Brian Pillman Jr. On Reaction To His Father's Dark Side Of The Ring Episode

The season three premiere of Vice TV's Dark Side of the Ring featured a look at Brian Pillman's life, both in and outside of the ring. Pillman passed away at the age of 35 due to a heart attack.

Multiple family members were interviewed for the episode, including Brian Pillman Jr. After the show aired, Pillman Jr. received an outpouring of support to which he responded to on social media.

"Growing up I felt like I had no family at all," Pillman Jr. wrote. "That was until I decided to venture into the wild world of professional wrestling. To everyone at AEW, MLW, and every Indy promotion in between...Thank you! Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for being my FAMILY!"

The episode drew 272,000 viewers with a 0.09 rating in the 18-49 demo.

Next Thursday's show looks at the career of Nick Gage.

