WWE Raw Results 8/19: CM Punk Has A Message For Drew McIntyre

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of Monday Night "RAW" on 8/19/24 live from Amerant Bank Arena in Sunrise, Florida!

Last week, CM Punk beat Drew McIntyre with his own belt. Tonight, Punk will once again have a message for his arch nemesis. We also hear from Randy Orton after he hit an RKO on GUNTHER.


Damage CTRL and Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark will be in a triple threat against The Unholy Union. Last week, there was a number one contenders match between Baszler and Stark and Damage CTRL that ended when the tag team champions got involved.

In more women's action, Maxxine Dupri will face former friend, Ivy Nile. Nile turned on Dupri last week when she sided with American Made against Alpha Academy.

For the last few weeks, Pete Dunne has been costing Sheamus matches and getting physical with him. On last week's "RAW", Dunne said that he was forced to "little brother to" Sheamus for two years. He wants to remind everyone who he is. He'll get to do that tonight one-on-one with his former "Brawling Brutes" partner.


Over the last few months, New Day has been outnumbered when dealing with The Final Testament. Two weeks ago, they got some help from Odyssey Jones. Jones easily won his first main roster match last week. Tonight, he looks to help New Day again when they take on AOP and Karrion Kross.

We hear from Randy Orton

Randy Orton says that the next time he makes an introduction to the WWE Universe, it'll be as 15-time world champion. GUNTHER made it personal when talking about his dad and granddad. When the champion turned his back on him, he had to take the opening to hit an RKO.


GUNTHER came out to a round of boos who only got louder when he tried to speak. Once they were in the ring face-to-face, the crowd continued to boo and chant "you suck!" GUNTHER said that Orton is the one who made it personal by hitting the RKO. GUNTHER said he came to tell "The Viper" that he will never RKO him again. After he beats him in Berlin, he'll leave him bloody and that he's a one trick pony.

Ludwig Kaiser attacked Orton from behind. Orton fought him off and then exchanged blows with Orton. Kaiser and GUNTHER take Orton down and stood over his body, with GUNTHER holding the belt over him.

Sheamus vs. Pete Dunne

Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick right away, but missed. Dunne got in a few shots before eating a lariat. Sheamus held him over the ropes by the hair. Dunne hit him in the jaw. They exchanged blows and Sheamus caught Dunne and slammed him down. Dunne escaped to the apron and Sheamus wnt for the hair. He kicked Sheamus in the ear and also manipulated his fingers. He then moved to working his arm and put Sheamus in a triangle.


Sheamus got to his foot and did a back body drop. "The Celtic Warrior" hurled Dunne into the announce desk and then slammed him onto it. Sheamus high fived McAfee. While he was distracted, "The Bruiserweight" hit him with a dropkick and then sent him into the steps before stomping his fingers onto the steps.

After the break, Dunne was still in control. He had wrist control and chopped Sheamus repeatedly. Sheamus punched Dunne in the face. Dunne responded with a loud slap and a flying forearm. Sheamus with a clothesline in the corner and a slam in the middle of the ring. Dunne chopped Sheamus over the top rope. Sheamus returned the favor and then pulled Dunne's body onto the rope to continue the chops.


Dunne dodged a Brogue Kick, but Dunne with a step up kick. Dunne went for a moonsault, but Sheamus kicked him in the gut mid-moonsault. Sheamus put Dunne on his shoulders and went to the second rope for White Noise, but Dunne got down and picked him up into a powerbomb. Dunne put Sheamus's arm inside the second turnbuckle and pummeled him. Sheamus broke free and hit a Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

Maxxine Dupri (w/ Alpha Academy) vs. Ivy Nile (w/ American Made)

Before the match, Ivy Nile was officially welcomed into American Made. 

Nile turned her back on Dupri and got dropkicked. Dupri sent her into the barricade and then a suplex. She then threw her over the announce table. Back in the ring, Nile kicked Dupri and dropped her. She followed with punches and kicks in the corner.


The bell never rang. The lights went down and the fireflies came out. Abby the Witch startled her and American Made put themselves between them. They were attacked by Erick Rowan, Dexter Lumis, and Joe Gacy. Gable was surrounded by the Wyatt Sicks when Uncle Howdy hit him with the Sister Abigail.

CM Punk wants a strap match

CM Punk came to the ring with leather straps around his neck. He spoke about the Fanatics FanFest over the weekend and said he was asked why WWE was on a hot streak and he said it's all of the fans. He called himself "Taylor Swift for men" because a lot of people gave him bracelets. He said he made McIntyre his own bracelet and removed the straps from around his neck. He talked to Adam Pearce to let him know that he wants the match for "Bash in Berlin".


McIntyre came out to say he accepted. He wants a receipt right now for what happened last week. Punk offered the strap to McIntyre in exchange for the bracelet. He refused and told Punk that "April and Larry are happier at home with Drew McIntyre."

New Day & Odyssey Jones vs. The Final Testament

Earlier in the night, Xavier Woods told Kofi Kingston that he wished he talked to him before bringing Odyssey Jones in because it felt like he was replacing Big E. Kingston said that no one could ever replace Big E. Jones is in a similar place that they were before New Day and as veterans, he wanted them to help him.


Woods started off against Kross. They circled each other and Kross started trash taking Kingston, so he tagged in. Kingston did running shoulder tackles in the corner. Kross took him to the opposite corner before doing an Irish Whip to the other corner. Scarlett grabbed his leg and allowed Kross to do a backbreaker and a Death Valley Breaker. Rezar tagged in and drove Kingston into the turnbuckle.

Following the break, The Final Testament were abusing Kingston. Kingtston attempted to get to his corner, but Kross held him and then threw him to his corner. Kross knocked Jones off the apron. Akam ran at Kingston, who moved and sent Akam shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Jones tagged in and cleaned house. He did a double clothesline on AOP.


Jones with a headbutt to Akam, but the cover was broke up by Kross. Kross ran the ropes and hit Jones and sent him to his knee. Kingston with Trouble in Paradise to Kross. Rezar sent him flying over his head. Flying elbow by Woods. Akam slammed Woods. Jones with a Journey's End for the win.

Winner: New Day and Odyssey Jones

Bronson Reed vs. The Miz

Before the match, Miz said he had to face Reed for taking out R-Truth and asked for it to be no DQ.

Reed swung immediately. Miz took a few swings, but Reed knocked him down. Miz got a chair and got a few hits before Reed knocked it from his hands. Miz sent Reed into the turnbuckle before throwing chairs, kendo sticks, and a trash can into the ring. He then grabbed a table.


Miz hit Reed a few times with a Kendo stick before Reed took it and snapped it. He slammed his opponent into the trash can. When Miz started to get up, Reed threw the trash can into his back. He sat in a chair while stepping on Miz's neck.

Following the break, Miz sent Reed shoulder first into a chair set up in the turnbuckle. He hit Reed in the gut with another chair. Reed did a tornado DDT into the chair. Miz hit Reed several times with a kendo stick. He ran across the ring and hit Reed in the throat with the stick. Reed went for a Death Valley Driver into a table that was propped up in the corner, but Miz reversed and kicked Reed twice in the face. Reed hit him with clothesline. Reed hit the Death Valley Driver into the table. Reed hit the Tsunami for the win. 


Reed went for another one when he was interrupted by Braun Strowman. 

Winner: Bronson Reed

Dirty Dominik Mysterio vs. Damien Priest

Backstage, Bron Breakker casually announced there will be a tournament next week to find the next number one contender to face him.

Priest was almost to ring when he turned around to catch Carlito, Finn Balor, and JD McDonagh coming after him. He was ready and took all of them out. Mysterio was distracted by Priest when Ripley came up from behind him. She blew him a kiss and he turned around to see that Priest was behind him. Ripley headbutted him and Priest forearmed him to the mat. Ripley ripped the commentary table apart. Priest sent him out to Ripley. She was going for the ripcord when Morgan hit her with the chair. They continued brawling outside while the Judgment Day attacked Priest.


They held him to watch Morgan destroyed Ripley. They went back to beating up Priest. Balor did a Coup de Gras on Priest. Morgan did the ObLIVion to Ripley when she got back in the ring. Mysterio did a frog splash to Priest. They placed Ripley over Priest and stood over their bodies.

The bell never rang. 

Damage CTRL(Kairi Sane & IYO SKY) vs. Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn (c) vs. Pure Fusion Collective (Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark) - Women's Tag Team Title match

SKY punched Baszler in the face. Unholy Union and Damage CTRL brawled before the bell rang. Baszler and Saine started it off with Sane sending her to the outside. SKY sent Sane over the top rope onto PFC. SKY took out the champs.


After the break, Stark had Sane over the rope. Sonya Deville slapped her in the face. Sane to a DDT to Stark. Baszler kept Sane from getting to the corner. Sane with an enziguri. SKY and Fyre tagged in. SKY hit a few people in the face. SKY swung Stark's foot and made her hit Baszler in the head. SKY sent Fyre to the corner and kicked Dawn. Baszler hit Fyre. SKY with a missile dropkick on Stark and Dawn.

Stark with double knees to both teams in the corner. Fyre went up top, but Sane stopped her. Damage CTRL double team Fyre with a superplex. Dawn broke up the cover. Baszler with an enzuiguri on SKY. Fyre headbutted Baszler and kicked Deville off the apron. Sane speared Fyre. Sane knocked Deville off the apron. Baszler attacked Sane and tagged in Stark. Stark kicked Fyre and then Baszler tagged back in. Stark with a Death Valley Driver on SKY. Baszler with a running knee to SKY. Sane with a crossbody to PFC.


Bazler with a right hand to Sane. They exchanged blows. Bazler sent her to her knees, but Sane chased her to the ropes. Baszler with the Kirifuda Clutch. Sane with a backhand to Baszler before going up top. Dawn tagged her, but Sane went for the InSANE elbow, but Baszler got her knees up. Dawn with a backstabber on Baszler. Fyre tagged back in and hit a swanton. Fyre pinned Baszler to retain.

Winner: The Unholy Union

Ludwig Kaiser vs. Randy Orton

Orton and Kaiser listened to the crowd's chants before Orton put him in a sidelock before using the ropes to shoulder tackle Kaiser. Orton out him in a waistlock before Kaiser got out and did the same. Orton with a side headlock takeover. Kaiser backed him into the corner where he kicked and chopped him. Orton swung, but Kaiser moved. Orton followed with a fallaway slam. Orton with an uppercut in the corner. Orton went up top and punched him in the face nine times. Instead of a tenth hit, he uppercut him before sending him outside. Kaiser with chops and uppercuts. Orton bounced Kaiser's head off the commentary table.


GUNTHER was sitting at the time keeper's table and stood up. While he was distracted, Kaiser took his knee out. He got back in the ring and the ref began the count. Kaiser threw Orton onto the commentary table. Kaiser put Orton into the steel steps, rolled in the ring, rolled out and did a running dropkick into Orton's knee into the steps.

After the break, Orton was back in control briefly. Kaiser continued focusing on the knee while GUNTHER paced outside the ring. Orton got in a few strikes. Kaiser stomped on Orton's knee twice. Orton rolled away and sent Kaiser over the top rope. Orton headbutted Kaiser and sent him to the steps. Kaiser bounced Orton off the steps head first. Kaiser ran around the ring again, but Orton was waiting with a clothesline. Orton slammed Kaiser onto the announce table three times. GUNTHER yelled at Orton. Orton threw Kaiser over the table into the chairs. Orton picked him by his head and sent him into the room for a powerslam.


Kaiser with a dropkick to the head. He went up top, but Orton punched him in the face before headbutting him. Orton followed with a superplex. Orton with an RKO. He went for another, but Kaiser blocked it. Orton hit an RKO for the win.

After the match, GUNTHER and Orton brawled until the screen went black and the USA symbol popped up.

Winner: Randy Orton

