Jim Ross On WWE Hiring Jeremy Borash, WWE Among "Most Innovative" Companies, Mick Foley (Video)
- Above is Cactus Jack vs. Paul Orndorff in a Falls Count Anywhere Match from WCW SuperBrawl III (1993). The match went just over 12 minutes with Cactus Jack picking up the pinfall victory after hitting Orndorff with a shovel.
- Fast Company – a website who focuses on innovation in technology, leadership, and design – named their ten most innovative companies in a number of different sectors. In the "Hollywood" group, WWE was number three behind Netflix and Marvel Studios, thanks mainly to its efforts with the WWE Network and expanding into countries like China and India.

- Jim Ross spoke briefly with Sportskeeda and touched on WWE's hiring of Jeremy Borash in January. Ross thought WWE "hit a gold mine" with with Borash.
"It's another great hire," Ross said. "I can't tell you when WWE has made a cooler hire in any area quite frankly. He's a great get. He can do a lot of things. He doesn't even have to be on camera for example. His value, his worth in character creation and development, the production side, and he's got great product knowledge. He's has an insane work ethic; which I really admire. They hit the gold mine with him. I think he's gonna be focusing on NXT stuff, so that is a great slot for him in my opinion."