WWE Confirms Positive COVID-19 Test (Updated)

WWE released a statement to Pro Wrestling Sheet that an on-screen talent in the company, who is not on the roster, tested positive for COVID-19.

"A WWE employee has tested positive for COVID-19. We believe this matter is low risk to WWE talent and staff, as the individual and a roommate became symptomatic in the days following exposure to two people working in acute health care on the evening of March 26, after WWE's TV production on a closed set was already complete. The employee had no contact with anyone from WWE since being exposed to those two individuals, is doing well, and made a complete recovery."

According to Pro Wrestling Sheet, the person went out to dinner after the last batch of television tapings at the end of March which included WrestleMania with friends who work in the healthcare industry. The person began feeling sick and was tested for coronavirus. The person tested positive and has been in quarantine the entire time.

The person was cleared of the virus and is now feeling much better. According to PWInsider, the person did not work Friday's Smackdown taping.

Despite the current pandemic, over the past few weeks WWE has been taping on a closed set at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando.

WWE has been checking the temperature of everyone who enters the building along with changing the ropes, aprons, turnbuckles, and canvas after each match, in addition to a complete sanitizing of the Performance Center as they work. They've also encouraged everyone to wear masks while in the building.

As noted, there is currently a stay-at-home mandate in Florida, but as of yesterday, Vince McMahon reportedly decided to keep RAW, SmackDown, and NXT "as live as possible" rather than taping numerous episodes throughout this week to cover WWE programming until about May 10.

