Steve Austin On Al Snow Helping Him With WWE Debut And WrestleMania 13 Match With Bret Hart
Recently on The Steve Austin Show, WWE Hall Of Famer Steve Austin was once again joined by former WWE Superstar Al Snow. Among many other things, Austin and Snow talked about Snow helping Austin get into ring shape prior to his WWE debut in 1995. Also, Austin shared that Snow played a big role in Austin's classic WrestleMania 13 match versus fellow WWE Hall Of Famer Bret 'Hitman' Hart.
According to Austin, he went to Snow's pro wrestling school to train before his WWE debut in 1995.
"When I came to [WWE] in 1995 as 'The Ringmaster', before I made my debut, I was very rusty. Now, I had about two or three matches, one with Mikey Whipwreck and one with Mikey and Sandman, but they were pretty short. They were what they were. And I needed to knock the rust off to some degree and I told Vince [McMahon], 'I'd like to go to Al Snow's school up there in Lima, Ohio before I start, so I can knock a little bit of that rust off because I haven't really been that active.' And he goes, 'that'd be fine,' so they flew me up."
Snow recalled that they hit it off right away, but Austin would fart on Snow when Snow would try to teach Austin new rollups.
"We just hit it off and I remember you coming and asking me if I'd be alright if you came to the school and I said, 'yeah, of course! I'd be happy for [Austin] to come there.' I mean, so [Austin] came for those five days and worked on stuff in the ring and it was awesome! [Austin] kept farting on me whenever I'd try to show [him] different rollups and stuff! [Austin]'d fart on me and I'd be like, 'goddamn! You're killing me!'"
Austin seemed to offer an explanation for his flatulence:
"I think, Al, at that stage of my career, I was living purely on beans and alcohol! But I remember I told Vince, 'I've got to knock some of that ring rust off – I want to go see Al Snow.' So they flew me out there five days."

Apparently, Snow played a big part in Austin's WrestleMania 13 match with Hart, as Austin did not know any submissions going into that submission match, so Austin picked Snow's brain for ideas.
"Before I had that submission match with Bret Hart, I came to [Snow] again. I said, 'hey man, I've got a submission match. Dude, you know my style. It has changed a little bit from USWA/WCW to [WWE] and I got dumped on my head, but I was never a scientific wonder. I was a mechanic, but I didn't know any submission moves. So we talked and [Snow] gave me a couple. I think the one that I ended up using, I don't even know what it was called, so anyway, [Snow] was a very big part of WrestleMania 13, although nobody knows that."
Click here to check out the interview. If you use any of the quotes from this article, please credit The Steve Austin Show with an H/T to WrestlingINC for the transcription.
Source: The Steve Austin Show