AEW Collision Live Coverage 7/6/24: Owen Hart Cup Men's Semifinal Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of AEW "Collision" on July 6, 2024 live from the Landers Center in Southaven, MS!

Fresh off of a win at "Forbidden Door", AEW Women's Champion "Timeless" Toni Storm faces off against The Infantry's Trish Adora. Storm's opponent last week on "Collision", Lady Frost will test her skills against AEW's first Women's Champion, RIHO.

On this week's "Dynamite", Hangman Adam Page returned as the Wild Card to face Jeff Jarrett in the quarterfinals of the Owen Hart Cup tournament. Page advanced in his first match since "REVOLUTION". He looks to defeat "Switchblade" Jay White in the semifinals. White is 4-0 in their previous matchups. The winner faces Bryan Danielson next Wednesday.

Following his first round exit in the Owen Cup, Claudio Castagnoli looks to get back to his winning ways in a first time matchup against the returning Beast Mortos. The Conglomeration (ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and Kyle O'Reilly) will be in Trios action against Iron Savages.

We will hear from MJF after his brutal attack on Daniel Garcia on "Dynamite". We will also hear from the brand new TNT Champion, Jack Perry. Former TNT Champion Christian Cage and The Patriarchy will also address the fans.

Why MJF Why?

MJF said he was always going to stab Daniel Garcia in the back. He called him a '"Make A Wish" kid at best"'. MJF thinks Garcia is stupid for turning down a match with him at Wembley.

MJF played the clip from "Dynamite" last August where he talks about having a rejection disorder. He also told the story of the antisemitism he experienced. After the clip played, MJF said he opened to the crowd and the fans didn't give a damn. He let in Adam Cole for the fans and sacrificed his body for them too. MJF watched the "Dynamite" from Jacksonville and heard the fans chanting "Thank You Joe!" to which the fans started chanting it again.

He says what happened to Garcia wasn't personal between them, but between him and the fans. MJF is going to take away everything the fans love. He said Will Ospreay isn't good enough to be the champion. He called out Ospreay to "pop a number."

Ospreay's music hit, but didn't come out because he's not in the United States. MJF said the fans lost the opportunity to chant his name. 

The Conglomeration vs. Iron Savages

O'Reilly and Jameson got in the ring to start the match off when Undisputed Kingdom's music hit. Roderick Strong joined commentary. O'Reilly put him in a side headlock. Jameson took KOR down with a shoulder tackle. Briscoe drank some savage sauce and took down Jameson. KOR drank some too and took down Bear. Iron Savages double teamed KOR.

After the break, KOR hit Jameosn in the yam bags. Bronson tried to keep KOR from tagging in Briscoe, but he got there. Briscoe hit him with the Redneck KungFu. Boulder tagged in, but Briscoe sent Bronson to the outside off the apron.

Cassidy with a tope. Cassidy ducked Boulder twice and hit him with a twisting DDT. He went for an ORange Punch, but Bronson caught him and put him in a bear hug. Cassidy reversed into a Stundog Millionaire. Briscoe with a tope. KOR took out Jameson with a running knee. Cassidy hit Bronson with an Orange Punch for the win.

Winner: The Conglomeration

In a backstage segment, Jack Perry said he wasn't ready for the TNT Championship the first time around. He made a lot of sacrifices. He issued an open challenge and said he will sacrifice them.

Timeless Toni Storm vs. Trish Adora

Storm put Adora in a side headlock and Adora put her in one herself. They took turns shoulder tackling each other. Adora finally took her down with one. They exchanged roll ups. Adora put Storm in a submission hold. Storm got out, but Adora went back for her arm. She had the champ by the arms and straddled her and put her weight into it. Storm hit Adora with a hip attack and then grabbed a mic to ask for a standing ovation while they were going to break.

Following the break, Adora ran at Storm who was up on the turnbuckle, but she got her legs out of the way. Storm did a lung blower. Adora did one of her own. The two exchanged blows and Adora put her in a low German Suplex from the knees. Storm did a hip attack and pinned her for two. Storm and Adora exchanged forearms until Storm headbutted her. Adora with a big boot. Storm beat her with a Storm Zero.

Winner: "Timeless" Toni Storm

Jack Perry vs. Marko Stunt

Backstage, Christian Cage said he promised The Patriarchy the Trios championships and questioned why Jay White entered the Owen Cup. He thinks he did it to dodge The Patriarchy. He said he'll do Jay a favor and take the Trios titles off his hands. Kip Sabian came up to The Patriarchy to say he lost his father and didn't mean any disrespect. Cage said at least his dad wasn't around to see him become a disgrace. He ordered Killswitch to beat him up.

Jack Perry came down to the ring to meet his challenger. Former Jurassic Express member, Marko Stunt, answered the challenge in his hometown. Perry looked stunned.

Perry tried to get hi to leave and Stunt headbutted him and kicked him before getting in a fee punches. Perry took him down with a lariat and kicked him in the back. Stunt with a few gut punches, but Perry knocked him down. Stunt kicked him the face, but he ate a lawn dart. Perry pinned him for two and laughed when Stunt kicked out.  

Perry kicked him in the head a few times. Stunt rolled him up for two and reversed into a neckbreaker. Stunt went up top for a 450, but Perry caught him. Perry followed with a running knee to retain.

Winner: Jack Perry 

Claudio Castagnoli vs. The Beast Mortos

Castagnoli took Mortos to the mat first and Mortos returned the favor. Castagnoli shoulder tackled him, but he barely budged. Mortos went for a crossbody, but Castagnoli put him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Mortos slammed Castagnoli and followed with a punch to the face. He took his knee pad down, but Castagnoli dodged him. Mortos lost balance and fell into the camera man. Castagnoli went to dive, but Mortos ducked. Mortos got back in the ring and Castagnoli got out and Mortos connected with a Tornillo.

Back in the ring, Mortos hit a Tejares. Castagnoli sent him into the ringpost. Castagnoli followed with a side slam.

After the break, Mortos and Castagnoli exchanged blows. Castagnoli danced and then sent him to the corner. Mortos faceplanted Castagnoli and followed with a crucifix bomb. Mortos ran up the turnbuckle and slammed into Castagnoli. Castagnoli responded with a European uppercut and set up for a powerbomb, but Mortos did a back body drop and a spear.

Castagnoli sent Mortos over the top rope and then did a running uppercut. He put Mortos back in the ring to put him in the Giant Swing. Mortos got up and headbutted him before rolling him up. Mortos with a backbreaker and a back elbow. He went up top and ate a European uppercut. Castagnoli put him in the Big Swing. Castagnoli took him down with a lariat and pinned him for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

RIHO vs. Lady Frost

Frost backed RIHO to the corner and took she down with a shoulder tackle. RIHO with an armdrag. Frost kicked her in the stomach and tumbled through into a neckbreaker. RIHO moved from the corner and kicked Frost and took her down with a drop toe hold and a 6-1-9. RIHO went up top for a crossbody.

After the break, Frost was in control. RIHO got in forearm punches on the chest. RIHO got creative with a hold and Frost rolled out. Frost was on the outside and RIHO dove on her from the top rope. With Frost back in the ring, RIHO went for a double stomp, but Frost moved. Frost with the Chiller Driller for two.

Frost tried to go up top, but RIHO held her leg and hit her with a forearm chop. Frost suplexed RIHO. Frost went up top and hit a perfect Frostbite for two. She took RIHO to her feet and picked her up, but RIHO reversed into a full nelson and a dragon suplex. RIHO did what Tony Schiavone says she calls a "Run Hey" for the win.

Winner: RIHO

Hangman Adam Page vs. Jay White

Before the match, Bobby Cruise announced that the EVPs said that the Bang Bang Gang is banned from ringside. Page tried to choke White and shoved him into the corner before the bell. Page shoulder tackled White and kicked him in the back. They fought on the outside. Back in the ring, Page continued hitting White in the back. They exchanged blows and Page took him down with a heymaker.

White held onto the referee's leg. Hangman with a fallaway slam. White was on the apron and Page went to the middle turnbuckle and went for what looked like an elbow drop, but White countered. White chopped and forearmed in the corner. Page hit him with a big boot. White hit Page with a guillotine over the top rope. Page jumped off the second turnbuckle and hit White off the apron. He threw him into the barricade and then repeatedly slammed White's head into the barricade.

Page put White back in the ring. White went for a Bladerunner, but Page ducked and put him in a swinging headlock. He dropped White and immediately began forearming him. Page kicked him in the back until he rolled out.

After the break, they were exchanging blows. The camera zoomed in to show that Hangman somehow got busted open and had a crimson mask. In the corner, White pulled Page's leg down hard. He tried again, but Page pushed him off and hit him with a dragon screw. White rained down forearms in the corner. White shoved the referee and gouged his eyes. White with a DDT for two.

Page hit White with a back elbow. White kicked Page in the face. Page had White on his shoulders, but White got down and hit him with a back elbow. Page responded with a discus lariat forearm. White hit a bladerunner and a deadlift German suplex. They fought on the apron. Page ran at White, but White slammed him down onto the apron. White put him in a waistlock, but Page elbowed out. White shoved Page off the apron. Page powerbombed White onto the apron.

Page put White in the ring and went for a buckshot lariat, but White collapsed. White rolled up Page. Page went to the apron and hit him with a big boot. White with a dragon screw. Page powerbombed White for two. Page hit White twice in the face and went for a buckshot lariat, but White hit a uranage. White picked him up and suplexed him. White set up for a Bladerunner, but Page reversed into a Deadeye. White got out of it and fell into the ref. Page with the Deadeye, but the ref was still down. Page hit White several times in the face. Page choked White out with his belt and then whipped him. Jeff Jarrett took the belt from him. White suplexed Page. Mike Posey kicked out Jarrett. While his back was turned, Christian Cage got into the ring and he speared White. Page finally connected with a buckshot lariat for the win.

Winner: Hangman Page

