Triple H On NXT Not Using 50-50 Booking, Mick Foley Calls Dolph Ziggler Promo An Austin 3:16 Moment
- As noted, Triple H recently commented on criticism of 50/50 booking in WWE during an interview with ESPN last week. Triple H nsaid that while wins and losses matter, they are not the "be all, end all."
"When somebody goes, 'Well, you just can't get people over with 50/50 booking,' [I'll always say] 'Oh, I'm sorry, how's your territory coming? Because this one seems to be doing pretty good over here'," Triple H said. "We just had the largest WrestleMania in history. People talk a lot of smack about ratings and things, but they don't understand all of the dynamics of everything we do. They don't. They sit on the internet and they read one thing and they give their point of view."
We were on a media conference call this morning with Triple H, who was promoting Saturday's NXT: Takeover show. During the call, Jason Powell of asked HHH about his comments on 50/50 booking, and asked why there isn't as much of it on NXT, as seen in the video above at the 27:00 mark. Triple H said that booking a one-hour show and a three-hour show are totally different animals, and that he books NXT his way while that is not necessarily the case for the main roster and that "it's not an exact science."
"Booking is a feel," Triple H said. "You go along with it with what you feel. That's how I do it, the feel of the right place to go, to move these pieces in place... I look at it as a fan and what do I want to see. Everybody has a different style and a different philosophy... none of it is right and wrong. It's chocolate, it's vanilla, it's all these different things that they're different flavors, and at the end of the day the long term success of your business and your company. You can say what you want about it, but there's a pretty good track record for a lot of it."
You can check out highlights from the call in the video above.

- Mick Foley praised Dolph Ziggler's promo on WWE SmackDown last night, writing on his Facebook page that it was "a possible career changing moment; reminiscent to me of Steve Austin's game changing promo in June, 1996." You can check out his blog entry below:
Where the heck did that guy come from ? and can he show up at ?#?SummerSlam? on Sunday? DAMN, that was a GREAT promo by Ziggler last night on ?#?SmackDownLIVE? – a possible career changing moment; reminiscent to me of Steve Austin's game changing promo in June, 1996. Suddenly, I no longer cared how many matches Ziggler has lost in the past; to me he was a brand-new guy out there...a brand new guy who could walk home with a little gold around his waist on Sunday night. Let me know what you think. Also, let me hear from any of you who caught the ?#?WWE24? special on the ?#?WomensEvolution?. I thought it was tremendous.