John Cena Sporting New Tattoo On His Arm (Photo, Videos)
John Cena has new ink on his right arm.
Cena's new tattoo was first revealed in a video posted to his Weibo social media account in China. Cena is still in the country filming the "Project X-traction" movie with Jackie Chan. It's hard to make out what the tattoo says but the word "Ghosts" can be seen at the bottom.
It's possible that the tattoo is just a temporary piece for the movie. Cena has already grown his hair out, dropped weight and tightened up his physique for the movie that comes out in 2019.
As noted earlier this week, Cena is set to return to the ring for WWE at live events in December and January. His TV return is scheduled for the January 7 RAW in Orlando.

You can see the tattoo in these video clips from Cena:
You can never seperate @JohnCena from his Lao Gan Ma!
? JohnCenaCrews? (@JohnCenaCrews) November 9, 2018
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View this post on InstagramA post shared by JohnCenaCrews (@johncenacrews) on
View this post on InstagramA post shared by JohnCenaCrews (@johncenacrews) on
#Johncena's new tattoo #tattoo #celebswithtattoos
? dot tattoo (@dottattoo) November 22, 2018