WWE Money In The Bank: Seth Rollins Vs. Roman Reigns (WWE World Heavyweight Title Match)

The following is from our live coverage of WWE Money In The Bank. To access our full coverage, click here.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

Out first comes Seth Rollins to a pop. Boos start up before WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns even makes his way out. We get formal ring introductions from Lilian and Reigns gets mostly boos.

Slow to start with some stalling. They trade shoulders and hit a big dropkick. Rollins sends Reigns out and nails a dive through the ropes. Rollins brings it back in and hits a pair of running forearms in the corner. Reigns with a Samoan Drop. More back and forth. Reigns with another close 2 count. Reigns comes off the ropes and drops Rollins. Reigns talks trash and beats Rollins around in the corner.

More back and forth as Reigns gets upset. They end up on the floor and Rollins goes over the announce table. Reigns goes back and takes apart the table but Rollins rolls back in. Reigns continues controlling Rollins and slams him into the apron. Rollins sends Reigns into the steel steps. They come back in and Reigns hits a big Razor's Edge into a powerbomb for a 2 count. Rollins blocks a Superman punch and sends him into the turnbuckle. Rollins ends up dropkicking Reigns to the floor. Rollins runs and dives to the floor, sending Reigns to the barrier. Rollins goes for another crazy dive and hits it. Rollins brings it back in and hits Slingblade for a 2 count. Rollins springboards in but Reigns ducks. Rollins blocks Superman punch. Reigns blocks Pedigree. Reigns hits another Superman but Rollins kicks out at 2. Rollins blocks a spear with a knee. Rollins with a kick from the apron. Rollins springboards in with a knee to the head. Rollins goes to the top and hits a frogsplash for a close 2 count. Rollins goes up and Reigns rocks him. They trade holds and reversals in the corner. Rollins with a corner powebomb and a big kick to the face but Reigns still kicks out at 2. Rollins with several charging forearms in the corner. Rollins goes up but Reigns pushes him to the mat. Rollins climbs back up but Reigns sends him back down. Rollins runs back up for a superplex. He holds it for the Falcon's Arrow for a 2 count. Reigns fights off a Pedigree. Reigns with a huge right hand. Reigns ducks a kick and rolls him up. Reigns with a powerbomb for 2. They finally get up trading shots. Reigns drops Rollins. More brawling. Reigns comes out of a corner powerbomb with a big Superman punch for a 2 count.

Reigns goes for a spear on the floor but Rollins moves and Reigns crashes into the barrier. Officials and a trainer come out to to check on Reigns as he stumbles to his feet. Rollins runs over and brings him in the ring anyway. Rollins goes for a Pedigree but Reigns rams him into the referee. Reigns nails a spear and covers for the win but the referee is slow to get up and Rollins kicks out at 2. Reigns goes for another spear but Rollins catches him in a Pedigree for a close 2 count. Rollins ends up getting the win and the title.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Seth Rollins

- After the match, Rollins celebrates until Dean Ambrose's music hits.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

Ambrose comes from behind and nails Dirty Deeds for the title.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Dean Ambrose

After the bell, Ambrose grabs his title and celebrates with fans. MITB goes off the air with the new champion.

