods and Daivari. Briscoe was sent to the corner and took out Nese. Briscoe chopped Daivari in the corner and did a back body drop on Daivari. Woods hit Briscoe with an elbow, Briscoe responded with a Death Valley Driver.


Sterling went back to the apron and Romero held him in place so Hologram could hit him in a tope. Briscoe with a Jay Driller for the win. After the match, they all shimmy with Romero.

Winner: Mark Briscoe, Kyle O'Reilly, and Hologram

Mariah May vs. Lady Frost

May seems uninterested the match and blew a kiss to Nigel McGuinness. Lady Frost rolled her up for two. They rolled each other up and May hit her a forearm and then did a Mariah-Go-Round, per Nigel. May kicked her down in the corner before holding her in down. She blew another kiss to May. Frost pulled herself up on the tunbuckle, but May hit her and then did a tejares. She dropkicked Frost into the opposite turnbuckle. Frost dropkicked May. Frost followed up with her own kicks and a tornillo off the top rope. May and Frost exchange offense. May with a Storm Zero for the win.


Winner: Mariah May

Darby Allin vs. Evil Uno (w/Alex Reynolds)

Uno came to the ring on a mission. As soon as the bell rang, Reynolds started to crawl in the ring and Allin was distracted. Uno slapped Allin in the face and slammed him into the corner. He hit him with body shots until Allin dropped to the mat. Reynolds distracted the ref so that Uno could take off his belt and hit Allin with it. Allin with a Code Red. Uno rolled out, but was followed by a flying Allin. Allin tried to pull Uno's mask off. Reynolds distracted Allin on the apron and Uno pulled his legs out from under him. Reynolds took Allin down on the outside and Uno did a cannonball into the steel steps. He threw Allin into the other steps and pounced him into the barricade.


Back in the ring, Uno did a running kick into Darby's head and covered him for two. Uno set up for a move, but Allin reversed into a Captain's Hook. He tried to choke Uno out, in the same way Mox beat Uno last year. Allin tried to rip Uno's mask more in the corner. Uno did a buckle bomb and flatline.

Allin was on the apron and tried to unmask Uno. Reynolds grabbed the belt and came around and grabbed Uno's hands to keep Allin from pulling him down. This opened Reynolds up to get taken out by a tope suicida. Allin beat Reynolds with the belt. Uno went for a cannonball, but Allin moved. Allin with a Coffin Drop. Allin sent Uno back into the ring for another Coffin Drop for the win.

Winner: Darby Allin


Serena Deeb vs. Queen Aminata

Aminata sent Deeb to the ropes and the mat immediately. They exchanged holds and Deeb took her to the mat. Aminata got of the hold and they stared each other down. They did a test of strength. Deeb took Aminata down with a wristlock. Deeb tried to take her down with a shoulder tackle. Deeb put her in a Romero Special. Deeb ran across the ring when Aminata took her down by the leg. Aminata had Deeb in the corner, but Deeb kicked her and did a guillotine over the top rope.


After the break, Aminata had Deeb in an octopus hold. Aminata did a running boot to Deeb and then suplexed her and followed with a swinging suplex for two. Aminata put Deeb in a waistlock. Aminata rolled through a switch and suplexed her. Aminata bounced off the rope and hit Deeb with her leg. She covered her for two. Aminata stayed on her, but Deeb rolled her up for two. Deeb with a lariat and a cover.

Deeb picked her up, but Aminata with a back body drop. They reversed pins on each other. Deeb with a leg dive to take Aminata down. Aminata with a headbutt and Deeb went to the outside. Aminata put her back in the ring. Deeb dragonscrewed her leg over the rope. Deeb with the DeebTox for the win.


Winner: Serena Deeb

HOOK, The Outrunners, & FTR vs. Beast Mortos, Roderick Strong, RUSH, & GYV

Cash and Drake start us off. Drake takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Cash with a side headlock. Cash took him down with several arm drags. FTR and GYV fight in the ring and then everyone got in. Strong got wrecked by all his opponents. GYV pulle Strong out.


After the break, Dax and Mortos are teeing off on each other. Mortos with a running cannonball. Mortos went up top for a dive, missed, and followed with a pin. RUSH and Mortos chopped Dax. RUSH beat up Dax in the corner. Gibson tagged in and Dax took out all his frustration. HOOK tagged and took Gibson to the corner. HOOK with a side headlock.

Drake tagged in and they double teamed HOOK. Strong tagged in and they exchanged chops. Strong backed him into the corner. HOOK suplexed Strong. HOOK suplexed Drake and Gibson and knocked Mortos off the apron. He did a back body drop on Strong. He hit Strong with bodyshots in the corner. Mortos took HOOK down. Strong stomped on HOOK and did a backbreaker.


After the break, HOOk double teamed GYV. Turbo tagged in and took down GYV several times. He double teamed RUSH and Mortos. Turbo cleans house and Truth got in so they could double team Gibson. They did the Shatter Machine on Drake. Everyone in the ring for a moment. Gibson hit Truth in the throat and put him in a chokehold over the ropes. Gibson yelled in Truth's face in the corner.

Strong with a backbreaker and a stomp. RUSH tagged in and chopped Truth in the corner. He kept Truth from getting to his corner. Strong tagged in and he put Truth in a side headlock and a straight jacket. Truth with an elbow shot. Both men take each other down. Gibson tagged in and held Truth back so he couldn't make the tag. Drake tagged in and they double teamed Gibson. Mortos tagged in and assaulted Truth.

After the break, Drake tagged in and came in hot, but Truth moved and he hit his chin on the turnbuckle. RUSH and Dax are legal. Dax with two German suplexes. FTR take out RUSH and Mortos. FTR and HOOK did stereo suplexes. There's brawlin around the ring. HOOK and Strong fought up the ramp into the back. Dax and RUSH trade chops in the ring. Dax took RUSH down with a lariat. Mortos and Cash throw hands. Mortos did a tornillo and Cash did a dive on Mortos. Mortos did a Samoan Drop on Cash. RUSH and Mortos double team Dax. RUSH with a cannonball and a pin for the win.


Winner: RUSH, Beast Mortos, Roddy Strong, and GYV

Nigel McGuinness calls out Bryan Danielson

From the stage, Nigel McGuinness said Danielson has refused to acknowledge his challenge. He says Danielson is faking an injury, but in reality, Bryan fears Nigel. McGuinness tells him to accept the match for the fans. The fans cheer Danielson, but identify with him. Tony Schiavone came to Danielson's defense. He said he's seen what McGuinness has been doing for weeks. He states that Danielson doesn't fear McGuinness, he's not cleared. Schiavone says that Danielson is the greatest wrestler he's ever seen or called in his career. McGuinness said he's lucky it was him that said those words and told Schiavone to sit down and shut his mouth. 


Schiavone returned to the announce table and McGuinness made his way to the ring. He wants Danielson to meet him in the middle of the ring to finish the chapter of their story. McGuinness has told anyone who would listen that he was as good as Danielson, but nobody listened. McGuinness said "why would they? There are only two people in the world today who know what I am saying is and you. And that's exactly why you have refused to answer my challenge." When he beats Danielson, he will have vindication. Even if Danielson doesn't show, McGuinness will still be vindicated.

