Matt Taven Says Fans Are "Living In The Golden Age Of Wrestling"
Matt Taven spoke with Uproxx on what he still wants to accomplish in his career, today's wrestling scene, getting a shot at the ROH World Championship. Here are some of the highlights:
Today's wrestling scene:
"I think we're living in the golden age of wrestling. Social media has really shrunk the world. I don't mean it's the most popular ? but you can see anything in the world. If you're a wrestling fan, you find anything at your finger tips. You can see shows from Mexico, Australia, the U.K., Japan, the United States right at your finger tips. Guys can get out their own message. It's something I'm trying to take advantage of now. ... That's been the biggest difference in wrestling. You had to have the machine behind you before. There was almost a thought that you want to come in as an empty vessel and let them mold you as they see fit. Now, even WWE is taking everyone who is a pre-established name. Now it's on you to make something happen. If you're not going to give me the opportunity, I'll take it."
What's left on his wrestling bucket list:
"I'd definitely like to do the Tokyo Dome. With all this Madison Square Garden talk, it brings that up. It's one of those things where it's like, you're a fan. You're watching Bret Hart hold the title in MSG. The importance that was always put on MSG when it comes to wrestling. It would really say a lot about Ring of Honor as a company. It would really solidify us and be a good pat on the back. It wouldn't make or break me in any way. It would be another notch on the belt. I was a big ECW fan, so to do the Hammerstein across the street ain't too bad either. ... But there's one big, shining gem in the middle and that's the Ring of Honor world title. To be one of the only guys to hold every Ring of Honor title is something I want to hold my hat on for the rest of my career. I really won't feel complete in Ring of Honor until that happens."

Wanting a shot at the ROH World Championship:
"I feel that I'm the real Ring of Honor world champion at this point with Dalton Castle refusing to defend the title. I am the No. 1 contender. To me, it's the conspiracy. It's not even just me picking straws anymore ? it's right in front of everyone's eyes. ... It's mind boggling to me. To me, it's just still kind of confusing. The biggest accomplishment should have already happened by now."
Taven also discussed wanting the spotlight. You can check out the full interview by clicking here.