AEW Saturday Night Dynamite Results: Cody Rhodes Vs. Malakai Black III

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of a Saturday edition of AEW Dynamite, beginning at 8 pm ET from the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL. Let others know about our coverage by giving this page a quick retweet or share on social media.

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- Jim Ross, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone welcome us to Saturday Night Dynamite from Orlando, FL. We start right away the first round of the AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament: Bryan Danielson vs. Dustin Rhodes

Danielson and Dustin shake hands to start out. The two men feeling each other out to start off. Dustin with a shoulder block, Danielson with a hip toss, but Dustin responds with an arm drag. Dustin taking time to collect himself as Danielson looking to break Dustin down slowly going after the ribs. He grapevines Dustin's legs for a deathlock. Danielson transitions into a bow and arrow, but Dustin grabs the ropes to break the hold. Dustin tells Danielson to back off away from the corner.

Danielson cornering Dustin as Danielson has Dustin the ropes and takes a body shot at him and follows up with a series of uppercuts. Dustin with a drop down and an uppercut off the Irish Whip. Danielson forces Dustin outside tries to hits a tope suicida, but Dustin countered it! He goes to the apron and hits a rolling senton! He sends Danielson back to the ring for a quick count. Dustin looking to keep the pressure going. Danielson catches Dustin with a low dropkick.

Danielson taking his time before applying more damage. Danielson fires in a series of kicks and strikes. Dustin fighting out of a back drop suplex. He reverses it into a German Suplex. Dustin slams Danielson into the corner and hits a chop. He takes Danielson into another corner and hits more chops, but Danielson responds with chops of his own. Danielson hits a butterfly suplex for two, and Danielson quickly transitions into a cross armbreaker attempt. Dustin trying to fight out of the hold, but Danielson exposes Dustin's elbow and stomps on it.

Danielson going up top as Tony Nese is shown in the crowd. Dustin meets Danielson up top and hits a huge superplex! Both men are down, but Danielson gets up first. Danielson and Dustin trade strikes. Danielson getting the better of it as he flips over the corner, but Dustin meets him with a powerslam followed up by another powerslam, cover 1-2-no! Dustin pressuring Danielson in the corner. Dustin elevates in the corner and rains down right hands. Danielson blocks a bulldog and hits a dropkick in the corner.

He fires in chops and kicks in the corner. He sets up Dustin up top. Dustin blocks a super hurricanrana setting up Danielson on the ropes. Dustin hits a lariat, cover 1-2-no! Danielson transitioning into a LaBell Lock. He has it locked it, but Dustin fights his way to the ropes. Danielson sizes up Dustin for more kicks to the chest. Dustin keeps his ground and stands up strong. Dustin fighting back as he absorbs Danielson's shots. Dustin with an uppercut, but Danielson counters into a backslide pin 1-2-no!

Danielson hits an enzuigiri sending Dustin down. Danielson grabs Dustin's wrists and rains down stomps on Dustin's face. Danielson looking for a running knee, but Dustin counters into a lariat! Dustin hits a piledriver, cover 1-2-no! Dustin firing himself up. Danielson with a knee strike off a suplex attempt. He hits a series of strikes. Danielson with a flying guillotine. Dustin fading as Danielson has it locked in. Dustin is out, and the ref calls the match.

Winner: Bryan Danielson via submission

- We cut to backstage with a close-up of The Elite's shoes. Kenny Omega addresses Dark Order's tag match next week. Omega sends a message to Hangman Page. He says if people really knew him like he did, people wouldn't be chanting "cowboy sh*t", they'd be chanting "coward sh*t."

- We get a pre-tape with FTR and Tully Blanchard. They saw they're happy with the AAA Tag Titles, but they need the AEW Tag Titles to prove they are the best. Cash Wheeler notes they lost the tag titles at Full Gear last year and have spent the past year beating little kids. Penta El Zero Miedo and Alex Abrahantes send a message to FTR. They will show that they can play dirty too. Dax Harwood says wait until Fear Gear.

- Tony Schiavone is in the ring ready to welcome Sting to give the fans an update on Darby Allin. Before Sting can speak, MJF interrupts. He asks FL to show some class. He says he's not here to start a fight because the last thing he wants to do is to embarrass "The Icon." MJF says Darby is not coming back. The crowd chants, "Shut the f*ck up!" MJF says Sting can do whatever he wants, but he can't fool people who solve their problems with "gun violence and incest."

MJF notes that Sting is never around whenever someone is with him like his old friend Lex Luger. As MJF is saying, "in a wheelchair," Sting throws a lariat at MJF. The Pinnacle run in, and Sting fights them off. Shawn Spears hits a chair shot, but Sting is unfazed! Wardlow comes in with the save as The Pinnacle beat Sting down, and Spears hits a chair shot at Sting's spine. Spears sets up the chair for MJF and fixes his jacket for him.

MJF sits over Sting and says he knows Darby is watching. "Did I break you mentally Darby Allin?" He holds Sting's face and looks at the camera sending a message to Darby. He says no matter how many times people chant his name, "if you come back, this is your future Darby!" MJF ends saying, "Because I am the past, the present and the future of professional wrestling." Sting gets back to his feet, and MJF nails him with a right hand with the Dynamite Diamond Ring.

- Schiavone is backstage with Britt Baker. Baker sends a message to Tay Conti ahead of their Full Gear match. Baker says all Conti has done in AEW is show her ass while she has rised to the top. She promises to beat Conti's ass that she loves to show so much at Full Gear.

TBS World Championship Tournament: Penelope Ford vs. Ruby Soho

The bell rings and Ford goes at Soho right away. Soho fighting back. Ford holds onto Soho's hair to avoid the STO. Ford beats Soho down and sends Soho to the corner. Ford hits a handspring spear but misses a high boot. Soho dead lifts Ford out of the corner and hits an elbow strikes. She hits a kick to the mid-section and then a kick to the head for a two count. Soho rains down shots on Ford as the fighting makes its way to the apron. The Bunny skips her way down the ring as Soho and Ford trade shots. Soho stomps on The Bunny, but Ford sends Soho into the corner post. Soho dropped down as Ford celebrates as we go into a picture-in-picture break.

Picture-in-Picture: Ford sends Soho back in the ring for a two count. Ford applies a headlock, beats Soho down and gets another two count. Ford sends Soho in the middle rope and pressures her with a leg choke with The Bunny mocking her from the outside. Ford hits a dropkick sending Soho flying outside. Ford distracts the ref allowing Bunny to get an extra shot in. Ford lets the ref make his 10-count as Ford poses. Soho avoids the count-out and reverses Ford in the corner sending her head first in the corner turnbuckle.

Back from the PIP break, Soho hits a huge back drop suplex. Both women back up as Soho rains down a flurry of chops. Ford goes for the hair, but Soho catches a knee strike, hits a superkick, round kick and then an enzuigiri for a two count. Soho crashes into the corner. Ford does a Matrix dive, but Soho picks her up. Ford pushes Soho off and hits a cutter, cover 1-2-no!

Ford looking for a half crab, but Soho rolls up Ford for two. Ford sends Soho into the corner, but Soho counters into a back heel trip. Soho going up top. Ford cuts her off and hits a back heel kick. Ford hits a gutbuster, cover 1-2-no! Ford can't believe it as as Bunny tried to slide in the brass knuckles. The referee stopped it, and Ford tries to lift the ref's foot up. Soho takes advantage and rolls up Ford for the win.

Winner: Ruby Soho via pinfall

Post-match: Bunny and Ford surround Soho. Red Velvet comes in for the save, and Bunny and Ford run away.

- MJF and The Pinnacle are backstage. Wardlow asks MJF about MJF running away while he got beat up. MJF assures Wardlow is doing a good job, but he says its too much to hold himself accountable, so he gives Wardlow an "accountabli-buddy", Spears.

Bobby Fish vs. Anthony Greene

Fish starting quickly with an elbow strike and some body shots. Greene fighting back on the apron. He goes up top and hits a crossbody for a one count. Fish going back to the body and hits a leg kick. Fish hits a snapmare and goes on the apron and hits a senton for a two count. Fish continuing the pressure on Greene as she drives him to the corner and targets the left leg with a Dragon Screw followed up by a sliding lariat. Fish with a huge suplex into the ropes followed up by a KO kick for the win.

Winner: Bobby Fish via pinfall

Post-match: Fish is not down and kicks Greene's leg again sweeping him down. Fish rains in left hands and elbow strikes. Fish applies a choke, and CM Punk runs down for the save! Punk tells Fish off, but Fish does not care. Punk checks up on Greene as Fish walks away even as Punk tells Fish to get in the ring. The two stare each other down.

- Schiavone is backstage with Lio Rush and Dante Martin. Schiavone asks for an update on this new tag team. Rush says he has to mentor Dante and show him the way. Rush takes a shot at Matt Sydal, and Dante defends Sydal. Rush says Dante is the best in the world, and he wants to help him show that. Rush says he knows he's better than Matt Sydal, and he's asked Tony Khan for a tag match against The Sydal Brothers next week.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament: Eddie Kingston vs. Lance Archer

Before Archer can be announced, Kingston takes a shot at Archer. Archer fighting back as Kingston misses a drop toehold. Archer even bodyslams a fan onto Kingston! He drags the fan up on the apron with him and chokeslams him onto Kingston! Kingston trying to collect himself as Archer absorbs a chop and drags Kingston back in the ring officially starting the match.

Archer hits a back elbow in the corner followed up by another. Archer hits an open-hand chop on Kingston followed up by another strike. Archer looking for the Blackout. Kingston fights his way out and applies a Dragon Sleeper. He looks to transition into a Stretch Muffler. Archer escapes and hits a lariat from behind as we go to picture-in-picture as Archer hits a baseball slide sending Kingston to the floor.

Picture-in-Picture: Archer keeps up the pressure on Kingston on the outside as they trade chops. Archer sends Kingston back in the ring as he pressures Kingston in the corner. Archer hits a huge right hand. Kington tries a chop, but Archer sends him back in the corner smothering his face. Kingston escapes to another corner as Archer stomps on Kingston.

Back from the PIP break and Archer hits a bodyslam. Archer launches off the corner for a splash for a two count. Archer allows Kingston to get back up, and Kingston tries a strike, but Archer hits one of his own to send Kingston down. Archer raking Kingston's face in the corner. Kingston avoids a corner splash,  but Archer boot stomps Kingston. Archer going up top and lands right on his head on the moonsault as Nese reacts. The ref checks on Archer as he rolls outside. Doc Sampson checks on Archer as well. Archer rolls back in as Kingston is ready to go. Kingston rolls up Archer for the win.

Winner: Eddie Kingston via pinfall

- Back from commercial break and Dan Lambert and Men of the Year are in the ring. Ethan Page says the Inner Circle suck. Page runs down the Inner Circle noting that they've beaten down every member of the Inner Circle. Page says the only celeb Chris Jericho is kissing on is Jorge Masvidal. "We are the future of this company not that PR nightmare Sammy Guevara." Guevara interrupts. "Will you please shut the hell up!" Guevara tells Page to stop complaining because he worked hard and became the TNT Champion.

Guevara says he's where he's at because the only one who cares about what he's done is himself. Guevara asks Lambert what his stipulation is for him. Lambert congratulates Guevara for being good on the mic because he's heard rumors about him sucking on the stick. Lambert says the 10-man tag will happen if Guevara defends the TNT Title at Dynamite in Boston.

If Guevara loses, he will not only lose the TNT Title, but he will have to leave the Inner Circle forever. Guevara accepts under one condition, if he wins, he gets to choose the three members of American Top Team. Men of the Year confront Guevara on the ramp. They throw hands, but the Inner Circle come in for the save forcing them to run away.

- Jon Moxley is backstage. Mox says he's not interested in screaming and yelling about his match against 10. He talks about his daughter and how she grabbed his pinkie and what that felt like. He says he doesn't care about the tournament, the AEW World Championship or the demo. He says all he cares about is coming home to his daughter. "I'll get you before you get me. I'll win this whole damn thing."

- Guevara is back out with his cue cards as he shows them off during PIP. The cards recap what happened with ATT. He says it's now time to run his mouth like ATT did. He sends a message to Page ahead of their match on Dynamite next week. "It'll be the Boston TNT Party."

- Backstage with Dark Order. Hangman joins them. He says he's sorry he didn't connect with them sooner, and he says they were right. He says he knows The Elite will have a costume for Halloween, and he asks if they will make sure they won't get beat. Dark Order assure him they won't.

Brandon Cutler vs. Jungle Boy

The bell rings and Jungle Boy lariats Cutler outside and hits a tope suicida! Cutler gets a boot up in the corner. He looks for a Panama Sunrise, but Jungle Boy counters with a back body drop. Cutler hits a strike, but Jungle Boy is unfazed, hits a flurry of strikes and taps out Cutler with the Snare Trap.

Winner: Jungle boy via submission

Post-match: Jungle Boy given a mic. The crowd shows their love for Jungle Boy. He thanks the crowd and says he got a good warm up in and can go again for another match. "Why don't one of you Elite pieces of sh*t come down here right now!" No one comes down and Jungle Boy applies the Snare Trap again. Jungle Boy holds the mic to Cutler's mouth as he calls for help.

Adam Cole walks out and calls Jungle Boy embarrassing for his actions. He says they can fight right here right now. Jungle Boy knocks Cole from the apron, but The Young Bucks blindside him with stereo superkicks. The SuperKliq drag Jungle Boy to the entrance ramp. The Young Bucks hit a BTE Trigger. They hold Jungle Boy up for a Boom from Cole.

The SuperKliq are about to walk out, but they're not down as Cole tells Jungle Boy he's a nobody, and The Bucks kiss Jungle Boy. The Young Bucks throw Jungle Boy off the stage through a table! Matt wants a replay as Cole mockingly tells Jungle Boy to wake up. "this is our world!" Jungle Boy is attended to by staff as The Elite walk out.

- Miro is in a dark room telling God it is time for the champion return. "How dare you test me? God's forsaken champion will be God's favorite champion again. He says he will be God's choice. There will be blood on his hands and horror in his eyes because of "you."

Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson)

Cody runs to the ramp, and the bell rings as the two men lock up. Black escapes a few attempts at a figure-four. They fight on the ropes as two two men quicken up the pace. They trade strikes. Cody with a flurry of kicks, but Black gets off a combo of strikes. Black catches Cody in a kneebar, but Cody turns into it and steps on Black's face. Cody hits a right hand but meets a back elbow for a one count. Black getting the pressure on Cody. Cody with a back elbow, elevates off the corner and hits a powerslam for a one count.

Cody takes his belt off and throws it into the crowd. Black rakes Cody's eyes to escapes the figure-four. Black goes under the ring and grabs a steel chair. Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson walk down as Black slides the chair into the ring. Black gets back in as Cody has the chair as we go into a PIP break with Black getting the chair back.

PIP: The ref stops Black from using the chair as Brock grabs the chair from behind. Black is caught in a figure-four. Black reaches his way to the ropes breaking the hold. Cody releases the hold. Cody whipped into the corner, but he adjusts. Black kicks him in the head, hits more kicks and then hits a PK for a two count. Black trying to shake off the damage from the figure-four as he goes under the ring to bring out a table. Cody tries to cut him off, but Black hits a punch. Black is setting up the table on the outside. Black and Cody trading shots on the apron. Cody hits a Cross Rhodes through the table!

Back live, Black is bleeding as he pushes Cody into the ring post. Arn is in the ring now. The fans want Arn to bring out a glock. Cody is now busted open. Both men trying to gather themselves as the ref looks to make sure both men are okay. Andrade El Idolo now comes out and finger shoots Arn. His assistant Jose runs in, and Arn hits a spinebuster! Black spits mist into Arn. PAC attacks Andrade from behind, and they run back into the runnel. Back in the ring, Cody fighting in the corner. Black hits a ripcord elbow, springboard moonsault. Cody responds with a Cross Rhodes, cover 1-2-no!

Cody can't believe it as he stomps on Black. Black on the apron as he kicks Cody in the chest through the ropes. Black going up top and hits a double foot stomp. He hits a rising knee then a German Suplex, bridge 1-2-no! Black sizes up Cody and hits a back heel kick, but Cody flies in the ropes. Black unable to drag Cody back in for the cover. Cody sent outside face first to the apron. Black misses a moonsault, and Cody hits a tope suicida! Back in the ring, Cody hits a Cody Cutter and then a Cross Rhodes. He holds onto Black and opts to not hit another Cross Rhodes to hit a Tiger Driver '98 for the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes via pinfall

