Jeff Jarrett On His "Surreal" Moment With Vince McMahon
TMZ Sports caught up with Jeff Jarrett after he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame to get his thoughts on the experience. Jarrett said while running through the beginning of his speech he was surprised by an appearance from Vince McMahon.
"Earlier in the day, we went through just sort of walk-throughs, camera positioning, the order, just simple stuff," Jarrett said. "They called me back later in the day and said, 'Hey, we want you to go through just the top of your speech' and that's where I had the idea – me and Brian [James] had fun with it – of coming out and spelling my name. I came through the curtain and I laid it out there 'J-E-double F,' and did all that and they said, 'Okay, cut that,' and I turn around and Vince [McMahon] is two feet in front of my face."
Jarrett last worked for WWE until 1999 where he then headed off to WCW and eventually started up TNA. Jarrett called his time with Vince a surreal moment that he wouldn't ever forget.
"I'll never forget that, not ever, because it was so out of left field, so spontaneous," Jarrett continued. "WrestleMania is his baby this is number 34, down to the 'T' on everything is thought through. He's got a lot more priorities on his list and for me to connect with him on the stage where I got to do the speech. It was surreal. It was quick, but a real special conversation. A real personal conversation we had."

Jarrett then tried to sum up his entire experience last weekend.
"Just to be able to be there, everyone at WWE making the decision for me to be there in the Hall of Fame and those few moments [with Vince]. Positive doesn't do it justice, it was super positive."
You can see Jarrett's full comments in the video above.
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit TMZ Sports with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.