WWE's "The Big Show Show" Set To Begin Filming For Netflix
WWE veteran Big Show is set to star in a new comedy series for Netflix – The Big Show Show.
Netflix has ordered 10 episodes of the live-action series. The half-hour multi-camera family comedy also stars Allison Munn and kid actresses Reylynn Caster, Juliet Donenfeld, and Lily Brooks O'Briant.
The Big Show Show focuses on the teenage daughter of Big Show, a retired world-famous WWE Superstar, who comes to live with him, his wife and two other daughters. The big man quickly becomes outnumbered and outsmarted, and is no longer the center of attention.
WWE Studios is producing the series, which will begin filming on Friday, August 9. Josh Bycel and Jason Berger are the writers. WWE's Susan Levison and Richard Lowell are executive producing.
The Big Show Show is Netflix's latest project with WWE Studios. Family film The Main Event is currently filming in Vancouver with a number of WWE Superstars.