Matt Hardy Invites Chris Jericho To His Compound, Post-AEW Dynamite Show, Cody Talks TNT Tournament
- Above is the post-AEW Dynamite live post game show with Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Taz. You can check out tonight's results here.
- On tonight's Dynamite, Matt Hardy responded to Chris Jericho's comments from last week as the Inner Circle and The Elite continue to trade words. Although a date hasn't been set, the two sides (Kenny Omega, Cody, Matt Jackson, Hangman Page, and Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Santana, and Ortiz) will eventually meet in a Blood and Guts Match. In the clip below, Hardy has invited Jericho to his compound for an "Elite Deletion," which will likely be something similar to his previous Ultimate Deletion Match. Jericho was on tonight's commentary, but didn't acknowledge the invite.
"I have a very special offer for you, accept my invitation, come to the Hardy Compound," Matt said. "Face me in the Elite Deletion!"
TBH could have watched another hour of this #AEWDynamite
— All Elite Wrestling on TNT (@AEWonTNT) April 9, 2020
- As noted, Cody has advanced in the eight-man TNT Championship Tournament by defeating Shawn Spears on tonight's Dynamite. After losing to former AEW World Champion Chris Jericho, Cody can no longer challenge for that title, so the TNT Championship is something incredibly meaningful for Cody to obtain.
"Every one of those guys they want to be TNT Champion," Cody said in the video below. "The difference with me. I need it."