Wrestlers React On Social Media To Priscilla Kelly's Shocking Spot During A Match
Earlier this year, Priscilla Kelly was a competitor in the WWE Mae Young Classic where she lost to Deonna Purrazzo in the first round.
Last month, Kelly wrestled at a Suburban Fight event where at one point during the match she took what looked like a used tampon out of her wrestling tights and shoved it into her opponent's mouth.
A fan at the Suburban Fight show caught the moment in the video below.
Priscilla Kelly giving Tuna the TUNA! #SuburbanFightProWrestling #SuburbanFight #PriscillaKelly #Tuna @priscillakelly_ @Suburbanxfight pic.twitter.com/nmyRW8OEXq
? Adam Ramirez (@AdamRivalPro) December 31, 2018
The video has now begun to make the rounds on social media and garnered a wide range of responses from wrestling personalities including WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross, Impact Hall of Famer Gail Kim, Joey Ryan, Hurricane Helms, Tommy Dreamer, and Impact Knockouts Champion Tessa Blanchard.
I'm seeing this post of a women's match that got disgusting and I'm not gonna repost it Bc it's seriously a disgrace. Why??? Whoever thought that was a spot that was gonna get a pop and was worth it..... NO. how about telling a story in the ring with your wrestling instead?
? Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) January 5, 2019
Embarrassing.... https://t.co/vCEEmBT8VH
? Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) January 5, 2019
I would never censor anyone's artistic creativity. To each their own. The telltale sign will be if it connects with an audience. If it finds an audience then can it really be considered wrong? If it doesn't then it'll die. You can't stop change. Trying will only make you bitter. https://t.co/vS55SWUUEq
? Joey Ryan (@JoeyRyanOnline) January 6, 2019
I am actually disgusted with this. https://t.co/8gOU0MykWT
? Tessa Blanchard (@Tess_Blanchard) January 5, 2019
Dear @priscillakelly_
I get it
Its Mr.Socko female cousin
Whatever it takes to entertain
You my dear are HARDCORE
????????? Tommy Dreamer (@THETOMMYDREAMER) January 6, 2019
I wonder if it was a First Blood Match. ????????? https://t.co/gwF8cudxNh
? Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) January 5, 2019
Road Dogg also gave his opinion on the topic, which caused Ryan to question how it's different from WWE showing Mae Young giving birth to a hand on TV.
This stuff is the reason some people despise our industry. It's got nothing to do with "taking life seriously" it's about dignity and a personal pride. She obviously has none!
? Brian G. James (@WWERoadDogg) January 6, 2019
Would you say the same about Mae Young? Or is period blood somehow worse than placenta? Cause they showed that s— on TV. Honest question. https://t.co/njIQPxQ3DU
? Joey Ryan (@JoeyRyanOnline) January 6, 2019

Kelly has since responded to those critical of the spot in the match, "Hey guys. Ya know, it's all fake. 21+ show with a bar. Can't take life so serious all the time."
Hey guys. Ya know, it's all fake.
21+ show with a bar. Can't take life so serious all the time.
Call me what you will... ??
? The Priscilla Kelly (@priscillakelly_) January 5, 2019
A penis is funny and awesome.
A vagina is disgusting and trashy. #Equality?
? The Priscilla Kelly (@priscillakelly_) January 6, 2019
Eddie Chang contributed to this article.