Wrestlers Who Were Able To Body Slam Yokozuna
At the Universal Wrestling Federation TV show on October 3, 1987, Ron Simmons picked up and body slammed Yokozuna to the mat for the first time in history. Although Simmons’ body slam to Yokozuna for the first time was an impressive feat of strength, Yokozuna was much slimmer at this early point of his career.
Ron Simmons
In 1993, everyone from a mix of athletes and wrestlers failed WWF Champion Yokozuna’s “body slam competition” aboard the decommissioned aircraft carrier USS Intrepid until Lex Luger stepped in. Luger lifted and body slammed the 600-pound Yokozuna and earned himself a shot at the WWF title.
Lex Luger
At a 1994 house show, Yokozuna easily lifted the 487-pounder Mabel and slammed him to the mat, but Mabel returned the favor by picking up Yokozuna for a body slam, making it look easy. Although the behemoths would clash again later, this was the only time Mabel body slammed the Hawaiian wrestler.
On October 30th, 1995, Ahmed Johnson was catapulted into instant recognition when he debuted by lifting the nearly 600-pound Yokozuna for a body slam. The move got an immediate reaction from the crowd and the physique of Ahmed Johnson, along with his impressive showing of strength, established him as a legitimate challenge in WWF.
Ahmed Johnson