Jim Ross Has Prediction For Christian's Eventual Induction Into The WWE Hall Of Fame
Recently on The Jim Ross Report, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross weighed in on the 2019 WWE Hall Of Fame. According to Ross, Warrior Award recipient Sue Aitchison was the star of the WWE Hall Of Fame show.
"So [WWE] Hall Of Fame, I thought the star of the Hall Of Fame was Sue Aitchison, I really did," Ross admitted. "Sue Aitchison, man. She's the best. Over 6,000 Make-A-Wish [wishes] granted, executed, planned for, pulled off. It's absolutely amazing, the kind of work she [has] done making kids happy that are dying. Guys like [John] Cena that have done a lot of these things and a lot of other talent, but Sue Aitchison is involved in all of them. So she got the Warrior Award. I'm not really sure of exactly what that means, but she got recognized. Why couldn't it be the Sue Aitchison Award? So congratulations Suzy!"
Ross wondered how the WWE Hall Of Fame will air on Friday night next year when that will be the new time slot for SmackDown on Fox.
"I'm wondering next year, how they're going to do that because Friday night next year is going to be the night that SmackDown airs on Fox, so next year, Friday night will be their time on the Fox network, so you know they're not going to screw that up. It's WrestleMania weekend. You can't! Fox is going to want a big show, a show that's going to be a reason to tune in, not an elongated informercial." Ross added, "that's going to be interesting how they handle that next year."
In Ross's view, the WWE Hall Of Fame did not have a lot of "sizzle" and that the show could be better with a big single's star as the featured inductee.
"The Hall Of Fame, it seemed to me, I don't want to say it was a throwaway because it was not a throwaway. It just seemed to not have as much sizzle this year as it has in previous years." Ross continued, "well, I think those ensemble casts are? like DX certainly should have gone in and I don't have an issue with anybody going in. It's not my call, but the bottom line is that one predominant headliner that stands above the pack did not exist this year, in my opinion."

Additionally, Ross suspected that Christian will be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame as a tag team member with his partner Edge.
"I would think that Edge & Christian would be a Hall Of Fame team, wouldn't you?" Ross asked. "I know [Edge is already in the WWE Hall Of Fame]. I'm wondering if they're going to give Christian the respect of going in as a single when his biggest success in WWE was with his partner. And I don't have a problem with Edge getting two rings. It seems like that's not a bad thing anymore."
Check out the podcast here or via the audio player below. If you use any of the quotes from this article, please credit The Jim Ross Report with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.
Source: The Jim Ross Report