Jimmy Korderas Talks Lack Of Referees In The WWE Hall Of Fame, Who Should Be Inducted

We're in WrestleMania season and that means announcements are being made for this year's WWE Hall of Fame class. So far those announced include the nWo, Batista and The Bella Twins while Davey Boy Smith and JBL are rumored.

Former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas was asked to weigh in on this year's class and rumored inductions when he joined The Wrestling Inc Daily.

"That's another subjective as the Hall of Fame is kinda booked like a wrestling show. You have your main eventer, your co-main event, your mid-card guys and then your opening act. I think it's a good mix and I don't have an issue with anyone rumored to go in," stated Korderas.

"I'm surprised it took this long for JBL to go in. You're talking about someone who went from being a good tag team wrestler ? him and Ron [Simmons] were awesome ? but what he was able to do with that JBL character and turn it into what it became was incredible. I know people have their own personal opinion about him but I thought from an in-ring standpoint, he turned into one of the best heels WWE has seen in a long time."

Korderas said he isn't surprised to hear about Bulldog going in but he thinks Owen Hart should be in too.

"There's circumstances surrounding that out of some people's control, I guess," Korderas said of Owen not yet being inducted. "Unfortunately, is what it is. I'm glad that Davey Boy is going in but he should go in with Tommy [Dynamite Kid] too."

There are Superstars, managers and broadcasters in the WWE Hall of Fame but no referees. Korderas was asked why that is the case.

"I have no idea ? probably because nobody has suggested it," said Korderas. "Maybe if they get a ref to be a backstage producer, somebody will say why not include a referee?"

He was then asked if he had a choose, who would he pick as the first referee to go into the WWE Hall of Fame.

"If I had to pick one, the guy who stood out to me from day one as the best referee is Tommy Young," stated Korderas. "Yes I know he started off as not in the WWE, but if you're talking one of the greatest of all time, he's definitely in the conversation. If you're talking strictly WWE, you've got to look at the Hebners. Earl ? just for going out on a limb and doing what he had to do after the Montreal deal. That's a trooper. Timmy White definitely ? man there's a whole list? Charles [Robinson] is one of the best today."

Korderas' full interview with Wrestling Inc aired as part of a recent episode of our podcast, The Wrestling Inc. Daily. Subscribe to get the latest episodes as soon as it's released Monday – Friday afternoon: by clicking here. The full interview can be heard via the embedded audio player below:

