WWE NXT Results – Roderick Strong Vs. Bron Breakker, Grayson Waller Explains Actions, More

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE NXT Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL.

- Tonight's WWE NXT 2.0 episode opens up with a video package looking at how Grayson Waller destroyed Johnny Gargano during last week's emotional farewell segment at the end of the show. We now see footage from moments ago of Waller arriving to the WWE Performance Center parking lot. He hops out of a SUV and fans waiting in the lot start chanting "you suck!" but Waller eats it up.


- We're live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He's joined by Wade Barrett at ringside. Fans chant "NXT!" as we go right to the ring.

No Holds Barred Match: Cameron Grimes vs. Duke Hudson

We go right to the ring and out comes Cameron Grimes to a pop for tonight's No Holds Barred match. Grimes tosses a trash can full of weapons into the ring as a "to the moon!" chant starts. We get a video package showing what led to this match. Out next comes Duke Hudson, still wearing the bad blonde wig and headgear to keep it on.

Grimes attacks Hudson before he can enter the ring. Grimes kicks from the apron, puts a trash can over Hudson and delivers a punt kick to put him down at ringside. Grimes unloads and decks Hudson with a trash can lid. They bring it into the ring and Hudson turns it around, smacking Grimes with the trash can lid and beating him down in the corner as fans boo. Hudson stomps away as fans chant "you look stupid!" now. Grimes with a moonsault for a 2 count.


Hudson with more offense as he goes back to the floor for a breather. Grimes tries to rip his wig and headgear off from the ring but Hudson drops him over the top rope. Hudson launches himself back in from the apron and launches Grimes with a big German suplex. Grimes is down at ringside now as Hudson follows. Hudson goes under the ring for a steel chair but Grimes blocks it with a kick. Grimes with forearms at ringside. Hudson drops him with a right hand to the jaw as fans boo.

Hudson goes to deliver a Razor's Edge into the barrier but Grimes counters and sends him face-first into the barrier for a pop. Fans chant "NXT!" now as Grimes brings Hudson back into the ring. Grimes leaps off a chair and charges into the corner but Hudson catches him in mid-air and slams him into the chair for a close 2 count. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

Hudson took control during the break and set up a poker table in the ring. Hudson takes Grimes to the top for a superplex through the table as we come back from the break. Grimes resists and headbutts Hudson back to the mat, with no one going through the table. Grimes flies and nails a big crossbody for 2. Hudson comes back and drops Grimes for a 2 count. Grimes goes to the top but Hudson cuts him off and goes for a Razor's Edge but Grimes slides out.


Grimes charges for the Cave-In but Hudson counters in mid-air, then powerbombs Grimes through the poker table. Hudson covers for the pin but Grimes kicks out at 2 after the referee had trouble getting down in position. Hudson goes under the ring and brings a pair of clippers out. Hudson sits in a chair in the middle of the ring and smiles before using the clippers on Grimes, but Grimes kicks him in the face.

Grimes comes back and hits the spiked hurricanrana from behind, which puts Hudson sitting up in the chair. Grimes then delivers the Cave-In into the chair for the pin to win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes

- After the match, Grimes recovers and stands tall as the music hits and fans chant "to the moon!" now. Grimes grabs Hudson's wig and rips it off, exposing his bald head. We go to replays as Hudson rolls to the floor and looks on horrified. Grimes taunts Hudson to end the segment.

- McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Cora Jade, asking about her unfinished business with Dakota Kai. Jade is excited because doctors have finally cleared her to wrestle but... Kai interrupts and goes on about how Raquel Gonzalez is using Jade how she once used Kai, making her do the dirty work while she takes all the glory. Kai laughs and Jade says thanks "mom" but she doesn't need the advice because if she wins tonight she will be on quite the winning streak and one closer to facing Mandy Rose for the NXT Women's Title. Jade walks off. Kai rants like a mad woman, freaking out at being called "mom" and also walks off.


- We see Grayson Waller walking backstage but two women want nothing to do with him. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen going to a country music concert with Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro. The segment ends with Briggs and Jensen watching as Catanzaro and Carter dance together.

- We go back to the ring and out comes Grayson Waller to boos.

Waller hits the ring as fans chant "asshole!" now. Waller says he almost had a tear in his eye last week. He goes on about how Johnny Gargano over-stayed his welcome with the promo last week, going on and on. Fans chant "shut the hell up!" now as Waller brags about getting all the views and going viral last week, and says that's what happens when you bet on yourself. Waller shows us footage he filmed on his phone last week as he beat Gargano down and taunted Vic Joseph, among others. Waller says he's got chills watching it again, he loves it. Waller says he cemented himself as THE NXT Superstar last week, going from jumping off the WarGames cage to ending the career of a NXT Legend, and then he spent his weekend partying with some of the biggest celebrities in the world. But what did you fans do? Nothing but complain online about someone more successful than you.


Waller says he's a nice guy so he's giving people clout back. We see some fan tweets on the big screen, and a tweet from Barrett. Waller taunts Barrett and says this isn't 2010 so he couldn't care less what Barrett thinks of him. Waller taunts Joseph now and says he didn't do a single thing to save his friend last week, it shows what kind of man Vic is. Waller doesn't need friends, family or the fans, the only thing he needs to go to the top of this industry is... Grayson Waller. He drops the mic as the boos get louder. Waller's music hits and he starts dancing around as the heat continues.

- We see how MSK found "The Shaman" last week and it was revealed to be RAW Tag Team Champion Riddle.

- We go to Malcolm Bivens, who sends a message to Bron Breakker ahead of tonight's non-title match with NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong. Bivens speaks while The Diamond Mine trains in the background. Bivens says it doesn't get bigger than Strong vs. Breakker tonight, but Breakker is not the workhorse of NXT, that is Strong, and he can't wait to see Strong put Bron in his place tonight. Strong says tonight The Diamond Mine will divide and conquer. He goes on and says something about taking care of business with no help tonight. Bivens asks Ivy Nile if she's ready to go crack some heads, and she is. They head off while Strong talks strategy with The Creed Brothers. Back to commercial.


- Back from the break and we get a new episode of "Lashing Out" with Lash Legend. She is joined by Jacket Time's Ikemen Jiro and Kushida first. Wendy Choo makes a quick appearance, scurrying across the screen from out of nowhere, carrying a pillow. Lash talks about how Jiro and Kushida are always dressed to impress and we get a quick video for them. She asks what their secret is and they say it's Style Strong. They go on and send a message to The Grizzled Young Veterans over last week's attack. They say like Grayson Waller, GYV has no respect for the ring and Jacket Time is the ultimate team, and while they always have smiles on their faces, they will wipe the floor with GYV's faces tonight. Lash wraps the segment.

Amari Miller vs. Ivy Nile

We go back to the ring and Amari Miller is wrapping her entrance as Ivy Nile looks on. Malcolm Bivens is at ringside. The bell rings and Nile bounces around and applies a headlock, then takes Miller down as fans chant "Ivy's gonna kill you!" now.

Miller counters on the mat and tosses Nile around with a head-scissors. Nile breaks free and gets to her feet. They go to lock up again but Nile goes behind and takes Miller down. They break and get back to their feet again. Ivy takes Miller back down with ease once again. They break again and lock up. Miller goes for the arm but Ivy sends her to the mat with ease as Bivens applauds. Nile rag-dolls Miller in the corner now, then puts her down face-first into the mat. Nile drops an elbow to the back of the head and then uses Miller to do push-ups on as the referee warns her.


Fans chant for Nile as she nails a suplex and a kip-up. Nile scoops Miller but Miller slides out and rolls her for a 2 count. They trade pins on the mat now. Miller charges but Nile decks her in the gut. Nile blocks a back-slide but Miller keeps fighting, sending Nile into the corner. Miller with an axe kick in the corner. Miller with another big kick and more offense.

Miller with a dropkick into the corner. Nile ducks an axe kick and comes right back, dumping Miller on her head. Nile with more power offense and a pin attempt. Nile applies the Dragon Sleeper and pulls back, forcing Miller to submit.

Winner: Ivy Nile

- After the match, Nile stands tall as the music hits and Bivens joins her.

- Xyon Quinn is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell now. She asks about what happened last week with Elektra Lopez and what her intentions were as Santos Escobar defeated Quinn. Quinn says he runs it straight and it's game on now that he knows the rules of the game Elektra is playing. McKenzie is about to send it back to the announcers but Robert Stone interrupts and tells her not to do it this time. Stone says he is sick of the disrespect from McKenzie and everyone else, and moving forward Stone is going to be taken serious. Von Wagner interrupts and says last week was the first body to break, referring to Kyle O'Reilly, and that will continue. Von says he will continue to smash because he can, and if you have a problem with that, you can say it to his face. Fans in the arena boo Von as he walks off. Stone tells McKenzie now she can send it back to the announcers.


- We see Joe Gacy and Harland somewhere backstage. Gacy tells Harland he has waited so long for this, so don't be afraid to be who you are. Gacy walks off and Harland follows. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and RAW Tag Team Champion Riddle is with MSK. They have the bag from last week and Riddle wants to know what's in it. They pull out scissors, glasses, batteries, ear buds. Riddle asks if that's it. He then pulls out a baseball bat, then an orange traffic cone, and the custom United States Title belt John Cena had. Riddle says this stuff is cluttering their lives and they need to clear their minds if they want to regain the NXT Tag Team Titles. MSK asks Riddle how they clear their minds and focus on the titles. Riddle asks for one second and then he pulls his scooter out of the bag. He tells them sometimes you have to just dig deep, bros. Wes Lee pulls a scooter out of the bag, as does Nash Carter. Riddle and MSK ride off on scooters. Vic says Riddle is leading MSK to the promise land.

Harland vs. Guru Raaj

We go back to the ring and out comes Harland with Joe Gacy. Rapper Westside Gunn is shown sitting at ringside, and Vic says he came to NXT just to see Harland's debut. Guru Raaj waits across the ring.


The bell rings and Harland stares Raaj down. They go to lock up and Harland sends him to the mat with ease. Harland slams Raaj's face into the mat a few times, then grinds his head into the mat with his elbow. Gacy looks on from ringside and smiles. Harland man-handles Raaj some more, keeping him on the mat.

Harland picks Raaj up but Raaj unloads with strikes to the gut. Harland unloads with strikes of his own and then delivers a huge back suplex into a powerslam for the pin to get the easy win.

Winner: Harland

- After the match, Harland stands tall as the music hits. Gacy stands on the apron and asks him if he feels better. Harland shakes his head no. Harland goes back to Raaj and continues slamming his face into the mat. Officials rush the ring to stop Harland but only Gacy can stop him. Gacy exits the ring and Harland follows as the music starts back up.

- We see LA Knight arrive in the back larking lot, driving his red sports car. Knight doesn't want to talk about how special Grayson Waller thinks he is. He goes on knocking Waller and calls him an incel. Knight tells the camera man to go find Waller and tell him Knight is here before Knight finds him first. Knight enters the building.


Cora Jade vs. Dakota Kai

We go back to the ring and out comes Cora Jade with her skateboard. NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose appears at ringside, staring Jade down. They have a few words as Rose joins the announcers for commentary, and Jade continues her entrance. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and officials are walking down a set of stairs with Harland, still yelling at him from what happened in the arena. Joe Gacy is also following. Harland grabs WWE Coach Brian Kendrick and launches him down the steps. Kendrick is checked on as Harland and Gacy look on from the top of the stairs as officials try to calm things. We go back to the ring and Dakota Kai is wrapping her entrance as Jade looks on. Rose is at the announce table. The bell rings and Kai levels Jade to start.

They go back and forth and Jade fights back. Jade dropkicks Kai as fans do dueling chants. Jade back-slides Kai for a quick pin attempt. Jade with another pin attempt in the middle of the ring. Jade goes to the top but Kai charges with a running big boot to cut her off. Jade is already clutching her previously hurt shoulder. Kai sends Jade shoulder-first into the ring post and she goes down on the apron. Jade is on the floor as Kai delivers a running kick to the hurt arm. Kai brings it back in for a 2 count.


Kai grounds Jade now and works on the fingers and arm as Jade screams out in pain. Fans try to rally Jade now but Kai drops her for another 2 count. Kai with a right hand to the face. Kai continues working on the arm now as Mandy looks on. Kai grounds Jade and stretches the arm some more as fans chant for Jade. Jade gets back up and starts fighting back. Kai goes right back for the arm, sending Jade into the corner. Kai charges and goes to the top but Jade side-steps and sends Kai out to the floor.

Jade with a clothesline as Kai re-enters, and another. Jade with a running head-scissors takedown, and a high knee in the corner. Jade goes to the top and hits the missile dropkick for a 2 count. Kai comes back with a big backbreaker for a close 2 count. Kai with more offense after dropping Jade in the corner again. Jade kicks out at 2. Jade gets back up but Kai drops her in the middle of the ring with another inverted DDT. Kai shows some frustration after another kick out by Jade.

Kai goes under the ring and brings a shovel into the ring as the referee warns her. The referee grabs the shovel and finally pulls it away from Kai, which allows Jade to roll her up from behind for the pin to win.


Winner: Cora Jade

- After the bell, Jade celebrates as her music hits but Kai comes from the side and levels her. Kai looks to use the shovel on Jade while she's down but Raquel Gonzalez makes the save. Kai retreats and Gonzalez goes after her. Jade sits up in the ring to recover but the music hits and out comes NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne to ringside. Mandy takes advantage of the distraction and attacks Jade from behind, hurting her arm again and laying her out as fans boo. Toxic Attraction stands tall at ringside as the boos continue.

- Grayson Waller is walking backstage when Tiffany Stratton walks past him. She says her daddy thinks Waller is a terrible person. Stratton keeps walking and Waller just laughs it off. Io Shirai approaches Waller first, then yells at him in Japanese for a minute or so. Shirai walks off and Waller says he thinks she likes him.

Tony D'Angelo vs. Andre Chase

We go back to the ring and out comes Tony D'Angelo to a pop. Tony is carrying his WarGames souvenir in a glass case – Pete Dunne's mouthpiece. D'Angelo heads to the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai brawling with weapons in the parking lot as officials try to keep them apart. We go back to the ring and Vic shows us how D'Angelo ripped Dunne's mouthguard from his mouth during WarGames earlier this month. D'Angelo looks on now as Andre Chase makes his way into the ring while Alicia Taylor does the introductions. Chase approaches D'Angelo with what appears to be a


D'Angelo decks Chase and knocks the item away, then goes to work on Chase. D'Angelo takes Chase down and then they go against the ropes. D'Angelo slams Chase into the turnbuckles and beats him around the ring. D'Angelo slams Chase face-first into the turnbuckles a few times, then sends him to the mat. D'Angelo with a powerslam and some trash talking now. We see the Chase Student Section in the crowd, cheering for Chase, but D'Angelo continues to dominate, tossing Chase across the ring from the apron. Chase applies a headlock and mounts some offense now.

The referee warns Chase but he drops D'Angelo with a neckbreaker for a close 2 count. Chase mounts D'Angelo with right hands now as fans boo. Chase keeps stomping on D'Angelo while some fans spell "C-H-A-S-E-U" with each stomp. D'Angelo makes a comeback now but Chase drops him with a Russian leg-sweep for a 2 count. Chase grounds D'Angelo in the middle of the ring now. Fans rally for D'Angelo and do dueling chants now.

D'Angelo sends Chase face-first into the turnbuckles, then delivers a big back drop. D'Angelo unloads with right hands, then delivers a big toss across the ring. D'Angelo with a solid takedown in the middle of the ring, then more trash talking. D'Angelo then delivers the Northern Lights suplex into the twisting neckbreaker finisher for the pin to win.


Winner: Tony D'Angelo

- After the match, D'Angelo stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. D'Angelo takes the mic and goes on about how he's backed upe verything he's said he would do since coming to NXT. He just took out Chase so he's the head of the class now. He said he'd smack Dunne in the mouth at WarGames, and... the music interrupts and out comes Dunne. Dunne says D'Angelo does a lot of talking for a geezer with no track record, so let's see if you hold that same energy when I come to the ring and get in your face. D'Angelo says Dunne has a lot of mouth and a face only a mother could love. Dunne is in the ring now. D'Angelo taunts him over the mouthpiece sitting on the steps in the glass case. Dunne says he's not here to talk, he's here to fight. D'Angelo tells him to take it easy, he has some business to tend to and they can finish this next week. D'Angelo goes to leave but tries for a sneak attack. Dunne blocks it and snaps his fingers back, sending him out of the ring. Dunne stands tall in the ring as fans chant "BruiserWeight!" now. D'Angelo backs away and goes for the glass case on the steps but Dunne gets there first. D'Angelo watches as Dunne stomps on the glass case. Dunne then picks up his mouthguard and puts it back in as his music starts back up. They stare each other down to end the segment.


- Bron Breakker is backstage warming up when Grayson Waller walks in, looking for a safe place apparently. Damon Kemp (Bobby Steveson) and a few others are also sitting around. Breakker tells Waller he's not welcome in this locker room any longer, so he needs to leave. The others agree and Waller says OK, that's fine because real Superstars have their own locker room anyway. Waller tells them to remember that.

Boa vs. Edris Enofe

We go back to the ring and out comes Boa for the next bout. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see trainers checking on coach Brian Kendrick after the attack by Harland earlier. We go back to the ring and Edris Enofe is wrapping up his entrance as Boa watches. We see what happened two weeks ago to lead to this match. The bell rings and Enofe attacks first, unloading with strikes. Enofe with uppercuts and more strikes against the ropes.

Boa levels Enofe with a big kick to the gut. Boa lifts Enofe and slams him to the mat for a 2 count. Boa keeps control and grounds Enofe now. We see Solo Sikoa watching the match from backstage. Enofe fights up and out of Boa's hold but Boa nails knee strikes. Boa with more knees to the gut against the ropes. Boa with a big double underhook suplex for a 2 count.


Boa grounds Enofe once again as some fans try to rally for Enofe. Boa with a forearm over the back. Enofe mounts some offense for a comeback now. Enofe unloads, beating Boa back into the corner but Boa kicks him away. Boa misses a kick and Enofe dropkicks him. Enofe with a Fisherman's suplex for a 2 count.

Enofe goes to the top and flies with a right hand but Boa kicks him in mid-air. Boa then applies his throat grip to bring Enofe to his knees. Boa follows up with a roundhouse kick for the pin to win.

Winner: Boa

- After the match, Boa stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Boa poses at ringside to wrap the segment.

- Raquel Gonzalez is pacing in the locker room and she's furious. She says she looks back on her friendship with Dakota Kai as a positive but she needs to end Kai now. Gonzalez speaks some in Spanish and she's still fired up. Gonzalez says let's finish this like we started – in a Street Fight.

Jacket Time vs. The Grizzled Young Veterans

We go back to the ring and out comes Jacket Time – Kushida and Ikemen Jiro. Kushida and Jiro hit the turnbuckles to pose for the crowd as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Grayson Waller is outside at LA Knight's red Corvette. It looks like a woman is in the passenger seat. Waller brags about how this will be a great view. He drives off and we see Knight laid out on the ground. Officials rush over to check him out as Waller speeds away. We go back to the ring and Jacket Time is facing off with The Grizzled Young Veterans – James Drake and Zack Gibson.


Kushida starts off with Drake. Kushida shows him up, and drake seethes. Gibson calms him down and they go back at it. Kushida unloads with kicks to Drake's legs, and then takes him down. Jiro tags in and comes the top with a right hand as Kushida holds Drake. Kushida tags back in and focuses on Drake's arm while keeping him down. Drake ends up hitting a suicide dive to the floor while Gibson holds Kushida. Gibson brings Kushida back in and works him over. Kushida fights off both opponents from the corner. Drake tags back in and takes over on Kushida, dropping him with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Drake grounds Kushida with a headlock now.

We see The Creed Brothers watching from the entrance-way now. Kushida fights off both opponents again, and tags in Jiro. Jiro flies in off the top with a clothesline to Drake. Jiro unloads on Drake and Gibson. More back and forth between the two teams now. Jacket Time double teams Gibson and Kushida goes for the Hoverboard Lock. Drake attacks from behind, which allows Gibson to drop Kushida on his head for a close 2 count.

Kushida sells a shoulder injury now as fans chant for him. The GYV go for their finisher but Kushida sends them both to the floor. The Creed Brothers rush to attack GYV but they put the brakes on as GYV put their hands up. Jacket Time runs the ring and leaps out, taking GYV down as The Creed Brothers look on. Jiro goes on and hits a top rope move to Drake for the pin to win.


Winners: Jacket Time

- After the match, Jacket Time celebrates as we go to replays. The Creed Brothers watch from the entrance-way as GUV covers at ringside.

- NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong is walking backstage with Malcolm Bivens when they're approached by Trick Williams and NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes. Trick makes a comment about Strong not being The A Champion of NXT. Hayes wishes Strong good luck in the main event, and tells him don't miss. Bivens says they don't believe in luck but it looks like Trick and Hayes might need some. Bivens and Strong walk off. Trick and Hayes see a Dexter Lumis drawing left nearby. The drawing shows Lumis chasing Trick away but Hayes tells him not to worry. Hayes and Trick walk the opposite way and we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Dakota Kai vs. Raquel Gonzalez in a Street Fight is announced for next week. Vic says Cora Jade re-injured her shoulder tonight and her status is day-to-day. He says LA Knight is being transported to a local hospital with multiple undisclosed injuries. Vic also says Brian Kendrick has already been transported to a local hospital and is in rough shape with a possible cervical fracture.


NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong vs. Bron Breakker

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event and out come NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong with Malcolm Bivens of The Diamond Mine. Strong hits the ring and paces as Bron Breakker makes his way out next. Strong and Bron face off before we get the bell.

Fans bark for Breakker as the match starts. Bron over-powers and sends Strong down first. They go to tangle but break and back off, talking trash to each other while Bron smiles. Strong grounds Breakker now. Pete Dunne vs. Tony D'Angelo is set for next week. Trick Williams and NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes appear on the platform above the crowd now, distracting everyone. More back and forth between Strong and Bron now.

Bron with a big slam and a vertical suplex, holding Strong in the air for a minute or so. The crowd barks for Bron again but Strong turns it around on the floor, slamming Bron's knee into the announce table, then slamming him onto the table. Bron lands on the floor. Strong looks up at Hayes and Williams, yelling at them as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Vic says Hayes and Trick have left. Trick will face Dexter Lumis next week. Bron and Strong trade offense in the ring now. Strong with a big backbreaker with double knees for a 2 count. Strong goes for the StrongHold in the middle of the ring and he locks it in. Bron turns it over and powers out, kicking Strong to the floor. Strong comes back in and charges but Bron powerslams him out of the air. They go on and Bron mounts more offense as fans cheer him on.


Bron with a big Frankensteiner. Fans bark for Bron some more. Bron with a belly-to-belly suplex for a 2 count. Bron goes for a powerbomb as fans chant "NXT!" but Strong slides out. Bron with shoulder thrusts in the corner now as fans do dueling chants. Strong with big chops against the ropes. They tangle some more and Strong takes Bron to the top. Strong climbs up and clubs away. Bron resists but Strong nails a big superplex, followed by a double underhook into a jackknife cover for a close 2 count.

Bron kicks out and Bivens can't believe it at ringside, he loses his mind as fans chant "NXT!" again. More back and forth to another "this is awesome!" chant as they trade offense. Bron with a big powerslam in the middle of the ring. Fans bark for Bron as he drops his straps. Bron counters Strong and presses him high in the air for another powerslam in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Bron Breakker

- After the match, Breakker stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays. Bron is celebrating when NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa suddenly appears and drops Breakker face-first into the title belt with Willow's Bell. Fans chant for Ciampa and then "fight forever!" as Ciampa kneels down in Bron's face to talk trash, telling him that he may have won the battle at WarGames, but the NXT Title is the war. Ciampa raises the NXT Title belt in the air as NXT 2.0 goes off the air.

