Being The Elite #131: The Elite Reflect On Their 2018, Cody Rhodes Talks 2019

If you missed it, here is the recap for episode 130.

* Young Bucks are hanging out at home to reflect on their 2018 and how Matt spent $500 to have the Cracker Barrel they used at "All In" shipped to his home.

* Clips are shown of a Christmas party at Matt's house with SCU attending. Scorpio ends up making a toast, talks about how 2018 was the best year of his life and give thanks to SCU and the Young Bucks. He says it wasn't that long ago when he was an extra in an anger management skit with Daniel Bryan and Kane. Matt stands up all seriously-like and walks over to hand him a candy cane, which Scorpio ends up eating.

* Adam Page talks about his 2018 and a few of his favorite Being the Elite segments. In the Christmas tree behind him is his phone with the countdown ticking away.

* Matt got Nick his own Street Fighter 2 arcade game and says they'll be more prepared next time they take on The New Day. We flashback to when Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks took on The New Day at E3.

* Marty Scurll talks about his 2018, his short singing career, and the birth of Trevor and Arthur.

* Cody gives thanks to group, says his personal high was the first time he said "Bullet Club is fine" and defined the rivalry at the time. His low was the "human centipede scene" that was left on the editing room floor for their horror movie on Jericho's Cruise. Rhodes says in 2019 some may think what they are looking to do is a big gamble and stupid, but he says the fans have given him real hope and that's what it takes for a revolution. We then see a clip from the horror movie Cody was talking about.

* Kazarian does a tribute to National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation as he's really mad he didn't get his Christmas bonus this year. Daniels eventually runs in and says he found something for Kazarian. It was his bonus? a one year membership to the ROH HonorClub. Kazarian isn't happy and tells the guys if they wanted to get him a late Christmas gift they should go get his boss and bring him here so Kazarian can cuss him out.

* Kenny Omega wishes the fans Happy Holidays and says the Halloween episode was easily his favorite of the year. He asks for the fans to comment on what they're favorite moments were from the year.

* Young Bucks say they're Christmas party is wrapping up and enjoyed having SCU over. They thank the fans for the best year of their life and are looking forward to New Year's Eve.

