WWE WrestleMania 36: Charlotte Flair Vs. Rhea Ripley (WWE NXT Women's Title Match)

WWE NXT Women's Title Match: Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley

We go right to the ring and out comes Charlotte Flair for the opener. Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton are on commentary. We get a video package showing what led to this match. NXT Women's Champion Rhea Ripley is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Mike Rome.

The bell rings and they go at it. Flair takes Ripley down first and mocks her. They lock up again and trade holds. Flair drops Ripley by her leg and goes for the Figure Four. Ripley kicks her away and asks if she's kidding. Flair ends up taking Ripley to the corner. Ripley comes right out of the corner and gets in Flair's face. Flair shoves her and unloads with big chops. Flair goes upside down in the corner but Ripley nails a big boot. Ripley with the Riptide in the middle of the ring but Flair kicks out at 2. Flair rolls to the floor for a breather. Ripley declares this is her ring.

Flair resets the count and Ripley goes out after her. Ripley ends up dropping Flair from the apron and working her over on the floor. Flair fights back. They come back in and Ripley dropkicks her. Ripley beats Flair around and talks trash. Ripley with more offense and a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Ripley kicks Flair several times while she's on her knees. Ripley with a body scissors and hair grabbing. Flair resists and tries to fight free. Flair uses the ropes on Ripley and stomps away, focusing on her knee. Flair yells at Ripley and taunts her. Ripley kicks but Flair catches it and drives the knee into the mat some more. Ripley counters and swings at Flair's face. Ripley screams about her knee hurting.

Flair continues to focus on the leg. Ripley kicks free but Flair slams the leg to the mat again. Flair slaps Ripley again and slams her knee against the ring post as the referee warns her. Flair wraps the leg around the ring post once again. Ripley blocks it this time. They go back in and Flair takes the knee out from behind. The referee says he can stop the match but Ripley wants to continue. Flair continues focusing on the knee and yelling at Ripley as the referee warns her. Ripley counters a move and rolls Flair for a 1 count. Flair goes right back to working on Ripley while smiling. Ripley slams Flair face-first to the mat. Ripley is still clutching her knee.

Flair says she never stops or gives up. Ripley fights back to her feet. Flair keeps hitting her with strikes. Ripley does the same but her leg does out to one knee. Flair with a huge chop. Ripley ducks a chop and delivers knee strikes to the face. They trade counters and Ripley connects with two big kicks. Ripley dropkicks Flair and her knee goes out again. Ripley with short-arm clotheslines now. More back and forth now. Flair goes to the top but Ripley rocks her. Ripley gets Flair on her shoulders now, then drops her face-first into the mat for a close 2 count.

Flair rocks Ripley with a big right hand in the corner after more offense between the two. Flair misses a stomp on the leg and Ripley nails another elbow. Ripley goes to the top and hits a missile dropkick for a close 2 count. Ripley shows some frustration now. Ripley runs into another boot. Flair continues working on the leg. Ripley tells the referee to shut up as he checks on her again. Flair keeps going for the legs but Ripley takes her down and stomps away. Ripley finally gets the standing Cloverleaf submission applied. Flair gets free and turns it back around, dropping Ripley.

Flair goes for the Figure Four but Ripley kicks her several times. They trade pin attempts and Flair applies the Boston Crab. It's broken as they trade more holds and pin attempts. Flair stomps away until Ripley jumps up and nails a big boot for a 2 count. They are both down on the mat now, showing frustration. Ripley unloads in the corner now. They trade more big strikes in the corner. Ripley takes Flair to the top and rocks her. Ripley climbs up and pounds on Flair. Ripley tries for the superplex but Flair resists. Flair slams Ripley to the mat from up high. Flair goes for the big moonsault but Ripley gets her boots up for a shot to the face.

Flair gets up and charges with the Spear for a close 2 count. More back and forth. Flair goes for the Figure Four but Ripley rolls her up for 2. Flair goes for it again and this time gets the Figure Four locked in. They trade shots while on the mat. Flair bridges into the Figure Eight but Ripley hangs on. Ripley finally taps out for the finish.

Winner and New NXT Women's Champion: Charlotte Flair

This is from our live coverage of WrestleMania 36 Night Two. Click here to join our full WrestleMania coverage and Viewing Party.

