WWE 205 Live Results (3/12): August Grey Vs. Ariya Daivari, Mansoor & Stallion Team Up
Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of WWE 205 Live! Tonight's action-packed show will take place right after Friday Night SmackDown at 10 PM EST on the WWE Network. Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Below is what's on tonight's agenda:
Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to another edition of 205 Live. We kick things off with some tag team action!
Mansoor & Curt Stallion vs. The Bollywood Boyz
Ever-Rise joins in on commentary during this match. Samir Singh and Mansoor start the matchup with a collar and elbow tie-up. Samir counters with a side headlock. Next is a small cradle for two. Mansoor puts his own side headlock on Samir. Samir counters for a tag to Sunil Singh. Sunil twists up Mansoor's arm and drops him on the mat. Sunil makes a tag out to Samir. Mansoor turns it around with a double dropkick on both Sunil and Samir. Samir clocks Mansoor on the side of the face with a forearm. This allows Samir to tag in Sunil.
Sunil throws Mansoor over towards the corner. Sunil makes another quick tag to Samir. Samir makes his way in briefly with a few shots on Mansoor before bringing Sunil back in. Sunil drops Mansoor on the mat with a tightly gripped side headlock. Both men get up on their feet. Sunil comes leaping off with a Bollywood Drop. The Bollywood Boyz accidentally crash into each other. Mansoor is fighting off The Bollywood Boyz with suplexes and running bulldogs. Mansoor comes flying over the top rope with a neckbreaker. Curt Stallion tags himself in and catches Sunil with a nasty headbutt. Stallion goes for the cover. 1-2-3. Stallion and Mansoor win the match
.@KSAMANNY said he doesn't need @CurtStallion's help tonight...but it sure doesn't look that way! The @BollywoodBoyz are in complete control on #205Live! pic.twitter.com/rcnuMTurCt
— WWE (@WWE) March 13, 2021
Winners: Curt Stallion & Mansoor
Post-Match: Curt Stallion and Mansoor stare each other down.
- This week on NXT, the Cruiserweight Champion Jordan Devlin warned Santos Escobar that he'll be in Florida next week! It all boils down to who will prevail as the real Cruiserweight Champion?
And now, the main event!
August Grey vs. Ariya Daivari
August Grey and Ariya Daivari exchange powerful pushes after the bell rings. Daivari locks in a side headlock. Grey counters with the same move. Grey charges in with a beautiful hurricanrana. Grey keeps the pressure on with a takedown. Daivari pushes Grey towards the corner and drives his shoulder into Grey's ribs. Grey catches Daivari with a boot off the ropes. Grey rolls Daivari through with another side headlock. Daivari scouts Grey's double underhook with a rollup. Grey gets his shoulders up at two.
Daivari rolls out of the ring. He slides back into the ring and catches Grey with a middle rope dropkick. Then, Daivari smashes Grey onto the floor with a neckbreaker from off the apron. A mischief smile comes across his face. Back in the ring, Daivari looks for a Figure Four. Grey counters with a small package rollup. Daivari gets his shoulders up and lands a massive clothesline, sending Grey inside out. Grey fights out of a facelock. Both men slug it out with back and forth exchanges. Grey gets thrown into the corner but gets his boot up as Daivari comes charging towards him. Daivari misses a frog splash. Both men collide in the center of the ring with double clotheslines!
Grey tries to send Daivari away with a jawbreaker/neckbreaker combination. Grey can't keep Daivari down as he kicks out twice! Daivari drops Grey off the top rope with his iconic Iconoclasm and a frog splash for two! Grey pulls Daivari out onto the apron with a DDT, then a dive on the outside! Grey misses a crossbody. Grey goes up and over the top rope with a sunset flip. Daivari counters it with a rollup while his hand is on the rope. Referee Aja Smith catches him and tells him she won't make the count. Grey does the same thing! He sidesteps Daivari in the corner and rolls him up with his feet on the rope. August Grey wins, but not in any honest fashion.
Winner: August Grey
That concludes this week's episode. Thanks for watching!