Shinsuke Nakamura Declares Era Of Strong Style, The New Day Cereal Reviewed, Asuka's NXT TV Return
- WWE NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura appeared on tonight's episode and declared that this is now the Era of Strong Style. You can check out his promo above.

- NXT Women's Champion Asuka has been announced for next Wednesday's show. She will be interviewed by Tom Phillips.
- Bryan Bierman from has a lengthy article and review up on WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day and their Booty-Os cereal at this link. He wrote the following on how the cereal is:
As a New Day scholar, the second thing I noticed is the difference in the tiny marshmallows. Booty-O's are basically The New Day's version of Lucky Charms, so the original T-shirt box advertised marshmallow trombones, rainbows, pairs of Kofi's boots, unicorn horns, tag titles and bootys, which were hilariously just hearts turned upside down.
However, that was just a mock-up. The actual cereal contains stars, something called "booty crowns," smiles that look like lime slices and rainbow hearts. While I'm no expert in the logistics of marshmallow production, the tag titles are just a weird, indeterminate blob and the wings on the "magic" marshmallow seem like a failed attempt at depicting Kofi's boots.
Instead of booty crowns, they should have just kept the upside down heart idea being bootys, since there's a rainbow heart anyway. More importantly, where are the mini-trombone marshmallows? Francesca the First is spinning in her grave right now! (Shame!)
While this is slightly disappointing, after the box taught me how to dance like Big E, make my own booticorn mask and do the New Day word search, I felt positive again.
As for taste, Booty-O's are pretty close to Lucky Charms. Perhaps the toasted oat pieces don't have as much sugar as General Mills' original and occasionally the marshmallows aren't as crunchy, but for a wrestling souvenir, they're pretty damn good.