Cody Says It's "Pretty Possible" That The Bullet Club Shows Up In WWE In January
Cody has reached just about the highest level one can reach when outside of the WWE with his success at ROH and New Japan. Cody was asked by Wrestling Inc. shortly after winning the IWGP United States championship at NJPW Fighting Spirit Unleashed this past Sunday about how he sees a possible WWE return affecting the popularity of wrestling outside of WWE.
"It's kind of a tricky subject because I had a great time in WWE," Cody said. "There were highs and lows but I cut my teeth there. I met my wife there.
"Everyone has different opinions and it's hard to get the opinion of someone when it's, 'Hey what do you wanna do? What is the next thing you wanna do?' There's five of us that's a core unit that plan to stick together and hopefully we can really do that. I don't want to make any judgments as I've had a great time with these guys. I'd like The Elite to continue and I'd like to bring you guys something like an All In sequel."
Cody praised the boldness of wrestlers who take chances and stray outside the norm. He says that attitude is only a good thing for the overall sport of pro wrestling.
"In 2019 there's more wrestlers with no fear than ever before," Cody stated. "I don't fear anything. I don't fear Vince McMahon. I don't fear Triple H. I don't fear Hunter [Johnston] from ROH. I don't fear Gedo from [New Japan]. I do the best job I can do and the guys I link up with do it the exact same way. And I think that's good for wrestling."

Cody added to his collection of titles last week in New Japan by winning the IWGP United States championship. He now possesses three titles: IWGP US Title (New Japan), World Heavyweight Title (NWA) and Six-Man Tag Title (ROH). He was asked if there are any promotions he'd like to win titles in.
"Well my own promotion is still ROH. I know the big what-to-do is, oh, January 1 we are going to show up on WWE... Pretty possible," Cody said referring to the fact that he's a free agent come January 1, 2019.
"But my own promotion is still ROH and I love ROH. The ROH world champion, Jay Lethal, if you recall my very first match [at Final Battle 2016]: Jay Lethal, Hammerstein Ballroom. Just beat the hell out of him. Just embarrassed him. The whole franchise act ? whack, whack, whack, Cross Rhodes 1-2-3. Wouldn't that be something?"