MLW Fusion Recap (3/2): Cage Rematch For The MLW Title, Lucha Brothers In Action, Salina De La Renta

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Rich Boccini and Jim Cornette welcome us to MLW's live taping from Cicero Stadium...this is Intimidation Games.

First out is a tag team grudge match between AAA's Laredo Kid and Taurus against the Lucha Brothers. Commentary reminds us that Pentagon and Fenix lost the MLW tag team titles to the Hart Foundation one month ago.

Lucha Brothers versus Loredo Kid & Taurus

Pentagon and Taurus begin. Action spills to the outside. Wild back and forth action between all four men. Loredo Kid and Taurus double-team Pentagon with multiple running corner attacks. Fenix comes in and saves his brother, nailing Loredo Kid with a huge jumping roundhouse. Double-superkick from Pentagon and Fenix and the Lucha Brothers are in control.

Fenix and Pentagon lock up Loredo Kid and Taurus in a unique double-submission. (Boston Crab and Muta Lock.) Lucha Brothers go for the spike piledriver, but Taurus breaks it up. Fenix and Taurus end up on the outside, which leaves Pentagon and Laredo Kid left in the ring for a showdown. Crowd is soley behind Pentagon. Both men trade strikes targeted at their chest.

We go to our first commercial of the evening.

Back from break Taurus decapitates Pentagon with a running uppercut. Fenix runs in and nails Taurus with a four hit combo that includes a superkick. Taurus charges Fenix near the ropes but Fenix traps him...he uses the ropes to hit a double-stomp!

Laredo Kid comes in and lays into Fenix with stiff knife edge chops. Fenix fires back with chops of his own. Nice sequence in the corner sees Laredo Kid catch Fenix with a springboard cutter! Laredo climbs....Pentagon out of nowhere with an enziguri. He climbs for a superplex but Taurus runs in and powerbombs Pentagon on top of Fenix! Laredo Kid with a 450 onto the Lucha Bros! They both go for the pin...Fenix and Pentagon kick out!

Fenix and Pentagon retake control with a double team on Taurus. Pentagon piledriver/double-stomp...FENIX SUICIDE DIVES ONTO TAURUS AND GOES RIGHT INTO THE CROWD. Pentagon gets the pinfall.

Lucha Brothers win by pinfall

Following the bout, the crowd throws money into the ring, a lucha tradition to indicate they enjoyed the match. Fenix gets on the microphone to thank the Chicago fans.

Commentary hypes up the main event of the evening, which is a steel cage MLW heavyweight championship rematch between Tom Lawlor and Low Ki. It's coming up after the break.

The Hart Foundation channel, aka H2 network, interrupts the feed. Teddy Hart and Brian Pillman Jr. cut promos saying that the Hart Foundation runs MLW. They say that they plan on holding all the gold, especially if they add a six-man championship.

Jim Cornette reveals that the Hart Foundation will be defending the tag team titles Free Bird style.

Preview for MLW's Battle Riot II, taking place in New York City in April.

MJF is backstage with Richard Holliday. He announces himself as the true Middleweight champion, and wonders why he and Holliday weren't granted a tag team championship bout. MJF takes a shot at the Hart Foundation history, comparing them to the tragic endings of the Free Birds and the Von Erichs. He calls himself and Holliday true prodigys.

Kaci Lennox interviews Salina de la Renta. Salina is angry at Kaci because she requested a media blackout so Low Ki can focus. Salina promises that Low Ki will take back what is his.


Back from break and Boccini and Cornette break down the storyline between Lawlor and Low Ki. The cage is set-up, and it's time for the main event.

Low Ki is out first, accompanied as always with Salina de la Renta. The champion Lawlor is out second. Both men receive championship introductions...and this one is underway.

Tom Lawlor versus Low Ki for the MLW Heavyweight championship inside a steel cage

Low Ki nails Lawlor with a running elbow to open things up. He lays into Lawlor with stiff kicks and multiple right hands. Lawlor drops Low Ki onto the top turnbuckle with a back body drop, but Low Ki locks in a front choke to slow the champ down. Lawlor picks Low Ki up and smashes him off the cage. He targets Low Ki's left arm...cranking it back and forth. Back body drop and Low Ki lands on his chest. Lawlor goes for the rear-naked choke but Low Ki uses the cage to break the hold. Salina hands Low Ki her high heel and Low Ki uses it as a weapon!

Now in control, Low Ki unloads a series of kicks onto Lawlor. Lawlor taunts Low Ki to kick him harder, eventually the champ gets back to his feet but Low Ki slows him down by sending him into the steel cage again. Fisherman suplex attempt by Low Ki but Lawlor blocks it, so Low Ki sends him to the mat with a kick to the head. Abdominal stretch from Low Ki, he follows that up with a headbutt before locking in the hold again.

Lawlor starts a comeback. Huge vertical suplex. Lawlor with a series of strikes. He goes for a powerbomb but Low Ki nails him with an elbow that drops him to his back. Double-stomp from Low Ki! He goes for the pinfall...but Lawlor kicks out. For the third time Low Ki goes for the fisherman suplex but Lawlor is just too big. Springboard attack avoided by Lawlor...tilt-a-whirl facebuster from Lawlor. He goes for the rear naked choke but Low Ki shifts his weight, so Lawlor instead applies the ankle-lock...after a few moments Low Ki uses the cage to break the hold. Salina throws Low Ki a roll of quarters to use, but Lawlor gets a hold of it and knocks Low Ki out. He goes to escape through the cage door, but Salina makes sure he can't escape. Lawlor decides to climb but Low Ki comes to. Both men at the top, Low Ki knocks Lawlor off and he gets trapped in the turnbuckle! Low Ki climbs to the top...He considers delivers his signature double-stomp from the top...Lawlor shakes the cage and Low Ki drops on his crotch! Lawlor meets him at the top...they trade strikes...Lawlor wins the exchange. They're both on the outside of the cage, both laying into each other, but neither trying to knock the other man off. After enough strikes...both men fall to the floor...but Lawlor's feet hit he retains.

Tom Lawlor escapes the cage and retains the MLW Heavyweight championship

Following the bout...Simon Gotch and two strangers come out of nowhere and attack Lawlor! They beat Lawlor down and toss him back in the ring where the assault continues. One of climbs to the top...SUPERFLY SPLASH ONTO A PRONE LAWLOR. They drape a Contra flag over Lawlor and taunt the crowd.

That's the show friends.

