AEW Collision And Battle Of The Belts XI Live Coverage 6/27/24

Welcome to Wrestling's Inc.'s coverage of AEW "Collision" and "Battle of the Belts IX" on July 27, 2024 live from ESports Stadium in Arlington, Texas!

Fresh off their ROH debut at last night's "Death Before Dishonor", The MxM Collection (Mansoor & Mason Madden) will make their "Collision" debut. They defeated Spanish Announce Project in their first ROH match and look to defeat FTR in their AEW debut.


The Conglomeration also competed at "Death Before Dishonor". Kyle O'Reilly and ISHII were unsuccessful in defeating The Kingdom for the ROH Tag Team titles. Mark Briscoe retained the ROH World Championship against Roderick Strong. Tonight, The Conglomeration takes on the Premier Athletes. The fourth member of The Conglomeration, Orange Cassidy faces Johnny TV.

After competing in the Survival of the Fittest match for the ROH Television title, Lio Rush takes on PAC. PAC is coming off a match last night with Death Triangle in their CMLL debut. Hologram made his AEW debut last week on "Collision". Tonight, he'll face The Beast Mortos. Mortos defeated Komander last night at "Death Before Dishonor".


After losing a lumberjack match on last week's "Collision", Thunder Rosa looks to get back on track against Maya World. World will be making her AEW debut and has been on ROH a couple of times. World is a Dallas native and has trained with ROH Women's Champion, Athena.

On "Battle of the Belts", Willow Nightingale will return to action in AEW for the first time since winning the vacant CMLL Women's World Championship. She will face Deonna Purrazzo in a title eliminator match. Should Purrazzo win, she will get a future shot at the title. "Timeless" Toni Storm will also be in a title eliminator match against Taya Valkyrie.

With The Patriarchy defeating the Bang Bang Gang last Saturday, they became the Trios Champion. The Unified Trios titles are no more. The ROH Six-Man titles are now up for grabs. The Undisputed Kingdom will take on Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erichs to determine the new champions.

Orange Cassidy vs. Johnny TV (w/Taya Valkyrie)

Cassidy and Johnny took turns working the other's arms in the early part of the match. Johnny hung himself upside down off the turnbuckle while wearing Cassidy's glasses, which Cassidy took back. Cassidy and Johnny continued to try to one up one each other with Cassidy getting the upper hand. Cassidy did a tope suicida with his hands in his pockets. Cassidy tossed his glasses to a kid in the crowd.


Back in the ring, Johnny took Cassidy down. He went for a standing moonsault and Cassidy rolled out of the way. Johnny kicked him a few times and went for the same move. Cassidy rolled to the edge of the ring and saw Valkyrie and rolled back in the ring. On the outside, Valkyrie kicked Cassidy and chased him away while Johnny distracted the ref. Johnny held Cassidy's through the barricade and kicked the barricade.

Johnny continued working Cassidy's arm. He did a swinging neckbreaker off the middle rope. While Johnny had wrist control, Cassidy kicked him repeatedly and finally broke free. He followed with Stundog Millionaire and a swinging DDT for two. Cassidy went for an Orange Punch, but was intercepted. Johnny with a swinging neckbreaker and went for Starship Pain, but Cassidy rolled out of the way. Cassidy went up top for a DDT, but was caught. Johnny with a third swinging neckbreaker. This time, he connected with Starship Pain, but Cassidy kicked out. Cassidy with a Beach Break and an Orange Punch for the win.


After the match, Johnny & Valkyrie attacked Cassidy. Nightingale made the save.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta vs. Brian Cage & Lee Moriarty vs. Top Flight

Yuta and Moriarty start off fresh off their ROH match last night. Yuta took Moriarty down with a dropkick. Dante tagged in and hit an enzuiguri and a crossbody for two. Darius tagged in and they double teamed Yuta. Cage went after Top Flight and got kicked out of the ring. Castagnoli got in and was also double teamed, so Castangoli got out. Yuta and Dante are legal. Yuta took Dante to the corner and tagged in Castagnoli so they could double team him. Castagnoli stayed in and Cage tagged in over Castagnoli. Cage with a full nelson slam on Dante.


After the break, Cage kept Dante from getting to his corner. Moriarty tagged in and Yuta broke up a pin. Moriarty and Cage double teamed Dante. Castagnoli tagged in and went corner to corner on Cage and Moriarty with uppercuts. He sent Cage out and slammed Moriarty. He double stomped Moriarty and put him in The Giant Swing. Darius made a blind tag and did a back body drop on Castagnoli and sent him to the outside.

Darius pinned Moriarty and Yuta broke it up. Moriarty rolled up Darius again for two. Cage slammed Darius and Yuta did a dropkick from the top turnbuckle. Dante took out Yuta. Castagnoli took out Dante. Cage and Castagnoli exchanged blows. Top Flight with stereo Superkicks on Castagoli and Cage. They did stereo topes on them. Moriarty with a tope con hilo. Darius's foot slipped on the apron and caused him to fall. Cage with a discus lariat on Darius. Castagnoli with a spinning uppercut on Cage. Moriarty went to the top and Yuta tagged in, but Moriarty dove anyway. Yuta with a dropkick on Moriarty and a slam on Darius for the win.


Winner: Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnol

Hologram vs. Beast Mortos

Mortos got in early offense and used the ropes. Mortos did a spinning armdrag takedown. Hologram did a fancy lucha move. Mortos with a hurricanrana and then Hologram tried to roll him up. Mortos with a Cazadora and a leg sweep. Mortos put his hands on Hologram's throat and went to the ropes before pushing Hologram away. Mortos with a snapmare and a powerslam.


Mortos got him on his feet and choked him against the ropes. He held him over his head and Hologram got out and back elbowed several times. Mortos pounced him.

After the break, Hologram was back in control until Mortos went up top. Hologram joined him and attempted a hurricanrana. Mortos with a sitdown powerbomb. Hologram with a back body drop on the apron, followed by a enzuiguri. Hologram with a pump kick. Hologram went for a Canadian Destroyer on the apron, but only partially hit. Mortos went tumbling to the floor.

Hologram went up top, walked across the ropes and dove on Mortos. Hologram with a tope suicida. Mortos caught him, but the Hologram's momentum took them backwards. Hologram went up top again and went for a tejares, but was caught. Hologram jumped on Mortos' shoulders. His feet slid and he went into a poisonrana for two.


Hologram with a spinning heel kick, but Mortos with two backbreakers and a discus lariat for two. Mortos sent Hologram to the corner, who hit him with a right hand. They went up top and Hologram did a hurricanrana and a Crucifix bomb for the win.

Winner: Hologram

Thunder Rosa vs. Maya World

World took Rosa down with an armdrag. They took turns working each other's arms. Rosa punched World in the back of the head and took her down with an armdrag. World kicked her in the knee and took her down with an armdrag. Rosa with several dropkicks.


World slapped Rosa, so Rosa slapped her to the mat. Rosa chopped her against the ropes. She bounced off the ropes to take World down. Rosa with forearms in the corner. She sent World to the opposite corner for a running dropkick. Rosa chopped her against the ropes. Rosa took World down and stomped her. She put her in the camel clutch for the win.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

The Conglomeration vs. Premier Athletes

O'Reilly and Woods start us off and try to take each other off their feet. O'Reilly worked Woods' arm and backed him into the corner. Nese tagged in, but KOR kneed him in the gut. Best in Show doubled teamed him. Briscoe with an elbow on Nese. ISHII and Nese exchanged chops. Nese laid in chops with no effect. ISHII with chops and forearms. Briscoe with a back body drop on Nese. KOR back in, but Nese put him in a headlock. Premier Athletes beat him up on the outside. Briscoe used a chair to launch himself onto Premier Athletes.


After the break, KOR and Daivari represented their teams. ISHII tagged in as did Woods. He manhandled Woods. He hit a German Suplex on Daivari. Daviari with a forearm. Briscoe and Nese are legal. Briscoe with Redneck Kung Fu on Nese and Daivari. Briscoe with a Pele Kick on Daivari. Briscoe with a brainbuster on Nese for two.

"Smart" Mark Sterling distracted him. Nese and Woods double teamed him. Daivari with a lion splash and ISHII broke up the pin. Woods and Daivari double team Briscoe, but he cleared them. ISHII took out Daivari on the outside and KOR took out Nese. Woods with a backbreaker into a lariat on Briscoe. ISHII attacked Woods. Daivari with a Superkick to ISHII. KOR used his jiu jitsu skills on Daivari and Nese. Daivari held KOR in place on the outside for Nese to dive on, but O'Reilly moved and Nese took out Daivari.


Briscoe dropkicked Nese through the ropes. Woods suplexed The Conglomeration. KOR kneed Woods in the gut and Briscoe with an uppercut on Woods. ISHII took out Woods and Sterling. KOR with a juji gatame for with win.

Winner: The Conglomeration

MxM Collection vs. FTR

Lance Archer vs. Local Talent

Lance Archer threw his opponent down the ramp and slammed him twice when the bell rang. Archer threw him into the rope and chopped him before putting him in the Blackout for the win.


Winner: Lance Archer

Harwood and Mansoor start off the match.They worked each other's arms before Mansoor took him down. Dax with a side headlock. Mansoor took him down with a shoulder tackle. Mansoor chopped Harwood in the corner. After posing, Harwood chopped him down. Wheeler with a flying shoulder. Mansoor jumped into Madden's arms. Madden took Wheeler to the corner and slapped his face. Wheeler slapped him back. Madden hip checked Wheeler's face. Madden took Wheeler down. They double teamed Wheeler.

Wheeler chopped his chest and he fell to his knees. FTR double teamed Mansoor. Madden saved Mansoor.

After the break, Mansoor had Harwood in a side headlock. Harwood with a back elbow. Mansoor sent him into the opposite corner. Harwood with a back elbow. Madden distracted the ref while Harwood had Mansoor pinned. Wheeler got the ref's attention. Mansoor beat up Harwood in the corner. MxM double teamed Harwood.


Madden picked up Harwood and bear hugged him. Harwood bit Madden. Mansoor knocked Wheeler off the apron. Madden with the Heart Attack, but Harwood gets out. Wheeler tagged in and took them both out. Wheeler with a running knee on Madden. Mansoor with some offense before Wheeler pinned him for two. Wheeler with a Gory Special on Mansoor. Mansoor rolled up Wheeler for two and Wheeler did the same. FTR double teamed Mansoor. Wheeler with an uppercut to Mansoor. Mansoor rolled up Wheeler again. FTR with a Shatter Machine for the win.

Winner: FTR

PAC vs. Lio Rush

PAC took Rush to the corner before taking him down. They did stand and switches until PAC took him down. Rush took PAC down. Rush used the ropes for a hurricanrana. PAC with a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. Rush with kicks to the stomach. PAC picked him up and took him across the ring, but Rush grabbed the ropes. PAC with a running elbow.


PAC threw Rush into the corners. Rush with forearms and PAC with spinning heel kicks. PAC kicked Rush in the side of the head.

After the break, they exchanged blows. PAC with a powerbomb. PAC went up top, but Rush ran underneath. He used the ropes for a spinning kick. PAC ran to Rush, but Rush held the ropes and kicked him through the ropes. Rush went for a moonsault, but was intercepted and threw him into the ringpost. Rush with a tope suicida and he followed with another.

Rush went up top, but PAC stood up. Rush with a Falcon Arrow. PAC kicked Rush in the stomach and sent him face first into the turnbuckle. PAC placed him on the turnbuckle and joined him. Rush headbutted him off the top. Rush bounced off the bottom rope, but PAC caught him and suplexed him. PAC dragged Rush to the corner, but he rolled out of the way. Rush with a spinning kick and PAC with a release German Suplex. Rush with a poisonrana and a sitdown cutter. Rush went up top for a frog splash, but PAC got his knees up. PAC with a gutwrench, but Rush reversed. Rush with a lariat into the Brutalizer for the win.


Winner: PAC

Timeless Toni Storm vs. Taya Valkyrie

Valkyrie threw her glasses at Storm, who put them on. Storm ran at her and took her down before raining down punches. Storm with a bodyslam. She threw Valkyrie into both corners before doing a hip attack.


Valkyrie sent Storm into the steps and followed with a Meteora into the steps. Valkyrie slapped her in the chest against the barricade and chopped her again. Strom was still wearing the glasses. Storm threw her into the barricade and chopped her san glasses. Storm was on the apron and Valkyrie put her on her shoulders and sent her face first into the apron.

After the break, Valkyrie was working Storm's leg. Storm with a back elbow. She did a backbreaker on Valkyrie on the rope. Valkyrie with a suplex. Storm with a hip attack. Storm with a DDT for two. Valkyrie with multiple chops on Storm. Valkyrie went sliding through the ropes and pulled Storm's legs. Valkyrie went for Road to Valhalla, but Storm reversed. Valkyrie with a shoulder tackle and Road to Valhalla for two.


Valkyrie punched Storm in between the shoulders and then put her in a submission. Storm crawled to the ropes, but Valkyrie stopped her. Valkyrie with Shania Pain, but Storm with her leg on the rope. Storm with a headbutt and Storm Zero for the win.

Storm addressed Mariah May. She said that she made a miniscule mistake and should've "cut my bloody head off!"

Winner: "Timeless" Toni Storm

Willow Nightingale vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Purrazzo and Nightingale exchanged holds. Nightingale shoved Purrazzo into the ropes. Nightingale slammed her and chopped her. They did a test of strength with Nightingale going to the mat. Purrazzo put her into a bridge. Nightingale bodyslammed her and followed with a shoulder tackle. Nightingale with another slam and a crossbody. Purrazzo sent her face first into the turnbuckle. Purrazzo with an armbreaker over the top rope, which sent Nightingale to the floor.


After the break, Nightingale took Purrazzo down three times in a row. Nightingale with a pump kick and a powerbomb. Nightingale went for Babe with Power, but couldn't. Nightingale with a back body drop. She went up top, but Purrazzo knocked her down and pulled her down. Purrazzo went for a Gotch Style Piledriver, but Nightingale got out. Nightingale with a Death Valley Driver for two. Nightingale took her to the corner and put her up top. Nightingale with a Superplex. Purrazzo with a forearm. They exchanged forearms. Nightingale with a running lariat. Valkyrie made her way down the ramp with a wrench.

Both women with a stand in switch. Valkyrie got caught with the wrench. Thunder Rosa came down to fight with her. Nightingale with a pounce and the Babe With the Powerbomb for the win.


Winner: Willow Nightingale

Undisputed Kingdom vs. Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs

Strong and Ross start off with Strong focusing on the arm. Ross with dropkick. Marshall with a massive dropkick. Strong shoulder tackled him into the corner. Bennett with forearms. Marshall with two arm drags. Taven tagged in and took an armdrag. Rhodes tagged in, but Taven put him in the ropes. Taven with punches and Rhodes with a lariat. Rhodes with an armdrag and took him to the corner. The Von Erichs double teamed Taven. Ross made the cover for two.


Taven shoulder tackled Marshall. Marshall with dropkicks on Bennett and Strong. Rhodes and the Von Erichs with stereo dropkicks on Undisputed Kingdom.

After the break, Taven suplexed Ross and put him in a headlock. Taven drove him back into the ring and put him in another headlock. Ross kicked Taven in the chest. Bennett tagged in and pushed Marshall off the apron. Ross with a slingblade on Strong. Rhodes tagged in and took down Bennett. He wiped out Undisputed Kingdom He hit Taven with a bulldog and a Destroyer. He put Bennett in a Cross Rhodes and a piledriver. The Von Erichs fought on the outside.

Rhodes put Bennett in the corner and slapped him in the face. Taven distracted him and Bennett with spinebuster. Rhodes hit Taven in the face from the knees. Rhodes rolled up Bennett, but Strong broke it up. They all ganged up on Rhodes. The Von Erichs broke up the pin. Ross sent Taven into the barricade. Taven superkicked Ross. Strong pushed Marshall into the ring post. Undisputed got the titles to distract the ref, while Bennett clocked Rhodes with a Texas bullrope. Rhodes kicked out at two.


Taven and Strong looked for chairs. Taven was talking trash to Kevin when Katsuyori Shibata came down and did the Iron Claw on Taven while Kevin did it on Roddy. Bennett had Rhodes in a fireman's carry, but he got down. Ross kicked Bennett and Marshall with a discus lariat. Rhodes did with a Cross Rhodes for the win.

The babyface locker room came out to celebrate with them. 

Winner: The Von Erichs and Dustin Rhodes

