Photo: The Undertaker Meeting With "Somebody Important Today"

Earlier today on his Instagram, Undertaker posted a photo with him and his wife, Michelle McCool, standing in front of a private jet. In the caption Undertaker wrote, "Landed late last night...must be meeting with somebody important today! #OnTheRoadAgain."

As noted in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Taker is still not scheduled to work a top match at WrestleMania 35.

It was also mentioned as of last week, Taker is not planning on working the next Saudi Arabia WWE event, which is expected for May. The Observer noted if Taker was going to wrestle, the Saudi show would be the most likely date for him because it's the biggest payday of the year. WrestleMania would be the next most likely date.

Taker is now taking more appearances outside of WWE, where he is charging a reported $25,000 per hour for appearances within the United States.

