Jake Roberts On Andre The Giant Farting On Him, Being Terrified Of Snakes, Ronnie Garvin's Nipples

Jake "The Snake" Roberts recently joined the IN THE ROOM podcast with Brady Hicks, The Stro (WCW's Maestro), Kathie Fitzpatrick and Derrick McDonald. During the interview, Jake talked working, never winning WWE championship gold, his turnaround with help from DDP and more. You can check out the full podcast by clicking here, they sent us these highlights transcribed by Mike Bessler of The Inquisitr.

His life turning around:

"I've got the world by the tail. And life is so good for me. Even beyond the WWE years ... I've got the movie going on, the movie is going strong. It's helped some people, the comedy thing I'm doing, which is me sitting down, having a blast telling old road stories. Everybody loves it. That's awesome, too because the fans mean so much more to me now that I'm sober and cleaned up."

Andre the Giant:

"[Andre] woke me up to some exciting things. He held me down once and farted on me for about 30 seconds, which was incredible, I might add."

See Also: Jake Roberts Talks To Wrestling Inc. About Surprising Reason His Randy Savage Feud Was Cut Short, Working With Undertaker And Andre The Giant

Working with snakes:

"I was terrified of [snakes], man. It just goes to show me how far I'll go if you pay me enough."

His admiration for "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin:

"I will always hold Ronnie Garvin in the highest [regard], strictly because he was the only guy I ever knew who, before he made his comeback, his nipples had to get hard. I respected that. That's true, by the way. I'd be beating the hell out of him and I'd look down at the mat and he'd be laying there in a pool of blood or whatever and all of the sudden I'd see his nipples start to tweak up. I'm like, 'Oh my God, here he comes!' and he'd get up and just whale the s**t out of me."

