Diamond Dallas Page On David Arquette: "He's Just Trying To Get Some Respect From The Fans"
In the video above, Diamond Dallas Page spoke with TMZ Sports about David Arquette's recent run in pro wrestling. DDP said ever since WCW put the World Title on Aquette, he's become the bad guy in the eyes of a lot of fans over the years.
"It was stupid to [put the title on David], but the fans reacted in a way where they were furious," DDP laughed. "David [Arquette] loves professional wrestling and he gets vilified over the last 20 years, it never stops, because they put the World Title on him. I don't want to spoil this for anybody but wrestling, sports entertainment, is 'pre-determined.' The bottom line is it was a storyline. The fans who were really mad there's not one of them – if they were given the opportunity – who wouldn't have done it!"
DDP then explained that Arquette is just looking for some respect from the fans and is putting in the work to obtain it.
"He wanted to at least get some kind of respect back and I said, 'Dude, go pay your dues,'" DDP said. "I gave him some insight of where to go, I said, 'You gotta put the work in. You want to get respect from our fans? You gotta go put the work in.' This isn't going to be his life work. He isn't trying to get to the WWE. He's just trying to get out there, work, have some fun, and get some respect from the fans. And it has been working."
You can check out DDP's full comments in the video above.

As noted, Arquette recently worked at Border City Wrestling's 25th Anniversary show from the St. Clair College Gymnasium in Windsor, Ontario, Canada this past weekend. The match will air on the Impact Wrestling One Night Only pay-per-view that premieres Friday, November 9 on their Global Wrestling Network. You can see some of his match in the video below.
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit TMZ Sports with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.