Dominik Dijakovic Makes Official WWE NXT TV Debut (Video), Hot Carmella Christmas Photo, Best Of 205
- Dominik Dijakovic made his official WWE NXT TV debut on tonight's show, defeating enhancement talent Aaron Mackey, also known as AC Mack. Above is a clip from tonight's match.
Dijakovic signed with WWE earlier this year and actually debuted on TV back in May, losing to current NXT North American Champion Ricochet as Chris Dijak. Dijakovic also lost a NXT TV match to The Velveteen Dream back in the summer. It looks like he could be up for some sort of push now.

- Next Wednesday's WWE 205 Live episode will have a Best of 205 Live theme.
- It looks like some of the female Superstars recently participated in a WWE photo shoot for Christmas. Carmella tweeted this sneak peek at the shoot:
Mella the Elf, what's your favorite color? ??????
— MELLA I$ MONEY (@CarmellaWWE) December 19, 2018