Impact VP Don Callis On Possibility Of Enzo Amore Joining Impact Wrestling, Rich Swann Debuting
Impact Wrestling co-executive vice president Don Callis spoke to members of the media on a conference call today. During the call, Wrestling Inc. president Raj Giri asked Callis about the possibility of Impact working with former WWE superstar Enzo Amore.
News broke on Wednesday that no charges will be filed against Amore (Eric Arndt) for an alleged sexual assault stemming from an accusation in January. Amore, then the WWE Cruiserweight Champion, was accused on Twitter by a woman named Philomena Sheahan who resides in in Phoenix, Arizona, claiming the assault took place several months before. A police investigation was launched and the WWE released Amore on January 23rd.
Amore, who had been quiet on social media since the accusation except for a cryptic message insinuating he's retiring from wrestling, posted a letter on his Twitter stating that the police investigation has been closed. The letter also states that he has plans for a new venture in the entertainment industry and doesn't mention if he plans on returning to the ring for any promotion. Callis said he was unaware of the new developments in Amore's case, but he didn't rule out the possibility of working with Amore in the future.
"This is news to me, I didn't know that. I haven't, frankly, followed any of that; not to say that I wasn't aware that story has been out there. I guess you say never say never, and you evaluate talent based on need and what you're looking to do," Callis said. "We have a long-term plan for how we engage with talent in terms of who's gonna be on the roster, what roster spots we need filled, etc. It's not as much of a random thing. So as with any other talent, time will tell."

Callis was also asked about Impact working with former WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann. Impact announced on Twitter on Tuesday that Swann will be making his debut with the company at the upcoming television tapings in June. Swann parted ways with the WWE in February following a domestic violence incident with his wife Vannarah Riggs, who currently works for Impact Wrestling as Su Yung. Callis said Yung suggested that Impact work with Swann and he'll have the chance to showcase his skills with the company.
"I think that Rich is guy who has resurfaced on the indie scene out there and working for a bunch of different promotions. As you probably know, his wife works for us and was an advocate for him coming in," Callis said. "So yeah, he'll be at our next set of tapings and he's gonna get an opportunity in the same way that other talent that comes in gets an opportunity to show what they can do."