All Elite Wrestling Files For New Trademark, Speculation On CM Punk And AEW Due To Copyright Claim

All Elite Wrestling filed to trademark the "Change The Universe" phrase back on January 17. The name was filed for wrestling and merchandise use.

AEW bosses Cody Rhodes and The Young Bucks have used the "Change The Universe" hashtag for some time now, and Chris Jericho used the phrase at the recent AEW Double Or Nothing launch rally in Jacksonville.

On a related note, there was some speculation on CM Punk being associated with AEW after a RedBubble designer was sent a copyright claim related to CM Punk artwork. The claim came from rights holder Creative Ventures Inc. and the listed subject matter was "All Elite Wrestling, ProWrestling Tees."

Ryan Barkan from Pro Wrestling Tees, which is working closely with AEW, explained the CM Punk speculation on Twitter and noted that he just filed copyright violations for bootleg merchandise of Punk, AEW and others, at the same time, and that is why AEW was mentioned on the Punk copyright claim.

"For the record, I file copyright violations weekly at the same time for hundreds of designs on tons of bootleg sites including new japan designs, bucks, macho man, cm punk, AEW, legion of doom etc.," Barkan wrote. "I'm not sure why this is news. People should stop bootlegging merch, THAT'S NEWS!"

You can see the tweets from PWT below, along with a screenshot of the claim the RedBubble user received:

