Matt Jackson Vs. Nick Jackson To Headline Episode #200 (Being The Elite Recap)

Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite #199 – Part 2 (click here for Part 1). Part 3 of episode 199 will be out tomorrow:

* Matt Hardy gives the rules to the Under the Limit Battle Royal. Every 60 seconds a new person enters. Number two, you can enter in groups of two if you're jobbers. Three, the winner of the match gets to main event episode #200 and choose his match.


* At the BTE compound, SCU talks about the upcoming match and they will put everything on the line. Kazarian and Sky say they both drew bad numbers. Daniels is sitting nearby, but didn't deem to be listening as he asks them what numbers they drew. Sky and Kazarian leave. Daniels says he'll tell his number.

* Private Party watching previous BTEs and sees the guys wrestling. Private Party say they're getting the itch to wrestle. The owner of the property their on shows up and it's a friend of theirs. Private Party is suddenly in their ring gear and pull off some moves on the guy. Someone knocks on the fence door and it's a stuffed animal, they treat it like its a fan and say they can't sign anything, but come back another time. The bear then splashes down on the duo, in the background we see someone watching on.


* Britt Baker (with a tissue stuffed in her nose from her match against Hikaru Shida) facetimes with Tony Schiavone. She then brings in Benigo Bodega who says Tony hates entering the arena to Jim Ross' theme song, Baker agrees. Tony eventually gets tired of the conversation and then leaves. Someone then calls Tony to let him know he's been promoted to head barista at Starbucks.

* Luchasaurus has a dream of his mom (a stuffed dinosaur) who tells him to find his tail. An explosion then happens and mother is scary now, and yelling "you'll never find your tail and all your friends are dead!" Taya Valkyrie makes a quick appearance and says, "You have to cut the head off the snake" and swings a knife at the camera, Luchasaurus then wakes up from his nightmare.

* Kenny Omega has a match and needs to use the restroom, but has been waiting for 45 minutes. The person inside says "just a second," but doesn't open the door. They finally do and it's Colt Cabana, he shuts the door and locks it. Omega then heads to another "out of order" bathroom, but Cabana opens that door, and then shuts it. He then throws some toilet paper at a frustrated Omega.

* Under the Limit Battle Royale takes place with it coming down to Nick and Matt Jackson. Nick hits a german suplex on the apron, eliminating Matt. Nick will now main event #200 and he says it'll be one-on-one against Matt Jackson ? they can wrestle anywhere/no DQ ? to show he's one-hundred percent.

