Raven On "Ego Driven" Decisions Towards The End Of Goldberg's WCW Run, Wrestling Against Him
Raven spoke with Title Match Wrestling during WrestleMania weekend to talk about a number of topics. In this video, they focused on Goldberg and his time in WCW. Here are some of the highlights:
Wrestling against Goldberg:
"Havin' that match with Goldberg was great for both of us – not at the time, for me, because I was just one more number on the train – but the quality of the match, when Goldberg wasn't having the most outstanding level of matches, and continued not to have them. Which he'll admit, he'll be very frank about it, that he didn't have great matches."

Bad booking decisions with Goldberg's WCW run:
"I think the problem with the run of Goldberg at the end, wasn't that the matches weren't longer, but was that they beat him. Ya know? They never should have beat him, he had the whole company on his back. I mean, I think that was a purely ego-driven decision and it wasn't based on business...I would have definitely kept him undefeated a lot longer. I think the mindset was – besides being slightly ego-driven – was the fact that, 'Well, we have to beat him, it'll be to give him sympathy,' but it just wasn't time for it yet. I mean, he was a unique thing that didn't apply to the rules, he was an exception, and sometimes that's why there are exceptions to rules."
Raven also discussed Goldberg's most recent run in the WWE. You can watch the interview in the video above.
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Title Match Wrestling with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.