Ric Flair Thinks Dixie Carter Leaked WWE Buying TNA Rumors, Talks Hardys Returning To WWE
On episode 13 of The Ric Flair Show, 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair shared his thoughts on the rumor that WWE is interested in purchasing TNA. Also, Flair talked about the possibility of The Hardy Boyz returning to WWE.
The two-time WWE Hall Of Famer said he thinks the rumor that WWE is interested in buying TNA was started by Dixie Carter to drum up interest in her company. Flair went on to say that while WWE may be interested in purchasing TNA for its tape library, there is not much else to buy.
"I think that that's a rumor that Dixie Carter put out to try and raise the ante. Yep. I don't see them doing that and I'm sure they'd like to have the library, but, I mean, there isn't a lot to buy. And I'm not saying there's not talent there. NXT, they've got a ton of kids in NXT right now that are all chomping at the bit to come up, so anybody that they acquire from TNA would probably just go over to NXT for a while and it's just a lot of people. If anything, they probably need more trainers down in Orlando [Florida] with NXT because the school is growing and more people are trying to get into this company. I mean, athletes from other countries are coming over, so I'm sure they're looking all the time for someone to help work in those schools."

On the topic of 'Broken' Matt and Brother Nero, Flair stated that he has heard rumors that The Hardy Boyz will return to WWE soon. Flair is of the opinion that Matt and Jeff would bring a lot to WWE programming.
"Well, I keep hearing the rumor they're going back [to WWE]. I was just with Jeff and Matt all weekend and I didn't ask them to put them on the spot, but, I mean, they look great. I mean, I have never seen either one of them look any better and they're a great talent and they both, I mean, especially Jeff, has a great rapport with the public. They love him. I think when Jeff was with the company, he was number two in marketing, which is huge. Do you know what I mean? Because the kids loved him. Matt's doing great. They look like a million bucks. They would bring a lot to the show."
Check out the show here. If you use any of the quotes that appear in this article, please credit The Ric Flair Show with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.
Source: The Ric Flair Show