Both ROH World Champion RUSH And Bandido Weren't Cleared For Death Before Dishonor Fallout

Before Ring of Honor's Death Before Dishonor Fallout started, ROH announced that ROH World Champion RUSH wasn't medically cleared to wrestle tonight, though the nature of his injury wasn't specified. Last night he defeated Matt Taven for the ROH World Championship.

Bandido also wasn't medically cleared to wrestle tonight because of a knee injury.

Since they weren't medically cleared for tonight, ROH had to change the card for Death Before Dishonor Fallout. Bandido was supposed to be in a match against Jay Lethal, which PJ Black took his place. The match was the first round of the ROH Final Battle Number One Contender Tournament.

RUSH was scheduled to team with Dragon Lee against Brody King and PCO. The main event was turned into an ROH Six-Man Tag Team Title match with the Briscoes and Dragon Lee vs. Marty Scurll, Brody King, and PCO.

ROH also added another match to the card, Jake Atlas vs. Tyler Bateman.

Below is the update from ROH:

