TNA Impact Wrestling Results: Hardy Vs. Hardy, KO Ladder Match, Gail Kim Kidnapped, More

Welcome to our Live Impact Viewing Party. We will be providing live ongoing coverage of tonight's show, while you all can chime in with your thoughts throughout the show.

The KOs are opening Impact.

Knockouts ladder match for control of the division

Maria Kanellis hid for most of the match. The Decay and Rosemary went after Gail. Maria came out of hiding, went after Velvet Sky with a kendo stick then climbed the ladder to win control.

Winner: Maria Kanellis

Drew is backstage. He's going to call out Lashley. Maris cuts a promo and brags about her new power.

Drew in the ring. He is badly beaten up after Lashley's spears last week. He expresses frustration at TNA management for saying he can't fight. But he wants to go after Lashley. Spud is out now. Then Tyrus. Drew points out he will be medically cleared next week and challenges Tyrus to a title match next week. Spud and Tyrus attack him and his injured ribs with a chair.

Matt cuts a promo. He says tonight he will make Jeff quit. The Decay beat Gail into unconsciousness backstage.

DJZ vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Trevor Lee

Lee retained after Andrew Everett came out and shoved Eddie Edwards off the top rope to help Lee. Helms got involved too and went after Zema Ion. Everett is now aligned with Helms and Lee.

Winner: Trevor Lee

Young and Bram are heading out to the ring. Young says things are going to change.

Young and Bram are out now. Young says he's a massive star. He says he's the king of wrestling. He says he's leaving TNA because the company don't appreciate him enough. He claims to be taking the KOTM belt with him. Bram has had enough of Young's egotism. He wants the KOTM. The two brawl and Young low blows him. Piledriver onto Bram. hen he cuts off his beard after saying he is the only one who can have a beard. The friendship is over.

Jeff Hardy cuts a promo on the "I Quit" while doing his make up.

Mike Bennett and Maria come down to the ring. Bennett brags about beating EC3 last week. EC3 comes out. He makes fun of Bennett's clothes and figure. He points out Bennett only won last week because Carter purposely got himself DQ'd and attacked him with a steel chair. Bennett calls him "a pathetic little boy" and says he thinks it's time he moved on. Carter says he intends to stalk him until Bennett gives him a rematch. He challenges him to a no-DQ match on next week's episode. Bennett accepts.

Gail awakens to find herself tied up by The Decay. She says they are all insane. Well, duh.

Al Snow is in the ring for his match with Shera. He tells the fans they are the ones who are ruining wrestling.

Al Snow vs. Shera
Al Snow won thanks to using a taped weapon behind the referee's back.

Winner: Al Snow

Eli Drake is in a production truck and hypes his new talk show next week. It's called "The Facts of Life." The Decay threaten to "sacrifice" Gail Kim.

The Decay come out with a captive Gail Kim and threaten to snap her neck. Beer Money appear. Abyss says Gail can go free if Beer Money give them a match soon. They accept Decay's challenge and Gail is let go. Next week it will be a no rules, no regulation Valley of the Death match.

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy

Matt got stretchered out after Jeff did an insane Swanton Dive from the middle of the stairway. No one actually said "I quit" though, interestingly. Good match but I question both guys taking so many risks and this stage in their careers. Especially for a throwaway TV match.

Winner: No Contest

