Triple H Thinks WWE Main Roster Talent Going To NXT Could Be A "Game Changer" For Them
NXT is normally a brand in which rising stars perform so one day they make it up to Raw or SmackDown. Triple H hopes that down the line it won't always be the case. The brains behind NXT spoke to the media during a conference call prior to NXT TakeOver: WarGames. Triple H believes that NXT could be a place for main roster talent to start fresh.
"I think you can be at a place where you can see main level talent stay in NXT," Triple H stated. "We are also at the point where you can see some talent that have been on Raw and SmackDown for periods of time, who have had some success or haven't for whatever reason, who aren't being utilized, go back to NXT. A talent who doesn't get a lot of exposure on SmackDown and moves to Raw, it could be a game-changer for them, and all of a sudden they can do something different. I do think it (NXT) is a third brand."

Up until now, main roster stars have only had short runs in NXT or sporadic cameos. Talent like The Revival, Luke Harper, Tye Dillinger and Tyler Breeze have worked NXT live events recently. Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and The Shield did it briefly as well. A few years ago, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd joined the yellow brand briefly, and the latter ended up getting involved in title matches.
Over the past few months, NXT has expanded into the U.K., allowing some talent from the mainland system to go overseas. WWE United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne is currently working both NXT brands. Triple H also sees that as a landing spot for talent, regardless of brand.
"I also think with NXT in the U.K., as we move forward, there is an opportunity to work within the system, work in different levels," Triple H continued. "We're clearly there now."
After getting surgery for a right torn pectoral muscle, Triple H will be at NXT TakeOver: WarGames, which takes place this Saturday, November 17 on the WWE Network.