WWE WrestleMania 38 Night One: Shinsuke Nakamura And Rick Boogs Vs. The Usos (Tag Titles Match)

SmackDown Tag Team Titles Match: Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The Usos

We go right to the stage and Rick Boogs is out with his guitar. He does the grand introduction and begins performing as partner Shinsuke Nakamura makes his way out. McAfee jumps on top of the announce table and goes wild as Boogs and Nakamura shred down the long ramp. LED boards are lit up on the ringside barrier and the ring apron for The Harder Farmer, a brand of Mike's Harder Lemonade, and the logo matches the ring gear of Boogs and Nakamura. They stop and pose with a man dressed as The Harder Farmer, and Cole says something about how Nakamura and Boogs had a special drink mixed up for them. They hit the ring and Nakamura poses as more pyro goes off. Fans pop big for Boogs and Nakamura. The music hits and out next come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos – Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso. We see recent events that led to this match as The Usos hit the ring and pose with the titles in the air. We get formal ring introductions from Samantha Irvin, who is also making her WrestleMania debut.

The bell rings and Nakamura unloads on Jimmy with kicks to start. Nakamura drops Jimmy in the corner and gives him Good Vibrations. Nakamura positions Jimmy in the corner and hits the running high knee for a quick 1 count. Jey tags in and they double team Nakamura as Jey flies off the top while Jimmy holds him. Jey with a slam. Jey points up in the air in the middle of the ring as fans boo.

Nakamura rocks Jey with a right hand but Jey takes him back down and kicks him. Jimmy tags back in for another double team to Nakamura. Jimmy uses the middle rope on Nakamura as the referee warns him. The referee stops Boogs from coming in, which lets Jey deck Nakamura with a cheap shot. Jimmy works Nakamura over while talking trash. Nakamura gets up and fights back with strikes. Jimmy drops Nakamura with an enziguri for a close 2 count. Jimmy grounds Nakamura with a headlock now. Nakamura reaches for a tag but Jimmy stops him. Nakamura blocks a slam and stuns Jimmy with a kick to the face.

Nakamura is down as Boogs rallies for a tag on the apron. Jey and Boogs tag in at the same time. Boogs unloads and then drops Jimmy as he charges in. Jey turns it around and stuns Boogs but then leaps into a bear-hug in the middle of the ring. Boogs powers Jey up into a vertical suplex, but holds Jey, goes down to one knee, goes back up and finishes the suplex. Jey still kicks out at 2. Boogs puts Jey on his shoulders but here comes Jimmy. Boogs has hem both on his shoulders now but Boogs' knee goes out and they all three fall to the mat. Boogs sells a knee injury now.

Nakamura fights both opponents at ringside now, where Boogs is down. Nakamura goes at it with Jey and hits the big sliding German. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa but he runs into a superkick instead by Jey. Jimmy tags in and goes to the top for the big Uso Splash but Nakamura kicks out just in time. Jey tags in but Nakamura tries to fight them off. Jimmy superkicks Nakamura, then they hit him with the double team 1D for the pin to retain.

Winners: The Usos

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