"AEW Dark" Video And Results (2/18): Young Bucks Vs. QT Marshall & Peter Avalon, Kris Statlander

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of AEW Dark, which airs every Tuesday at 7 PM EST on AEW's YouTube Channel. Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Below is what's on tonight's agenda.

Kris Statlander vs. Diamante

Big Swole vs. Christi Jaynes

Best Friends (with Orange Cassidy) vs. TH2

Young Bucks vs. QT Marshall & Peter Avalon (w/ Leva Bates)

To view last week's recap, click here

Tony Schiavone welcomes fans to another edition of AEW Dark! The first match is announced.

Kris Statlander vs. Diamante

Statlander touches the referee's nose right before the bell rings. Bell rings, Statlander is sensing some bad vibes from Diamante, as she slaps her hand away. Statlander takes Diamante down on her feet. Statlander makes Diamante suffer a double wet-willy. Statlander follows it up with a step-up enziguri. Statlander keeps the pressure by sending Diamante on the outside. After, she leaves the ring and pulls off a military press on Diamante. Back in the ring now, Statlander hoists Diamante up, Diamante counters with a cover, Statlander kicks out. Statlander holds Diamante upright and sends her down with a German suplex, followed by the Big Bang Theory. Diamante is out cold. Statlander goes for the cover, and picks up the win!

Winner: Kris Statlander

Up next, some tag team action!

Best Friends (with Orange Cassidy) vs. TH2

Trent and Jack Evans start the match. Trent with a nice takedown turns it into a front face lock. Evans reverses the hold, Trent escapes. Trent swings hard with a chop on Evans. Trent catches Evans and goes for the Northern Lights suplex. Trent tags in Chuck Taylor. Taylor and Trent land double elbows on Evans. Evans goes to his corner and tags in Angelico. Angelico on the outside slaps Cassidy across the friends. Evans comes off the top and takes out Best Friends. Back in the ring, all four men are in. Evans moonsault presses both Trent and Taylor. Angelico and Trent are now the legal men. Angelico Irish Whips Trent towards his corner, tags in Evans. Evans smashes Trent's face into the top ring post, quick tags Angelico. Trent with a swinging DDT puts Angelico down as he goes over to tag in Taylor. Angelico tags Evans in. Taylor sends TH2 into each other, covers Evans, Evans kicks out at 2. Trent is tagged in. Trent and Taylor with a cutter combination, cover, Evans kicks out again. Evans climbs to the top. Cassidy climbs up onto the apron and lands a few thunderous kicks (wink, wink). Best Friends hug it out in the middle of the ring. Best Friends end the match with a Strong Zero on Evans. Cover, Best Friends win!

Winners: Best Friends

Up next, some more women's action!

Big Swole vs. Christi Jaynes

Swole sends Jaynes into the corner. Jaynes reverses and sends Swole into another corner. Both women break it up. Swole with a side headlock takeover. Jaynes with several vicious elbows hits Swole right in the ribs. Jaynes eats a lariat and then walks into a back elbow. Jaynes fights back with a step-up enziguri. Jaynes kicks Swole right in the back and rolls Swole into a snapmare. Swole with a powerful headbutt, hits Jaynes right near her chin. Swole ends the match with Dirty Dancing. She covers Jaynes and picks up the win!

Winner: Big Swole

And now, the main event!

Young Bucks vs. QT Marshall & Peter Avalon (w/ Leva Bates)

Nick Jackson and Marshall begin the match. Nick locks Marshall's wrist, Marshall reveres. Marshall with an arm drag, both men go back and forth for a bit. Avalon grabs the microphone. He is not too keen on the "flippy" stuff. He wants to be tagged in to show what real wrestling looks like. As he comes in, the Young Bucks double hip toss and dropkick him. Matt Jackson now becomes the legal man. Matt knocks Marshall off the apron. He then brings his focus back to Avalon in the ring. Avalon starts to get scared and hugs Marshall on the apron. Avalon gets himself together and lands a leg lariat on Matt. Bates starts to show Matt a book. Matt knocks it out of her hands. She picks up the book and slaps him with it. Matt off the middle rope dropkicks Marshall. Matt impresses the audience with eight, including double Northern Lights suplexes. Matt just showed Marshall and Avalon where Suplex City is located. Nick is tagged in. He lands a high knee, roundhouse, elbow strike combination on Avalon. Next, Nick locks in a Sharpshooter. Bates pushes the bottom rope forward for Avalon to grab on to. Young Bucks with double action, cover Avalon, and Marshall comes in in time to break the cover. Bucks conclude the match with the Meltzer Driver. The Young Bucks win the match!

Winners: Young Bucks

That concludes this week's episode. Thanks for watching!

