Who Won Ric Flair's Last Match?
Ric Flair rode off into the sunset with a victory in his final wrestling match Sunday evening in Nashville, Tennessee.
The match ended with the 73-year-old Flair applying his signature figure-four leglock on Jeff Jarrett as referee David Miller counted to three, giving Flair & his son-in-law Andrade El Idolo a win over Jarrett & Jay Lethal. Prior to the finish, Flair's other son-in-law, Conrad Thompson threw a pair of brass knuckles to Andrade, who proceeded to use the foreign object to strike Jarrett.
After the match, confetti fell off the air as Flair celebrated with Andrade, Charlotte Flair and the rest of his family. Several wrestling legends were ringside. Flair also addressed the crowd in an emotional promo, as seen below. Flair would end his speech by saying that he's going to celebrate with Kid Rock. The show went off the air with Flair hoisting his "big gold" NWA World Heavyweight title belt in the air.
Ric Flair speaks to the crowd. #RicFlairsLastMatch pic.twitter.com/X6fG6yHOfD
— TrillerTV (@Triller_TV) August 1, 2022
Ric Flair's final goodbye and an emotional hug with his trainer for this last match, Jay Lethal #RicFlairLastMatch pic.twitter.com/nLea9bxn9R
— Marc Raimondi (@marcraimondi) August 1, 2022
Ric Flair just faked a heart attack right in front of his daughter, Mick Foley and Undertaker LMAOOOOOO #RicFlairsLastMatch pic.twitter.com/1rGXLc1Vxd
— Italo Santana (@BulletClubIta) August 1, 2022
Ric Flair introduction #RicFlairsLastMatch pic.twitter.com/Z2X1vKXrk4
— Joey Karni (@theanglejoey) August 1, 2022
The event featured several other matches such as The Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin), Killer Kross (w/ Scarlett Bordeaux) vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Rock N' Roll Expres vs. Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr. There was also an Impact World Championship Match between champion Josh Alexander and MLW star Jacob Fatu. You can click here for our detailed live coverage of the event.
The Nature Boy had originally retired in 2008 in a classic bout against Shawn Micheals at WrestleMania 24. However, he would return to pro wrestling the very next year in a match against Hulk Hogan at the "Hulkamania Let The Battle Begin" event. Ric Flair continued to wrestle through 2011 until a loss to Sting on the September 11, 2011 episode of IMPACT Wrestling.