John Cena On Important Advice He Received From The Rock, Advice He Has For WWE Talents Coming Up
John Cena recently spoke with The Sports Daily at this link. Below are highlights from the interview:
Going into this next phase of your career, is there any important advice The Rock gave you?
"The Rock has been genuine enough to tell me to be myself. I think it was great advice. It came right at a time when I needed it. I tried some movies before, and they weren't really successful. The reason I was doing those movies was trying to create a business model. Then I looked back at myself and realized I just like telling stories. He gave me some pretty cool advice at unbelievable timing. He said: 'Hey man, they're going to like you, or hate you, for you. Be yourself. At least that way at the end of the day you'll feel good about your body of work.'"

Any advice to upcoming talent trying to follow in your footsteps?
"I'm going to borrow something from someone who told me something that stuck with me for a long time. "'They're going to like you, or hate you, for you. Be yourself. At least that way at the end of the day you'll feel good about your body of work.'"
Source: Sports Daily