Being The Elite #126: "Stephanie McMahon" Leaves A Note For Brandi Rhodes, SCU Getting Recruited?

If you missed it, here's the recap for episode 125.

* While walking outside, Scorpio Sky is looking down at his phone and Matt Jackson pulls him back from a passing car. Scorpio says Matt saved his life, he's a life saver. Matt hands him Lifesaver candy, Scorpio eats some.

* Arthur and Trevor were the ones driving the car and they argue about what happened.

* "Stephanie McMahon" shows up at the ROH Women of Honor dressing room and leaves a note and a microphone (with "Eden" written on it) for Brandi on her suitcase. The note reads "You are note a wrestler. Come home! – SML."

* Marty Scurll calls Cody, who is still possessed, and asks about Cody coming to his New Year's Day party. Cody spouts off some random WWE stuff, including Jack Gallagher being from Manchester and Scurll stealing his gimmick. Cody keeps going and Scurll just gets mad, thinking Cody is making a joke out of his party.

* SCU is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Scorpio and Frankie Kazarian are going over what they'll say at the show. Christopher Daniels jumps in with a "terrible towel" and says it's his new favorite thing in his new favorite town. Daniels says why it would be great to live there, including living next to Kurt Angle.

* Backstage at an ROH event in Lowell, Massachusetts, Matt Jackson says they've been on the road for days, but still trying to have fun. They're in the main event and we see a clip of the match.

* Flying montage, Cody is tweaking out in his seat.

* Locker room, Flip Gordon sees Cody Rhodes (still with white eyes) and is freaked out. Cody says he heard Flip Gordon mention the brass rings, much like Vince McMahon talked about them on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's podcast in 2014. Flip Gordon ends up superkicking Cody.

* Young Bucks are at a fan signing in Ontario. Nick says the Luigi thing came up when his family got him a Luigi birthday cake because his son thought he liked green. Matt then got an idea for Nick to be the Luigi of the group and started filming. They laughed about spending $600 so the entire group could be in Super Mario Brothers costumes on the Jericho Cruise.

* Adam Page bumps into Yujiro Takahashi who wants to know if he is supposed to be in The Elite, Page says it's not his call, but the others don't seem to trust Takahashi. Takahashi warns Page not to trust them.

* "Triple H" (with his sledgehammer) shows up in The Elite locker room and gives Brandi a high knee. He beats up some other random people and leaves two gifts for SCU, along with his sledgehammer nearby. Daniels walks in, sees the gifts, and calls for Frankie. They checks the bags and the note says, "Orlando is definitely not the worst town ever. We'll even fly you 'coach.' – H" Both bags also had whistles in them, presumably for them to be new WWE Performance Center trainers.

