The Wrld On GCW 2022 (01/23) Results – Moxley/Homicide GCW World Title, Jeff Jarrett In Action
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The Wrld on GCW 2022 card
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Homicide for the GCW World Championship
Jonathan Gresham (c) vs. Blake Christian for the ROH World Championship
Gringo Loco, Flamita & Arez vs. Bandido, ASF & Laredo Kid
Jeff Jarret vs. EFFY
Allie Catch vs. Ruby Soho
Joey Janela vs. Matt Cardona w/ Chelsea Green
The Briscoes (c) vs TBA for the GCW Tag Team Championship
Jordan Oliver vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Alex Colon vs. G-Raver vs. PCO vs Tony Deppen in a Grab The Brass Ring Ladder match
Watch LIVE on PPV or @FiteTV:
Moxley vs Homicide
Joey Janela vs Matt Cardona
Briscoes vs ?
Effy vs Jarrett
Allie vs Ruby
Brass Ring Ladder Match
Lucha Tag
+more!— GameChangerWrestling (@GCWrestling_) January 23, 2022
Kickoff Show
- Big Vin wins the Pabst Blue Ribbon Battle Royal – Thunder Rosa and Lufisto also entered as surprises
- The Grim Reefer def. Shane Mercer vs. Alex Zayne vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Ninja Mack vs. Dante Leon in a Scramble match
Main Show
- An opening video package plays highlighting GCW wrestlers receiving criticism over the years, and how they'd never make it. Today, GCW and those wrestlers are performing on PPV at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
Jordan Oliver vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Alex Colon vs. G-Raver vs. PCO vs Tony Deppen vs. AJ Gray in a Grab The Brass Ring Ladder match
The winner of this match can name a champion to face at any time of their choosing. GCW Extreme Champion, AJ Gray, is a late entrant into the match. Jordan Oliver and Jimmy Lloyd try to work together initially with a ladder, but Tony Deppen takes them both out. Deppen sets a ladder up in the corner. AJ Gray picks him up and Powerbombs him into the ladder. AJ sets up the ladder to climb to reach the brass ring but he's sent out of the ring.
Alex Colon and PCO are now on the ladder and Jordan Oliver heads to the top rope and Dropkicks both men off the ladder in the middle of the ring. Oliver now tries to climb the ladder, but Jimmy Lloyd pulls him off. Oliver then manages to take Lloyd out, before wiping out two wrestlers outside of the ring. Eventually, PCO flys through the middle rope to take all the wrestlers out on the outside. Tony Deppen then hits a double Springboard to wipe out everyone on the outside.
All the competitors are now fighting near the entrance area as AJ Gray dives off the steps of the entrance. PCO then hits AJ Gray with a weapon. PCO heads to the top rope and hits a Moonsault to the wrestlers working their way down to the ring. PCO rolls back into the ring and sets up a ladder in the middle of the ring before AJ Gray pulls him down, but PCO responds with a forearm. G-Raver now tries to stop PCO, but PCO chokes him over the top rope. PCO tries to climb the ladder again but Tony Deppen brings in a large ladder and sets it up next to him. Deppen rakes the eyes and bites PCO who falls.
Deppen hits a big knee strike to Jordan Oliver, as Deppen tries to climb the ladder. Oliver responds by climbing the opposite ladder and they trade blows. Jimmy Lloyd returns. Jordan Oliver then delivers an RKO-like move from the ladder after Springboarding from the middle rope to Tony Deppen. PCO is back in the ring, but he takes down the ladder and then hits a Package Piledriver onto the ladder to Jordan Oliver. PCO is draped across a ladder by Alex Colon, who dives from a ladder onto PCO below. Colon tries to climb the ladder to win but G-Raver stops him in his tracks. He then drapes Colon across two chairs in the middle of the ring and then sticks a ladder on top of him. G-Raver heads to the top of the other ladder and jumps onto Colon below.
Jimmy Lloyd then launches G-Raver outside of the ring onto a ladder with an Awesome Bomb. Back in the ring, AJ Gray is on the top of a ladder and completely misses what move he was trying and it looks like he's hurt his ribs. Colon and Jordan Oliver are now climbing a ladder in the middle of the ring as they trade blows. Oliver falls and Colon is at the top but unable to reach the brass ring. Lloyd returns and stops Colon. John Wayne Murdoch took out Colon at ringside. AJ Gray and Lloyd are on the ladder and AJ knocks him down, as AJ Gray retrieves the brass ring.
Winner: AJ Gray, who will now receive a championship match of his choosing at any time
Gringo Loco, Flamita & Arez vs. Bandido, ASF & Laredo Kid
Flamita and Laredo Kid kick start the match with some fast-paced offense. Bandido is now in the ring and he pays tribute to Eddie Guerrero inside Hammerstein Ballroom. Gringo Loco is now the legal man as ASF uses some unique offense to send Loco out of the ring. Flamita is back in and he heads to the top rope looking to hit a move but he gets down to the disappointment of the fans. Gringo, Flamita, and Arez now all work together, before Flamita and Arez fly out of the ring.
Gringo and ASF are the two men in the ring, as Gringo sends him into the corner. Gringo then hits a dive over the top rope onto Laredo Kid and Bandido who were being held in a double submission. Gringo, Flamita, and Arez then all work together and throw ASF high over the top rope back into the ring. ASF picks up some momentum in the ring before Flamita hits a Tiger Driver, as Arez and Bandido return to the ring.
All six men are now in the ring. Bandido, ASF, Laredo Kid deliver Headscissors all at the same time to send their opponents out of the ring. They then dive out of the ring onto their opponents. Back in the ring, all six men are now working to gain an advantage. Bandido and Flamita are now the two men left inside. They exchange forearms in the center of the ring. Flamita hits a Frogsplash and covers Bandido before Laredo Kid breaks up the pin attempt. Laredo Kid hits a 450 Splash but his pin attempt is broken up.
ASF and Arez are now in the ring as ASF hits a Death Valley Driver and Dropkick and he goes for the pin attempt before that attempt is broken up. It's Gringo Loco's turn but his attempt is broken up by Bandido who makes the save. Loco and Bandido now exchange open-handed chops to the chest. Three wrestlers are set up in each corner in a double-stack as Arez and ASF battle on the top as they come together before ASF hits a Sunset Powerbomb.
Laredo Kid and Arez are battling in the ring before Bandido flies over the top rope onto the wrestlers on the outside. Laredo Kid then has ahold of Arez as they dive out of the ring. In the ring, Gringo Loco spikes ASF with a Piledriver to pick up the win.
Winners: Gringo Loco, Flamita & Arez via pinfall
- Blake Christian heads to the ring and says that Jonathan Gresham is not here tonight, and he wants to show everyone tonight that he is one of the best in the world. Christian says he wants to face the best and wants to face someone who he believes he's had his best GCW matches.
Blake Christian vs. Lio Rush
Initially, both men show off their speed before they eventually pause in the middle of the ring to avoid colliding with each other. They attempt to shake hands before Lio Rush hits Blake, and Blake responds with a kick to the head sending Lio Rush to the outside. Lio sits down on a chair at ringside as Blake waits in the ring. Lio heads back into the ring but immediately outwits Blake before Rush delivers his own kick to the head of Christian which sends him to the outside.
Blake tries to get back in the ring, but Lio knocks him down, before diving out of the ring into the barricade. Blake, however, holds on, and repeats the same move to Lio Rush, as Lio hits the barricade hard. Back in the ring, they trade slaps before Blake plants the knees into the rib cage but Lio Rush kicks out of the pin attempt. Blake now has some control as he goes to work on Rush but he uses his speed to counter, before Blake counters and locks in a Crucifix on the mat. Blake has Lio Rush's number and tries to charge into him the corner but Lio Rush uses his speed again to dodge it, then delivers a Spear.
Lio Rush eventually gains his own control as he plants Blake Christian to the mat. Rush tries to head to the top rope before Blake brings him back down to the canvas. Blake then hits a Springboard to the back of the head. Both men then counter each other in the middle of the ring, before Blake connects with Lio Rush as he hits a Spanish Fly, followed by a SpringBoard 450, but Lio Rush kicks out of the pin. Rush then hits a flurry of moves and hits a Final Hour Frogsplah, but Blake kicks out of his pinfall attempt.
Both men are now on the apron, as Blake is draped over the middle rope. Rush then tries to Suplex Blake onto the concrete below. He then goes for the Powerbomb, but Blake hangs on. Blake then dives over the top rope, and at the same time catches Lio Rush upon landing, before hitting a Tombstone on the concrete. Back in the ring, Blake hits a 450 Double Stomp as he pins Lio Rush for the win.
Winner: Blake Christian via pinfall
- A video package plays showcasing the Joey Janela/Matt Cardona rivalry. There is an "If Cardona Wins, We Riot" sign paying homage to ECW One Night Stand in 2006 at the same venue. "Enter Sandman" plays as the fans expect The Sandman, but Cardona and Chelsea Green come out instead. Cardona also is wearing a "F**k Mick Foley" flannel jacket.
Joey Janela vs. Matt Cardona w/ Chelsea Green
The match begins as Matt Cardona immediately takes down Janela, but Janela kicks out of the quick pin attempt. Cardona hits some fists to Janela before heading out of the ring to bring in a wooden board. Janela eventually picks him up and hits a Death Valley Driver through the wooden board set up in the corner of the ring. Janela now hits a number of chops and some kicks to Cardona. Cardona is now outside of the ring before Janela dives through the middle rope. Cardona responds by wiping out Janela on the floor with his own dive over the top rope. He then kisses Chelsea Green.
Back in the ring, Janela takes Cardona down, as Janela heads out of the ring and finds a steel chair. He strikes Cardona with it in the middle of the ring. Janela then sets the chair up and Cardona is sat in it as he delivers some strikes. Janela then heads to the top rope and tries to dive onto Cardona but his back collides with the steel chair. Cardona picks up the chair and hits the midsection of Janela. Chelsea then steps into the ring and takes the chair from him, before delivering a low blow to Cardona. Janela then heads to the top rope before she knocks him down. Cardona then pulls out a protector in his tights to reveal the low blow didn't affect him.
Cardona then throws the chair into Janela sat in the corner of the ring. Chelsea holds the chair in front of Janela as Cardona uses his boot into the face of Janela. Cardona attempts the pin but Janela kicks out at two. They both end up on the top rope and Janela hits a Superplex to Cardona and both men are now down in the middle of the ring. Janela then hits Cardona with a number of lariats as he gets fired up. Janela picks up Cardona's Internet Championship. Mark Sterling comes out as Cardona's lawyer and says Janela can't use Cardona's belt or else he will be disqualified. Sterling then introduces "Vince" and it is someone dressed as Vince McMahon, but the mask is pulled off to reveal Virgil.
In the ring, Cardona tries a roll-up but Janela kicks out. Sterling runs down to the ring as Cardona attempts to use the Internet Title, but Janela ducks as Cardona hits Sterling who was holding Janela up. On the apron, Janela delivers a Death Valley Driver onto the apron. Swoggle then appears from underneath and sends Janela into the ring post head first. Sam Stackhouse then appears behind Swoggle and sends him into the ring. Swoggle tries to strike Sam in the stomach before he knocks Swoggle down and then hits him with an Avalanche in the corner. Sam then goes to the top rope and attempts a Moonsault but Swoggle moves out of the way before flipping off all the fans. Marko Stunt then heads down to the ring with a steel chair. Stunt then launches the chair to Swoggle's head.
Cardona from behind hits Marko Stunt with an Inverted DDT. Janela then takes out Cardona as he checks on Marko Stunt. Janela then heads under the ring and pulls out a wooden board. Marko Stunt is setting up a wooden board in the ring on some chairs. Marko then sets-up up Swoggle on the board. Janela dives onto Cardona on the outside, as Marko dives on Swoggle in the ring. Chelsea then hits Marko with the Internet Title before hitting a Canadian Destroyer on him. Janela returns to the ring and he tries to deliver a move to her, but Cardona returns and hits him with a steel chair.
Cardona then puts Janela through a chair, but Janela kicks out of the pin attempt. Cardona then pulls another wooden board into the ring, which is actually a wooden door. He sets it up in the corner of the ring. Cardona and Chelsea then send another door into the ring. Janela hits Cardona with a chair in the ring and rearranges the door. Chelsea then enters and uses the Singapore Cane on Janela. Janela then hits Chelsea with a Piledriver. Someone in riot gear spears Janela through one of the doors set up in the corner of the ring (another tribute to ECW One Night Stand 2006). He reveals himself to be Brian Myers. Myers sets up a door between two chairs before he sets up for Cardona to hit his finisher from the top rope.
Winner: Matt Cardona via pinfall
- After the match, GCW fans begin to throw objects into the ring. Sean Waltman, X-Pac, then makes his way to the ring and takes out Myers, and then hits an X-Factor on Matt Cardona. He goes for the Broncobuster but Myers and Cardona escape.
- Mance Warner makes his way to the ring. Mance says he told everyone he would be here no matter what it took. Mance says that GCW has got the best locker room in the business. He says they've got the best commentators and the best workers. Mance then gives thanks to the fans. Atticus then comes out and tears down GCW and everyone involved with the company. Mance said the last time he spoke with his doctor he told him he couldn't wrestle, but it doesn't mean he can't kick someone's ass tonight. They brawl before Atticus takes down Mance. The 440 stable then come out and attacks Mance and also Matthew Justice, who came out to help Mance. The lights then go out in the venue. Sabu with Bill Alfonso then appear and use the chair to take out 440.
Allie Catch vs. Ruby Soho
They both shake hands before the match. They lock in the ring before Allie is arm dragged to the other side of the ring. Soho locks Allie in a wristlock as Allie struggles to escape. She then manages to set Soho into a Piledriver, but Soho backs away. Soho then drives Allie into the turnbuckle and gets a near fall with the pin. Allie then responds using Soho's own maneuver slamming her head into the turnbuckle with the knees, before hitting a Cannonball. Soho kicks out of the pin attempt. Both ladies then trade forearm shots in the middle of the ring, as Allie hits a Release German Suplex. Soho then hits her own Suplex to the back of Allie's neck. Soho builds up some momentum and arm drags Allie from the top rope, eventually hitting her headfirst into the canvas with a Hurricanrana.
Allie goes for the backslide, but Ruby goes for her own pin attempt but Allie kicks out just seconds before the three. Soho heads to the top rope and tries a double stomp but misses. Allie responds with a knee strike and Piledriver but Soho kicks out of the pin attempt. Allie takes Soho to the top rope. Soho responds with some headbutts and wriggles out. Soho then connects with a palm strike. Back up on the top rope, Allie headbutts Soho and then attempts a Piledriver. Soho wriggles out again before nailing her with a No Future kick to the head and Ruby gets the 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Ruby Soho via pinfall
Jeff Jarrett vs. EFFY
Jarrett and EFFY lock up as Jarrett throws EFFY into the corner of the ring. They lock up again as EFFY locks in a wristlock. Jarrett then responds with his own wristlock. Jarrett then pushes him into the rope before knocking EFFY down. Jarrett grinds away with a side headlock, then a shoulder tackle, before EFFY waits on the ground. The referee talks to the referee about his conduct in this match. EFFY then hits a number of blows to Jarrett's midsection. He then has Jarrett locked in a submission on the ropes, but the referee breaks it up.
Jarrett then knocks EFFY down with a Clothesline. Jarrett then stamps on EFFY and sends him crashing out of the ring. Jarrett then heads out of the ring with his belt and proceeds to whack EFFY with it. Jarrett chokes EFFY with the belt before throwing him into the barricade. Jarrett again whips EFFY with the belt. He then hits a GCW personnel with the belt to the face. Back in the ring, Jarrett continues to use the belt. Jarrett chokes EFFY. Jarrett is now relentless with the belt strikes. Jarett then ties EFFY to the top turnbuckle. Jarrett then grabs a steel chair from ringside. EFFY frees himself and now attacks Jeff Jarrett.
Jarrett pulls EFFY down face-first into the turnbuckle, but he recovers to send Jarrett crashing into the canvas. EFFY now grabs the belt and begins to whack Jeff Jarrett with it. Jarrett is now down and EFFY is on the attack. He goes to the second rope but misses with his dive. Jarrett then grabs his guitar at ringside, but EFFY hits Jarrett with a low blow, but Jarrett kicks out of the pin attempt. EFFY picks up the guitar and then takes off his fishnets and chokes Jarrett with them. He picks up the guitar again. Jarrett manages to dodge it, as Jarrett collects the guitar and smashes it over EFFY's head, and then delivers The Stroke finisher for the win.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett via pinfall
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Homicide for the GCW World Championship
Moxley and Homicide shake hands as the fans chant "F**k Bully Ray!" in response to his comments this week about Moxley's absence from the ring. Moxley and Homicide then trade blows as they try to knock each other down, as Homicide mocks Moxley. They then go face-to-face. They then push each other and trade blows. Moxley then knocks Homicide down in the ring, before sending him off the apron. Moxley heads to the top rope and dives onto Homicide on the outside, but Homicide connects with the midsection.
Homicide delivers a number of punches to Moxley whilst he's up against the barricade, and even bites his ear. Back in the ring, Moxley avoids a DDT, before the champion sends Homicide crashing into the ring post. Moxley now has some control as he stamps on Homicide and then tries to break his fingers. He then hits a Piledriver but Homicide kicks out of the pin attempt. Moxley then strikes Homicide with some kicks to the chest. Homicide responds, before diving through the middle rope onto Moxley with some momentum. Homicide then hits The Cutter in the ring and claims a near fall on Moxley.
In the center of the ring, they once again trade strikes to the face. Homicide Suplexes Moxley and it fires Moxley up. They both try to connect with lariats, and Moxley manages to plant his DDT, but Homicide kicks out of the pinfall at two. Moxley then delivers elbows to the side of the head, before locking in the Bulldog Choke. Homicide manages to reach the rope as it appears one of Homicide's teeth has come out. Moxley heads under the ring and throws in a number of steel chairs. Moxley sets chairs up in the corners of the ring, but Homicide avoids Moxley's attempts to send him headfirst into them.
Homicide grabs two steel chairs and sets them up in the middle of the ring. Homicide went for the Cop Killer, but Moxley rolls Homicide up for a pin, but he ultimately kicks out. Moxley then delivers a DDT to the chairs in the middle of the ring, but Homicide gets his shoulder up to kick out of the pin. Moxley is losing his temper now. He picks up a steel chair and sets it up. Moxley is shouting at Homicide. Homicide flips the bird at Moxley. Moxley eventually hits Homicide again with the DDT through the chair and retains his GCW title.
Winner: Still GCW World Champion, Jon Moxley via pinfall
The Briscoes (c) vs Matt Tremont & Nick Gage w/ Dewey Donovan for the GCW Tag Team Championship
Matt Tremont & Nick Gage answer the open challenge. The Briscoes have already set up a door in the corner of the ring. Nick Gage immediately sends one of The Briscoes through the door straight away to get us underway. The Briscoe's then throw a number of weapons in the ring from the outside. Each man has a weapon as all four men are in the ring. Tremont and Jay dual with steel chairs. Gage and Mark Briscoe hit each other with parts of the wooden door in the middle of the ring. Dewey Donovan tries to throw a pizza cutter into the ring, but The Briscoes prevent it as they take control of the match.
Jay flies out of the ring onto Tremont through a wooden door set up on the outside. In the ring, Jay dives into Gage through another wooden door, but Gage kicks out of a pin attempt. Tremont is back in the ring and delivers a devastating chokeslam to Mark Briscoe. The Briscoe's appear to be in control again but Gage goes up to the top rope with Mark who delivers Piledriver through the door followed by a backbreaker to pick up the win. The match seemed to have ended quicker than anticipated.
Winners: New GCW Tag Team Champions, Nick Gage & Matt Tremont via pinfall
- After the match, the GCW locker room comes down to the ring as Nick Gage speaks on the microphone. Gage says talks about his journey in recent times and trying to get everything straight. He says he receives texts all the time from MDK telling him to keep his head up. He says GCW is the best promotion in the world. He asks the fans if they are ready and the GCW roster celebrates the night in the ring.