Jonathan Gresham Says ROH "Did Not Care About Honor" After Final Battle Goes Off The Air

After last night's ROH Final Battle pay-per-view, newly crowned ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham had a lot to say after the show went off the air. He made sure to thank many of the peers that assisted him in reaching the level he is at now.

"Somebody that couldn't make it here tonight once said 'Anything is possible.' That man was Bandido. I wish him a speedy recovery with the one promise that I will keep to him which is keeping the idea alive that anything is possible," Gresham said (h/t POST Wrestling). "I stand before you as proof. A man that's very important to this company's history once said that this championship represents professional wrestling freedom. This pro wrestling freedom gives me the opportunity to become the best wrestler in the world.

"Like I told Bandido, to be the best in the world, you must defeat someone with the style, the style that represents the very essence of this company. For Bandido, that man was me. But for me, that man was Jay Lethal. Jay, thank you for everything that you have done for this company. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Most of all, thank you for being my friend. At one time, this championship meant that you were the best professional wrestler in the world, period. But to be honest, for that to be true again, I must step in the ring with two men. Two men that are very important to this company's history. But in time, those matches will happen, I promise you. But until then, in preparation, I will defend this championship against all who come for it. Only under pure professional wrestling rules will this be defended. As of tonight, this championship has been purified."

Before he finished his speech, Gresham talked a bit about how ROH as a company "did not care about honor" when the global pandemic hit. He promises fans that Ring of Honor won't reform without making certain that they treat the talent properly like he hopes to do with his new promotion, TERMINUS.

"Pure wrestlers, we have won. Ring of Honor is now pure. In closing, I'll tell you a story, a very short story so bear with me. Another man very important to this company's history once said, 'Isn't this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?' He's standing before you here right now and I completely understand what he meant. For so many years, I believed in this company. Blindly. I believed that this company cared. But it wasn't until a global pandemic hit that I realized that they do not. I realized that they were forced to use us for pure technical wrestling.

"I realized that they did not care about honor. So, as long as I am champion, I will not allow this company to get back on its feet and abandon us again. I will not allow it. I will take the heart and soul of this company and the essence of this company and I will take it with me to TERMINUS. In TERMINUS, the pure professional wrestler, the pure style will be valued. We will not be treated like a last resort. We are the essence, we are the lifeblood, we are the future of professional wrestling. I know this because I am The Foundation."

