Matt Morgan On If Finn Balor Should Defeat Seth Rollins At SummerSlam, If Balor's Size Will Hurt Him
Last week, former WWE and TNA star Matt Morgan joined Raj Giri and Glenn Rubenstein on the Wrestling Inc. podcast. Starting tonight, Morgan will be appearing on the Wrestling Inc. podcast every Monday night immediately following RAW.
Among other things, 'The Blueprint' talked about former NXT Champion, Finn Bálor. Morgan professed that Bálor's size will not limit his success in WWE. Moreover, Morgan stated that Bálor should become the first ever WWE Universal Champion.
According to Morgan, Bálor's lack of size will not negatively affect his WWE run because he has an athletic appearance despite his smaller stature and he works a strong style that looks rather unforgiving.
"Vince is a big size guy, right? And I think he'll always be looking to go back to that once these other, not just Finn Bálor, but the Seth Rollins I'm sure he thought this with as well, maybe the [Dean] Ambroses as well, of the world, definitely the Daniel Bryans of the world, where he's waiting for that one moment for them to not hit an absolute grand slam, which is what these guys have got to do every single time they go out and wrestle in front of Vince. Those particular guys I just mentioned have had to hit a grand slam every single time when they first started on that roster in front of Vince. And they have always delivered, which says a lot about those talents, so I think now because Finn is so damn good, he's not going to drop that ball and I think [Vince] only goes back to a Roman if the perception is a Finn dropped the ball or something of that nature. I don't think he'll just go back to Roman because of size now. I think we're passed [that]. We're finally kind of, sort of passed that era of bigger is better. Finn [has] got a great physique on him. If he was scrawny, that'd be one thing. If he was fat, that would be another. He [has] got a good build on him. He looks like an athlete is the bottom line.
"I've always said as a [professional] wrestler, you'd better look like an asskicker or you'd better look like some sort of topflight athlete, if not both. And I think Finn gives you that topflight athlete look. I definitely do. So I think he can get away with a little bit more. He's innovative enough to know how to go against bigger guys because he worked in Japan, and working that strong style, he knows how to make his stuff look believable because he lays his stuff in when he needs to."

In Morgan's view, Bálor should defeat Seth Rollins at WWE SummerSlam and win the WWE Universal Championship.
"You want to say Rollins just because, but there is no benefit in that. The bigger benefit here is to put it on Bálor, in my opinion. But, then again, are you giving him too much too quick? A lot of people like to see the babyface chase [the title]. We're eliminating that if he wins the title right away. Seth Rollins needs to win via cheating in a major cheat job, major screw job, not something that's cheesy and predictable, but something really screwish, heelish, where we now want to pay money to go see Finn Bálor hand him his ass one day and watch the journey like we just watched [Monday night] á la Sasha Banks versus Charlotte."
Morgan continued, "I'd love to see him win it because I know him and it'd be awesome just for personal reasons, right? But we're talking business wise, right? So look at it this way. I remember everyone and their mother was crying and up in arms because Charlotte kept screwing over and, what's he name, Sasha, couldn't even get on TV. Remember that? And everybody was like, 'what the hell is going on? Don't they know what they have with her?' And I remember tweeting some fans, going 'relax – they're going to start an angle; I guarantee it. Alright? They're not just wasting her and throwing her out on TV. And two, once they do, it's going to be a chase for the title and it will be worth it.' Then, once the chase started, everyone kept saying, 'what's going on? She keeps getting screwed over. Why can't she just be the champion already?' And I started to think, 'you know what? Maybe today's fan just doesn't have the patience anymore.' But listening to [Monday's] reaction, one was all the proof I needed that, when it's done correctly, they do have the patience."
You can watch the full episode in the video above, Morgan's comments about Balor being at the 54:00 mark. Morgan also discussed what WWE should do with Roman Reigns, thoughts on the name of the WWE Universal title belt, how competitive the two brands were during his time there and more so make sure to check out the whole episode. You can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes as well as our RSS feed, which you can use to subscribe through any podcast app. If you're enjoying the show, please subscribe and rate on iTunes, and don't forget to give us a thumbs up and subscribe on Youtube.